problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

13. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 27/12/2014 - 11:51h

aprendinolinux2 escreveu:

Se tudo falhar rsrs uma vai funcionar...

Tu digitar na mão

modprobe b43

Vai demorar alguns segundos e a wireless estará ativa...
Se acontecer com vc é porque não está ativando o drive nas configs.
Como seu ubuntu é 12 rsrs, não lembro onde colocava isso. Talvez seja ainda em drives.

Vai funcionar porque já vi que o seu kernel foi recompilado com os drives.

ps: ativar o módulo wl não vai funcionar. O Kernel não está dando suporte para ele. Tem que ser o b43 mesmo.

Bom dia,

Exato, já vi também, porém, ainda acho que o trabalho menor seria a instalação limpa do 14.04 LTS. Já resolveria direto e automático!! É rapidinho....



14. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 10:46h


pelo que vi entao é melhor atualizar, nao tem jeito.

acontece que estou tentando atualizar e está dando que está precisando de espaço para atualizar e pede para limpar o lixo e os pacotes temporários de instalaçoes.

acontece que eu já esvaziei a lixeira e a pasta temporários que fica dentro da pasta pessoal.

a pasta tmp ele nao deixa excluir nada.

coloquei no terminal apt-get clean como foi pedido e nao aconteceu anda. Tem ainda 2427 M para excluir e nao sei se adianta excluir arquivos, pelo que vejo é outro tipo de espaço que tenho de abrir.

como faço para abrir etse espaço para atualizar? isto nunca aconteceu comigo...

agradecida mais uma vez!

15. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 11:16h

o engraçado é que cada vez que eu entro de novo para ver se diminuiu o espaço e quanto, e quanto eu ainda tenho que excluir, o tamanho que precisa ser removido só aumenta. de 241 foi para 2427 e agora está em 2432. como pode?

a lixeira está vazia...

sei qeu agora o foco mudou, mas só posso colocar como resolvido o tópico do wirelles depois de atualizar e ver que realmente mudou....

e nao estou onseguindo.

e está dando agora que o ubuntu 12.04 está com um erro interno...

vcs tem como me ajudar a liberar este espaço que em vez de aumentar está diminuindo?!


16. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Geraldo Albuquerque

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 15:21h

Na pasta tmp por largar o pau e apagar tudo.
Geralmente o que tem "novo" são de aplicações lançadas agora, elas podem ficar.

Tem várias formas de limpar espaço mas a primeira é garantir que tens um backup da sua /home
Lá estão todas suas coisas pessoais. O que estiver fora da /home são das aplicações e outras coisas.

Mesmo dentro da /home deve ter muita coisa para apagar.

Também acho que a falta de espaço não deve ser na sua /home e sim onde estão as aplicações.
Deve ser o seu / (raiz) que pode ter pouco espaço para uma nova atualização.
Tenha em mente que precisa liberar cerca de 6.5gb de espaço para instalar o ubuntu 14.04.

Verifique o espaço ocupado em todas suas partições.

df -h ou sudo fdisk -l ou df -a ou df -h -T , etc...

O tree disks pode ser útil também. O importante é ter certeza o que tens em cada partição.

Use com cuidado.

A ) ative o gksu nautilos ou outro gerenciador de arquivos.
B) Agora está como root e tem que tomar cuidado porque vai poder apagar quase tudo.
C) Vá no /tmp e veja o que pode liberar por lá. Pode ter muita coisa presa por lá.

Boa sorte e vá com cuidado. Se tens um bom backup do /home , poderá perder algumas configs de programas.
Caso tenha banco de dados local ou domínio cuidado que devem estar dentro do / e não da /home. Aí tem que fazer backup de lá também.

Como saber todos os programas instalados ?

sudo dpkg -l > lista.txt


dpkg --get-selections | awk '{if ($2=="install") print $1}' > lista.txt

Uma ou outra vai te mostrar o que está instalado.

dica do VOL ->

Caso aconteça o pior, vai saber o que precisa reinstalar.
Acredite, você pode precisar no futuro. eu já usei umas duas vezes esta dica.

17. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Ricardo Libanio

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 16:10h

eu passei por um problema deste de não reconhecer a placa sem fio, antes de ontem ao atualizar o meu kernel, minha placa também é uma broadcom "Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller", resolvi seguindo este link
minha placa é diferente da sua, ai o que mudaria seria o driver e o módulo a ser carregado, que no caso seu pelo jeito é o b43.

eu deixei no rc.local para descarregar e carregar ao iniciar, e resolveu.

18. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 16:50h


agradecida mais uma vez.

nossa... eu sou iniciante no ubuntu, nao sei mexer direito no terminal,, sei colar o que falam e uma coisa ou outra eu vou fazendo... mas nao sei mexer nele....

daí fazer esta limpeza pelo terminal eu nao sei.

eu digitei para ver o que tem. mas daí eu nao sei oq eu fazer com isto! rsrsr...

nao tenho como fazer um backup.. to sem hd.... queria ver se conseguia fazer esta limpeza sem precisar mexer na home.

fui na tmp e deletei tudo o que deixou, pois tinham coisas que vc apertava o shift- del e nao acontecia nada...

a lista dos arquivos:

ii pxljr 1.3+repack0-2 transitional dummy package for pxljr printer
ii python 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 interactive high-level object-oriented langu
ii python-appindi 0.4.92-0ubuntu Python bindings for libappindicator
ii python-apport 2.0.1-0ubuntu1 apport crash report handling library
ii python-apt 0.8.3ubuntu7.2 Python interface to libapt-pkg
ii python-apt-com 0.8.3ubuntu7.2 Python interface to libapt-pkg (locales)
ii python-aptdaem 0.43+bzr805-0u Python module for the server and client of a
ii python-aptdaem 0.43+bzr805-0u Transitional dummy package
ii python-aptdaem 0.43+bzr805-0u Python GTK+ 3 widgets to run an aptdaemon cl
ii python-aptdaem 0.43+bzr805-0u Python GTK+ 2 widgets to run an aptdaemon cl
ii python-aptdaem 0.43+bzr805-0u PackageKit compatibilty for AptDaemon
ii python-avahi 0.6.30-5ubuntu Python utility package for Avahi
ii python-brlapi 4.3-1ubuntu5 Python bindings for BrlAPI
ii python-cairo 1.8.8-1ubuntu3 Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphic
ii python-central 0.6.17ubuntu2 register and build utility for Python packag
ii python-chardet 2.0.1-2build1 universal character encoding detector
ii python-configg 1.0-1build1 Glues together optparse.OptionParser and Con
ii python-couchdb 0.8-0ubuntu2 library for working with Apache CouchDB
ii python-crypto 2.4.1-1ubuntu0 cryptographic algorithms and protocols for P
ii python-cups 1.9.61-0ubuntu Python bindings for CUPS
ii python-cupshel 1.3.8+20120201 Python modules for printer configuration wit
ii python-dateuti 1.5-1 powerful extensions to the standard datetime
ii python-dbus 1.0.0-1ubuntu1 simple interprocess messaging system (Python
ii python-dbus-de 1.0.0-1ubuntu1 main loop integration development files for
ii python-debian 0.1.21ubuntu1 Python modules to work with Debian-related d
ii python-debtags 1.9+git2012032 Match debtags hardware:: tags against the ac
ii python-defer 1.0.2+bzr481-1 Small framework for asynchronous programming
ii python-desktop 1.0.8-0ubuntu3 Desktop CouchDB Application API
ii python-desktop 1.0.8-0ubuntu3 Desktop CouchDB Records API
ii python-dirspec 3.0.0-0ubuntu1 Python User Folders Specification Library
ii python-egenix- 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 date and time handling routines for Python
ii python-egenix- 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 collection of additional builtins for Python
