Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

13. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:24h

Montei esse servidor recentemente, já com squid3 mesmo, mas quando eu coloco squid3 -k reconfigure diz que não conhece o comando.

Segue squid.conf abaixo após comentar a acl como pediu:

root@sphnetserver:/home/adminti# squid3 -k reconfigure
bash: squid3: comando não encontrado

root@sphnetserver:/home/adminti# squid -k reconfigure
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:20:27| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:20:27| ERROR: Error Directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/pt-br: (2) No such file or directory
FATAL: Error Directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/pt-br: (2) No such file or directory
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.3): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.016 seconds = 0.008 user + 0.008 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 18096 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0


14. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Néscio Ignorante

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:36h

#acl manager proto cache_object
#http_access allow manager localhost
#http_access deny manager

# squid3 -k reconfigure

15. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:41h


root@sphnetserver:/home/adminti# squid3 -k reconfigure
bash: squid3: comando não encontrado

root@sphnetserver:/home/adminti# squid -k reconfigure
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '' is a subnetwork of (A) ''
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: (B) '::1' is a subnetwork of (A) '::1'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: because of this '::1' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/11/17 19:38:39| WARNING: You should probably remove '::1' from the ACL named 'to_localhost'
2013/11/17 19:38:39| ERROR: Error Directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/pt-br: (2) No such file or directory
FATAL: Error Directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/pt-br: (2) No such file or directory
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.3): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.016 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.016 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 18080 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

16. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Néscio Ignorante

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:46h

Voce usa Debian 7?
Instalou o squid3 via APT?

Esta acabando minhas fichas amigo, vamos ver se resolvemos.


17. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:50h

Isso Debian 7, mas o squid instalei com wget, estou pensando mesmo em remover esse squid e tentar novamente, mas com outra versão.

18. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Néscio Ignorante

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:53h

Isso desinstale e instale com o apt-get o squid3.

E use as configuracoes que lhe passei no principio. tem que funcionar.


19. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 19:54h

Legal, vou ver o que consigo aqui, assim que tiver algo novo retorno. Mas por hora obrigado pela atenção.


20. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 20:10h

Removi o squid e re-instalei como sugerido pelo apt-get, e ja de cara subiu o squid \o/
Porém não consegui navegar na web, pinga normal os sites mas aparece o seguinte erro:


The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: /

Invalid URL

Some aspect of the requested URL is incorrect.

Some possible problems are:

Missing or incorrect access protocol (should be http:// or similar)

Missing hostname

Illegal double-escape in the URL-Path

Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Generated Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:04:16 GMT by localhost (squid/3.1.20)

21. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Néscio Ignorante

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 20:15h

Me conte como esta seu servidor ou PC, quantas placas de rede tem, qual a faixa de ip que tu usas. como esta sua rede

22. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 20:35h

São 2 placas de rede, a princípio o dhcp esta funcionando normalmente pois as máquinas estão recebendo os ips. A eth0 esta recebendo ip por dhcp direto de um roteador e a eth1 que é o servidor dhcp esta configurado da seguinte forma:


# Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd for Debian

ddns-update-style none;
log-facility local7;
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers,,;
# option domain-name "sphnetserver";
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

E o compartilhamento é feito por iptables, segue abaixo:

modprobe iptable_nat
iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -X
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 3128
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

# Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd for Debian

23. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Néscio Ignorante

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 20:40h

Você colocou no final arquivo /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server


não esqueça de mudar no squid.conf também acl redelocal src para sua faixa de ip

24. Re: Erro iniciar Squid 3 (Debian 7) [RESOLVIDO]

Victor Fonseca

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/11/2013 - 20:49h

No isc esta correto, havia me esquecido do squid. Fiz a alteração mas o erro ainda persistiu.


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