Instalador de macromedia flash para comps AMD Athlon 86_64

Publicado por Marcio Esper 28/07/2004

[ Hits: 5.288 ]

Download flashplayer-installer

Esta é uma modificação do script de instalação original para que ele não faça o teste de CPU dando sequencia a instalação.
Não ha garantia de que ele vai funcionar em seu computador, é apenas um quebra galho por enquanto que a macromedia não lançao uma verção para 86_92


Esconder código-fonte

#Script auterado para instalar o plug-in em arquitetura AMD 86_64
#enquanto o da macromedia nao sai.
# sem garantia de que vai funcionar em seu computador.
#baixe o plug-in no site da macromedia e descompacte-o no lugar de sua preferencia.
#Primeiro tente instalar usando o script original, se nao funcionar
#substitua o script original por este e use normalmente como manda as instruçoes originais.
#ele simplesmente deixa de fazer a verificação da CPU, o q para o outro script.

# Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Macromedia, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Macromedia Flash Player Installer

PRODUCT="Macromedia Flash Player"


# Environment variables
export PATH

# Get the path of this script
cwd=`dirname $0`

# Minimum glibc

# Subroutines

# the os is not supported
exit_os () {
  echo ""
  echo "ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the"
  echo "       $PRODUCT installer."
  echo ""
  exit 1

# the architecture is not supported
exit_cpu () {
  echo ""
  echo "ERROR: Your architecture, \'$1\', is not supported by the"
  echo "       $PRODUCT installer."
  echo ""
  exit 1

# glibc is older than supported
exit_glibc () {
  echo ""
  echo "ERROR: Your glibc library is older than $MIN_GLIBCMAJOR.$MIN_GLIBCMINOR."
  echo "       Please update your glibc library."
  echo ""
  exit 1

# exit installer
exit_error () {
  echo ""
  echo "Exiting the $PRODUCT $VERSION installer."
  echo ""
  exit 1

# check glibc
check_glibc () {
  ICONV=`iconv --version | sed -e '2,$d'`
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "no-iconv"
    ICONVVER=`echo "$ICONV" | awk '{print $4}'`
    GLIBCMAJOR=`echo $ICONVVER | cut -d'.' -f1`
    GLIBCMINOR=`echo $ICONVVER | cut -d'.' -f2`
    if [ \( $GLIBCMAJOR -ge $MIN_GLIBCMAJOR \) -a \( $GLIBCMINOR -ge $MIN_GLIBCMINOR \) ]; then
      echo "valid-glibc"
      echo "invalid-glibc"

# check entered directory
check_browser_dir () {
  # blank?
  if [ -z "$CHECKDIR" ]; then
    echo "blank"
  # is a directory? 
  if [ -d "$CHECKDIR" ]; then
    # is writable?
    if [ -w "$CHECKDIR" ]; then
      # contains plugins and components dirs?
      if [ -d "$CHECKDIR/plugins" -a -d "$CHECKDIR/components" ]; then
        # could be Mozilla or Netscape
        if [ ! -w "$CHECKDIR/plugins" ]; then
          echo "invalid-plugins-not-writable"
          echo "valid"
      elif [ -d "$CHECKDIR/plugins" ]; then
        if [ ! -w "$CHECKDIR/plugins" ]; then
          echo "invalid-plugins-not-writable"
        # is Opera or Netscape Communicator?
        OPERABIN=`find $CHECKDIR -type f -name "opera" -print`
        if [ -f "$OPERABIN" ]; then
          echo "valid-opera"
        elif [ -f "$CHECKDIR/netscape-communicator" ]; then
          echo "valid-communicator"
      echo "invalid-not-writable"
    echo "invalid-not-directory"
  echo "invalid"

# fix dir if necessary
fix_dir () {
  FIRSTCHAR=`expr "$FIXDIR" : '\(.\).*'`
  if [ "$FIRSTCHAR" != '/' ]; then
    echo "$currentdir/$FIXDIR"
    echo "$1"

# warn is a symbolic link
warn_symbolic_link () {
  echo ""
  echo "WARNING: The $PRODUCT binary is a symbolic link."
  echo "         The installer will replace this symbolic link with the actual binary."
  echo ""

