Python, GKT e
Publicado por Renan (última atualização em 05/04/2010)
[ Hits: 7.107 ]
O site de wallpapers de anime Konachan ( ) organiza seus arquivos da seguinte forma: - {id} {tags}.{ext}
Um problema desse método é que qualquer usuário pode alterar as tags (sujeito a moderação) e consequentemente alterar o nome do arquivo.
Então se eu baixar um arquivo e posteriormente alguém alterar uma das tags, o arquivo no servidor terá um nome diferente (e mais preciso em relação ao conteúdo do wallpaper).
Para remediar essa situação, criei um script em Python que se conecta a API Danbooru usada pelo site Konachan ( ) e faz uma serie de verificações para atualizar meus arquivos e me informar caso algum tenha sido removido.
Posteriormente adicionei suporte ao site (2 linhas de código e umas adaptações). Adicionei também uma barra de progresso usando minha correção do main loop gtk para tarefas longas.
Comentei o arquivo em inglês.
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2010 <Renan Vedovato Traba> <> #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it #under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published #by the Free Software Foundation. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but #WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of #MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR #PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #with this program. If not, see <>. import os, re, json, urllib, urllib2, gtk def process_loading(): """Emulate a gtk main loop""" while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(False) def load_web_file(url): """Download file """ while True: try: return urllib2.urlopen(url).read() except: pass return None """Directory to search""" directory = "/home/hellupline/Wallpapers/Exclusive" directory = "/home/hellupline/Wallpapers" search = "moe " base_url = "" search = " - " base_url = "" """Logs lists""" file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.startswith(search)] id_list = [] valid_id_list = [] not_valid_id_list = [] url_list = [] up_to_date_file_list = [] up_to_date_id_list = [] up_to_date_url_list = [] not_up_to_date_file_list = [] not_up_to_date_id_list = [] not_up_to_date_url_list = [] to_remove_list = [] repeted_id_list = [] repeted_file_list = [] """This list contain all ids(some of then can be repeted)""" id_list = [re.escape(search) + '(?P<id>[0-9]+)', f).group("id") for f in file_list] total = len(set(id_list)) """This wil create a gtk window with a progress bar""" pbar = gtk.ProgressBar() window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) window.add(pbar) window.resize(260, 60) window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS) window.set_decorated(False) window.show_all() process_loading() for i, id in enumerate(set(id_list)): url = base_url + str(id) #API url web_file = load_web_file(url) #the json from the API """Calculate porcentage""" fraction = float(i+1)/total pbar.set_fraction(fraction) pbar.set_text(str(i) + " - " + str(total) + " - " + str(int(100 * fraction)) + "%") process_loading() """This will try to get a link(the file url), if any""" try: link = json.loads(web_file)[0]["file_url"] except: link = "" if link: link = urllib.unquote(link) valid_id_list.append(id) url_list.append(link) if os.path.basename(link) in file_list: up_to_date_file_list.append(os.path.basename(link)) #filenames with the names up-to-date with the server up_to_date_id_list.append(id) #ids of files with the names up-to-date with the server up_to_date_url_list.append(link) #urls of files with the names up-to-date with the server else: not_up_to_date_file_list.append(os.path.basename(link)) #filenames with the names not-up-to-date with the server not_up_to_date_id_list.append(id) #ids of files with the names not-up-to-date with the server not_up_to_date_url_list.append(link) #urls of files with the names not-up-to-date with the server else: not_valid_id_list.append(id) #ids from files that are deleted from server window.destroy() """List with the files that will be removed to be replaced be the new ones""" to_remove_list = [filename for filename in file_list for item in not_up_to_date_id_list if filename.startswith(search + str(item))] """List of repeted ids and files (2 or more files with same id(to danbooru based boards this means same file))""" repeted_id_list = set([ item for item in id_list if id_list.count(item) > 1 ]) repeted_file_list = [filename for filename in file_list for item in repeted_id_list if filename.startswith(search + str(item))] write_list = [ #["file_list", file_list], #["id_list", set(id_list)], #["valid_id_list", valid_id_list], #["not_valid_id_list", not_valid_id_list], #["url_list", url_list], #["up_to_date_file_list", up_to_date_file_list], #["up_to_date_id_list", up_to_date_id_list], #["up_to_date_url_list", up_to_date_url_list], #["not_up_to_date_file_list", not_up_to_date_file_list], #["not_up_to_date_id_list", not_up_to_date_id_list], ["not_up_to_date_url_list", not_up_to_date_url_list], ["to_remove_list", to_remove_list], #["repeted_id_list", repeted_id_list], ["repeted_file_list", repeted_file_list], ] """Record the logs""" for title, item in write_list: file = open("Desktop/"+title, "w") file.write("\n".join(item)) file.close()
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