ii python-feedpar 5.1-0ubuntu3.1 Universal Feed Parser for Python
ii python-gconf 2.28.1+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the GConf configuration
ii python-gdbm 2.7.3-1ubuntu1 GNU dbm database support for Python
ii python-gi 3.2.2-1~precis Python 2.x bindings for gobject-introspectio
ii python-gi-cair 3.2.2-1~precis Python Cairo bindings for the GObject librar
ii python-glade2 2.24.0-3 GTK+ bindings: Glade support
ii python-gmenu 3.0.1-0ubuntu7 GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu
ii python-gnome2 2.28.1+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the GNOME desktop enviro
ii python-gnomeke 2.32.0+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the GNOME keyring librar
ii python-gnupgin 0.3.2-9.1ubunt Python interface to GnuPG (GPG)
ii python-gobject 3.2.2-1~precis Python 2.x bindings for GObject - transition
ii python-gobject 2.28.6-10ubunt deprecated static Python bindings for the GO
ii python-gpgme 0.2-1 python wrapper for the GPGME library
ii python-gpod 0.8.2-4 Python bindings for libgpod
ii python-gst0.10 0.10.22-3ubunt generic media-playing framework (Python bind
ii python-gtk2 2.24.0-3 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
ii python-gtksour 2.10.1-2build1 Python bindings for the GtkSourceView widget
ii python-gtkspel 2.25.3-11 Python bindings for the GtkSpell library
ii python-httplib 0.7.2-1ubuntu2 comprehensive HTTP client library written fo
ii python-ibus 1.4.1-3ubuntu1 Intelligent Input Bus - Python support
ii python-imaging 1.1.7-4ubuntu0 Python Imaging Library
ii python-indicat 0.6.92-0ubuntu Python bindings for libindicate
ii python-keyring 0.9.2-0ubuntu0 store and access your passwords safely
ii python-launchp library for launchpad integration
ii python-launchp 1.9.12-1 Launchpad web services client library
ii 0.12.0-1ubuntu client for lazr.restful-based web services
ii python-lazr.ur 1.0.3-1 library for parsing, manipulating, and gener
ii python-libprox 0.4.7-0ubuntu4 automatic proxy configuration management lib
ii python-libxml2 2.7.8.dfsg-5.1 Python bindings for the GNOME XML library
ii python-lockfil 1:0.8-2ubuntu1 file locking library for Python
ii python-louis 2.3.0-3 Python bindings for liblouis
ii python-lxml 2.3.2-1ubuntu0 pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt
ii python-mako 0.5.0-1 fast and lightweight templating for the Pyth
ii python-markups 0.15-1 XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
ii python-minimal 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 minimal subset of the Python language (defau
ii python-mlt3 0.7.6+git20120 multimedia framework (python bindings)
ii python-mutagen 1.20-1ubuntu1 audio metadata editing library
ii python-mygpocl 1.4-1build1 Client library for the web se
ii python-newt 0.52.11-2ubunt A NEWT module for Python
ii python-notify 0.1.1-3 Python bindings for libnotify
ii python-numpy 1:1.6.1-6ubunt Numerical Python adds a fast array facility
ii python-oauth 1.0.1-3build1 Python library implementing of the OAuth pro
ii python-openssl 0.12-1ubuntu2. Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
ii python-package 0.7.2-4ubuntu3 PackageKit Python bindings
ii python-pam 0.4.2-12.2ubun A Python interface to the PAM library
ii python-pexpect 2.3-1ubuntu2 Python module for automating interactive app
ii python-piston- 0.7.2+bzr57-0u library for writing clients for Django's Pis
ii python-pkg-res 0.6.24-1ubuntu Package Discovery and Resource Access using
ii python-problem 2.0.1-0ubuntu1 Python library to handle problem reports