# compare versions
compare_versions () {
  MYFPVERSIONSTR=`strings "$1" | grep -e "^Shockwave Flash [.\d+]*" | sed -e "s/Shockwave Flash //g"`
  MYFPVERSION=`echo "$MYFPVERSIONSTR" | awk '{print $1}'`
  MYFPVERSIONMAJ=`echo "$MYFPVERSION" | cut -d'.' -f1`
  MYFPVERSIONMIN=`echo "$MYFPVERSION" | cut -d'.' -f2`
  MYFPVERSIONREV=`echo "$MYFPVERSIONSTR" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/^r//g"`
  # check major version
  if [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMAJ -lt $FPVERSIONMAJ \) ]; then
    echo "version-older"
  elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMAJ -gt $FPVERSIONMAJ \) ]; then
    echo "version-newer"
  elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMAJ -eq $FPVERSIONMAJ \) ]; then
    # check minor version
    if [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMIN -lt $FPVERSIONMIN \) ]; then
      echo "version-older"
    elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMIN -gt $FPVERSIONMIN \) ]; then
      echo "version-newer"
    elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMIN -eq $FPVERSIONMIN \) ]; then
      # check rev version
      if [ \( $MYFPVERSIONREV -lt $FPVERSIONREV \) ]; then
        echo "version-older"
      elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONREV -gt $FPVERSIONREV \) ]; then
        echo "version-newer"
      elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONREV -eq $FPVERSIONREV \) ]; then
        echo "version-same"

# check plugins dir
check_plugins_dir () {
  if [ -d "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR" ]; then
    # does it exist?
    if [ -e "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" ]; then
      # is it a file?
      if [ -f "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" ]; then
        # is it a symbolic link?
        if [ -L "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" ]; then
          warn_symbolic_link "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/"
          VERSIONSTATUS=`compare_versions "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/"`
          case $VERSIONSTATUS in
              echo ""
              echo "WARNING: An older version of the $PRODUCT has been detected in"
              echo "         $CHECKPLUGINSDIR."
              echo "         The installer will overwrite this existing binary."
              echo ""
              echo ""
              echo "WARNING: A newer version of the $PRODUCT has been detected in"
              echo "         $CHECKPLUGINSDIR."
              echo "         The installer will overwrite this existing binary."
              echo ""
              echo ""
              echo "WARNING: The same version of the $PRODUCT has been detected in"
              echo "         $CHECKPLUGINSDIR."
              echo "         The installer will overwrite this existing binary."
              echo ""

# Main Section


# check user
USERID=`id | sed -e 's/).*//; s/^.*(//;'`
if [ "X$USERID" = "Xroot" ]; then

# check OS
os=`uname -s`
if [ "X$os" != "XLinux" ]; then

# check architecture
#TEMPARCH=`uname -m`
#case $TEMPARCH in
 # i[3456]86)
  #  ARCH=i386
   # ;;
   # exit_cpu $TEMPARCH
   # ;;

# check for iconv and version of glibc

# Welcome user
echo ""
echo "Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Macromedia, Inc.  All rights reserved."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed on this machine."
echo ""
if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then
echo "You are running the $PRODUCT installer as the \"root\" user."
echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed system-wide."
echo "You are running the $PRODUCT installer as a non-root user."
echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed in your home directory."
echo ""
echo "Support is available at"
echo ""
echo "To install $PRODUCT $VERSION now, press ENTER."
echo ""
echo "To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C."
echo ""
read cont < /dev/tty

echo ""
echo "NOTE: $PRODUCT requires two font packages"
if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then
echo "      to be installed, gsfonts and gsfonts-x11."
echo "      to be installed, ttfonts and urw-fonts."
echo ""
echo "Press ENTER to continue..."
echo ""
read cont < /dev/tty

echo ""
echo "NOTE: Please exit any browsers you may have running."
echo ""
echo "Press ENTER to continue..."
echo ""
read cont < /dev/tty

# Loop until user is done installing one or more times
while [ $okToRepeat -eq 0 ]; do

# Loop until user is comfortable with their choices
while [ $okToProceed -eq 0 ]; do

  # default variables

  # Get destination directory
  echo ""
  get_browser_dir () {
    echo "Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,"
    printf "or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): "
    read dir

    # fix the entered dir if necessary
    FIXED_DIR=`fix_dir "$dir"`

    # check given dir if valid
    DIRSTATUS=`check_browser_dir "$dir"`

    case $DIRSTATUS in
        echo ""
        echo "WARNING: Please do not enter a blank installation path."
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo "WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path."
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo "WARNING: $dir is not writable."
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo "WARNING: $dir/plugins is not writable."
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo "WARNING: $dir is not a directory."
        echo ""
        check_plugins_dir "$dir/plugins"
        check_plugins_dir "$dir/plugins"
        echo ""
        echo "WARNING: You have entered the installation path to Netscape Communicator."
        echo "         Netscape Communicator is not officially supported."
        echo ""
        check_plugins_dir "$dir/plugins"
        echo ""
        echo "ERROR: The version of the Opera browser is invalid."
        echo ""
        exit 1
  if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then
    HOMEDIR=`(cd ; pwd)`
    # Mozilla user directory
    if [ -d "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla" ]; then
      COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
      if [ ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla" ]; then
        ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1`
      elif [ \( -d "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla/plugins" \) -a \( ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla/plugins" \) ]; then
        ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1`
    # Netscape user directory
    if [ -d "$HOMEDIR/.netscape" ]; then
      COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
      if [ ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.netscape" ]; then
        ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1`
      elif [ \( -d "$HOMEDIR/.netscape/plugins" \) -a \( ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.netscape/plugins" \) ]; then
        ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1`
    # Opera user directory
    if [ -d "$HOMEDIR/.opera" ]; then
      COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
      if [ ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.opera" ]; then
        ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1`
      elif [ \( -d "$HOMEDIR/.opera/plugins" \) -a \( ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.opera/plugins" \) ]; then
        ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1`
    if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPE -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERA -eq 0 \) ]; then
      echo ""
      echo "ERROR: Your home directory does not have a Mozilla, Netscape, or Opera"
      echo "       browser user directory. Run one of these browsers at least once."
      echo ""
      exit 1

  # if local install, ask which dirs to install to if more than one
  if [ $ROOTINSTALL -ne 1 ]; then
    if [ \( $COUNT -gt 1 \) -a \( $STATUSCOUNT -gt 1 \) ]; then
      echo ""
      echo "Please choose which directory to install $PRODUCT $VERSION:"
      echo ""
      if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then
        if [ "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" ]; then
        echo "  [m] Install $PRODUCT $VERSION into Mozilla user"
        echo "      directory: $MOZILLADIR"
        echo "   *  The installer has detected a Mozilla user directory but cannot install"
        echo "      into the following path: $MOZILLADIR"
        echo "      because of the following:"
        if [ $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "      WARNING: $MOZILLADIR is not writable."
        if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "      WARNING: $MOZILLADIR/plugins is not writable."
        echo ""
      if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then
        if [ "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" ]; then
        echo "  [n] Install $PRODUCT $VERSION into Netscape user"
        echo "      directory: $NETSCAPEDIR"
        echo "   *  The installer has detected a Netscape user directory but cannot install"
        echo "      into the following path: $NETSCAPEDIR"
        echo "      because of the following:"
        if [ $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "      WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR is not writable."
        if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "      WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR/plugins is not writable."
        echo ""
      if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then
        if [ "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" ]; then
        echo "  [o] Install $PRODUCT $VERSION into Opera user"
        echo "      directory: $OPERADIR"
        echo "   *  The installer has detected a Opera user directory but cannot install"
        echo "      into the following path: $OPERADIR"
        echo "      because of the following:"
        if [ $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "      WARNING: $OPERADIR is not writable."
        if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "      WARNING: $OPERADIR/plugins is not writable."
        echo ""
      echo "  [a] All"
      echo ""
      # only one browser user directory
      if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then
        if [ "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "invalid" ]; then
          echo "The installer has detected a Mozilla user directory but cannot install"
          echo "into the following path: $MOZILLADIR"
          echo "because of the following:"
          if [ $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then
            echo ""
            echo "WARNING: $MOZILLADIR is not writable."
            echo ""
          if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then
            echo ""
            echo "WARNING: $MOZILLADIR/plugins is not writable."
            echo ""
      if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then
        if [ "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "invalid" ]; then
          echo "The installer has detected a Netscape user directory but cannot install"
          echo "into the following path: $NETSCAPEDIR"
          echo "because of the following:"
          if [ $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then
            echo ""
            echo "WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR is not writable."
            echo ""
          if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then
            echo ""
            echo "WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR/plugins is not writable."
            echo ""
      if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then
        if [ "$OPERASTATUS" = "invalid" ]; then
          echo "The installer has detected a Opera user directory but cannot install"
          echo "into the following path: $OPERADIR"
          echo "because of the following:"
          if [ $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then
            echo ""
            echo "WARNING: $OPERADIR is not writable."
            echo ""
          if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then
            echo ""
            echo "WARNING: $OPERADIR/plugins is not writable."
            echo ""
  select_local_install () {
    printf "Please choose a directory: "
    read inum