ii python-protobu 2.4.1-1ubuntu2 Python bindings for protocol buffers
ii python-pyatspi 2.4.0+dfsg-0ub Assistive Technology Service Provider Interf
ii python-pycurl 7.19.0-4ubuntu Python bindings to libcurl
ii python-pygooca 0.14.1-1ubuntu GooCanvas Python bindings
ii python-pyinoti 0.9.2-1 simple Linux inotify Python bindings
ii python-pymtp 0.0.4-4 Pythonic binding to LibMTP to interact with
ii python-pyorbit 2.24.0-6ubuntu A Python language binding for the ORBit2 COR
ii python-qt4 4.9.1-2ubuntu1 Python bindings for Qt4
ii python-qt4-dbu 4.9.1-2ubuntu1 DBus Support for PyQt4
ii python-rdflib 2.4.2-1ubuntu1 RDF library containing an RDF triple store a
ii python-renderp 2.5-1.1build1 python low level render interface
ii python-reportl 2.5-1.1build1 ReportLab library to create PDF documents us
ii python-reportl 2.5-1.1build1 C coded extension accelerator for the Report
ii python-serial 2.5-2.1build1 pyserial - module encapsulating access for t
ii python-simplej 2.3.2-1 simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decode
ii python-sip 4.13.2-1 Python/C++ bindings generator runtime librar
ii python-smbc 1.0.13-0ubuntu Python bindings for Samba clients (libsmbcli
ii python-softwar manage the repositories that you install sof
ii python-speechd 0.7.1-6ubuntu3 Python interface to Speech Dispatcher
ii python-support 1.0.14ubuntu2 automated rebuilding support for Python modu
ii python-telepat 0.15.19-2.1bui Python language bindings for telepathy
ii python-tk 2.7.3-1ubuntu1 Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Pytho
ii python-twisted 11.1.0-1ubuntu Event-based framework for internet applicati
ii python-twisted 11.1.0-1ubuntu Event-based framework for internet applicati
ii python-twisted 11.1.0-1 DNS protocol implementation with client and
ii python-twisted 11.1.0-1 HTTP protocol implementation together with c
ii python-ubuntu- 3.0.2-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu Single Sign-On client - Python librar
ii python-ubuntuo 3.0.2-0ubuntu2 Ubuntu One client Python libraries
ii python-ubuntuo 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One Control Panel - Python Libraries
ii python-ubuntuo 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 Python library for Ubuntu One file storage a
ii python-uniconv 1.1.4-1ubuntu1 Universal vector graphics translator
ii python-uno 1:3.5.7-0ubunt Python-UNO bridge
ii python-utidyli 0.2-8build1 Python wrapper for TidyLib
ii python-virtkey 0.60.0-0ubuntu Library to emulate keyboard keypresses.
ii python-vte 1:0.28.2-3ubun Python bindings for the VTE widget set
ii python-wadllib 1.3.0-2 Python library for navigating WADL files
ii python-webkit 1.1.8-2ubuntu2 WebKit/Gtk Python bindings
ii python-wnck 2.32.0+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the WNCK library
ii python-xapian 1.2.8-1 Xapian search engine interface for Python
ii python-xdg 0.19-3ubuntu2 Python library to access sta
ii python-xkit library for the manipulation of the xorg.con
ii python-zeitgei 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 event logging framework - Python bindings
ii 3.6.1-1ubuntu3 Interfaces for Python
rc python2.6 2.6.7-4ubuntu1 An interactive high-level object-oriented la
rc python2.6-mini 2.6.7-4ubuntu1 A minimal subset of the Python language (ver
ii python2.7 2.7.3-0ubuntu3 Interactive high-level object-oriented langu
ii python2.7-mini 2.7.3-0ubuntu3 Minimal subset of the Python language (versi
ii qapt-batch 1.3.1-0ubuntu2 Batch package manager for KDE
ii qdbus:i386 4:4.8.1-0ubunt Qt 4 D-Bus tool