    if [ \( \( "$inum" = "m" \) -o \( "$inum" = "M" \) \) -a \( \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" \) \) ]; then
      check_plugins_dir "$MOZILLADIR/plugins"
    elif [ \( \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) -a \( "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" \) \) -a \( \( "$inum" = "n" \) -o \( "$inum" = "N" \) \) ]; then
      check_plugins_dir "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins"
    elif [ \( \( $OPERA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" \) \) -a \( \( "$inum" = "o" \) -o \( "$inum" = "O" \) \) ]; then
      check_plugins_dir "$OPERADIR/plugins"
    elif [ \( "$inum" = "a" \) -o \( "$inum" = "A" \) ]; then
      # do nothing
      if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then
        check_plugins_dir "$MOZILLADIR/plugins"
      if [ \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) -a \( "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then
        check_plugins_dir "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins"
      if [ \( $OPERA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then
        check_plugins_dir "$OPERADIR/plugins"
      echo ""
      echo "ERROR: Please choose a directory from the list."
      echo ""
  if [ $ROOTINSTALL -ne 1 ]; then
    if [ \( $COUNT -gt 1 \) -a \( $STATUSCOUNT -gt 1 \) ]; then
    if [ $COUNT -eq $ERRORCOUNT ]; then

  # Summary
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "----------- Install Action Summary -----------"
  echo ""
  echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed in the following directory:"
  echo ""
  if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "Browser installation directory = $BROWSERDIR"
    if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then
      echo "Mozilla installation directory  = $MOZILLADIR"
    if [ \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) -a \( "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then
      echo "Netscape installation directory = $NETSCAPEDIR"
    if [ \( $OPERA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then
      echo "Opera installation directory    = $OPERADIR"
  echo ""

  # okay to continue?
  get_installagreement () {
    printf 'Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): '
    read yn

    case $yn in
      y | Y)
      n | N)
      q | Q)
        exit 1
        echo ""
        echo "Please enter 'y', 'n', or 'q'."


# Perform installation

# copy plug-in
# system-wide
if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then
  # copy plug-in
  # remove symbolic link before copying
  if [ $SYMBOLIC_LINK -eq 1 ]; then
    rm -f "$BROWSERDIR/plugins/"
  cp -f "$cwd/" "$BROWSERDIR/plugins"
  # copy xpt file
  cp -f "$cwd/flashplayer.xpt" "$BROWSERDIR/plugins"
# local
  if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ \( ! -d "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" \) -a \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      mkdir -p "$MOZILLADIR/plugins"
    if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      cp -f "$cwd/" "$MOZILLADIR/plugins"
      cp -f "$cwd/flashplayer.xpt" "$MOZILLADIR/plugins"
  if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ \( ! -d "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" \) -a \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      mkdir -p "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins"
    if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      cp -f "$cwd/" "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins"
      cp -f "$cwd/flashplayer.xpt" "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins"
  if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ \( ! -d "$OPERADIR/plugins" \) -a \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      mkdir -p "$OPERADIR/plugins"
    if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      cp -f "$cwd/" "$OPERADIR/plugins"

# remove xpti.dat file
if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then
  if [ -f "$BROWSERDIR/components/xpti.dat" ]; then
    rm -f "$BROWSERDIR/components/xpti.dat"
  if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -o \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) ]; then
    # don't know where xpti.dat file is located
    echo ""
    echo "NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the"
    echo "      components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser."
    echo ""

# set permissions
if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then
  chmod 755 "$BROWSERDIR/plugins/"
  chmod 755 "$BROWSERDIR/plugins/flashplayer.xpt"
  if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      chmod 755 "$MOZILLADIR/plugins/"
      chmod 755 "$MOZILLADIR/plugins/flashplayer.xpt"
  if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      chmod 755 "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins/"
      chmod 755 "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins/flashplayer.xpt"
  if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then
      chmod 755 "$OPERADIR/plugins/"

echo ""
echo "Installation complete."
echo ""

# Ask to repeat installation?
ask_to_repeat () {
  echo ""
  printf 'Perform another installation? (y/n): '
  read yn

  case $yn in
    y | Y)
    n | N)
      echo ""
      echo "Please enter 'y' or 'n'."


# Final messages.

if [ ! -z "$MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH" ]; then
  echo ""
  echo "WARNING: You have the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable set."
  echo "         Either unset this environment variable or set the path in this"
  echo "         environment variable to the path you are installing the plug-in."
  echo ""

if [ ! -z "$OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH" ]; then
  echo ""
  echo "WARNING: You have the OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable set."
  echo "         Either unset this environment variable or append the path"
  echo "         you are installing the plug-in to this variable."
  echo ""

echo ""
echo ""
echo "Please log out of this session and log in for the changes to take effect."
echo ""

echo ""
echo "The $PRODUCT installation is complete."
echo ""

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[1] Comentário enviado por ice2642 em 29/07/2004 - 12:11h

CORREÇAO: opa, é 86_64 e não 86_92 :) esse era o fim de um telefone que eu usava muito hehehehe e sempre entra quando vou escrever o 86_64.

AMD 64 bits

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