ii qt-at-spi 0.2.0+git20120 accessibility plugin for Qt
ii quadrapassel 1:3.4.1-0ubunt popular Russian game, similar to Tetris
ii radeontool 1.6.2-1.1 utility to control ATI Radeon backlight func
ii rarian-compat 0.8.1-5 Documentation meta-data library (compatibili
ii rastertosag-gd 0.1-3 transitional dummy package for rastertosag-g
ii rdesktop 1.7.0-1ubuntu2 RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Serv
ii readline-commo 6.2-8 GNU readline and history libraries, common f
ii recordmydeskto Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop
ii remmina 1.0.0-1ubuntu6 remote desktop client for GNOME desktop envi
ii remmina-common 1.0.0-1ubuntu6 common files for remmina remote desktop clie
ii remmina-plugin 1.0.0-1ubuntu6 RDP plugin for remmina remote desktop client
ii remmina-plugin 1.0.0-1ubuntu6 VNC plugin for remmina remote desktop client
ii resolvconf 1.63ubuntu16 name server information handler
ii rfkill 0.4-1ubuntu2 tool for enabling and disabling wireless dev
ii rhino 1.7R3-5 JavaScript engine written in Java
ii rhythmbox 2.96-0ubuntu4. music player and organizer for GNOME
ii rhythmbox-data 2.96-0ubuntu4. data files for rhythmbox
ii rhythmbox-mozi 2.96-0ubuntu4. Rhythmbox Mozilla plugin
ii rhythmbox-plug 2.96-0ubuntu4. burning plugin for rhythmbox music player
ii rhythmbox-plug 2.96-0ubuntu4. Magnatune plugin for rhythmbox music player
ii rhythmbox-plug 2.96-0ubuntu4. zeitgeist plugin for rhythmbox music player
ii rhythmbox-plug 2.96-0ubuntu4. plugins for rhythmbox music player
ii rhythmbox-ubun 4.2.0-0ubuntu0 Ubuntu One Rhythmbox plugin
ii rpm package manager for RPM
ii rpm-common common files for RPM
ii rpm2cpio tool to convert RPM package to CPIO archive
ii rsync 3.0.9-1ubuntu1 fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-cop
ii rsyslog 5.8.6-1ubuntu8 reliable system and kernel logging daemon
ii rtkit 0.10-2ubuntu0. Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
ii samba-common 2:3.6.3-2ubunt common files used by both the Samba server a
ii samba-common-b 2:3.6.3-2ubunt common files used by both the Samba server a
ii sane-utils 1.0.22-7ubuntu API library for scanners -- utilities
ii screen 4.0.3-14ubuntu terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI termina
ii screen-resolut 0.14ubuntu2.1 Extension for the GNOME screen resolution ap
ii screensaver-de 0.2-1 Wallpapers for image processing screensavers
ii scribus 1.4.0.dfsg+r17 Open Source Desktop Page Layout - stable bra
ii scribus-templa additional scribus templates
ii seahorse 3.2.2-0ubuntu2 GNOME front end for GnuPG
ii sed 4.2.1-9 The GNU sed stream editor
ii sensible-utils 0.0.6ubuntu2 Utilities for sensible alternative selection
ii sessioninstall 0.20+bzr128-0u APT based installer using PackageKit's sessi
ii sgml-base 1.26+nmu1ubunt SGML infrastructure and SGML catalog file su
ii sgml-data 2.0.6 common SGML and XML data
ii shared-desktop 0.8.1-1 shared ontologies for semantic searching
ii shared-mime-in 1.0-0ubuntu4.1 shared MIME database and spe
ii shotwell 0.12.3-0ubuntu digital photo organizer
ii simple-scan 3.4.4-0ubuntu1 Simple Scanning Utility
ii sketch 1:0.3.2-1 3D diagrams for TeX from scene description l
ii sketch-doc 1:0.3.2-1 Extra documentation for the sketch 3D line d
ii skype client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging
ii skype-bin:i386 client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging
ii smbclient 2:3.6.3-2ubunt command-line SMB/CIFS clients for Unix
ii sni-qt 0.2.5-0ubuntu3 indicator support for Qt
ii sni-qt:i386 0.2.5-0ubuntu3 indicator support for Qt
ii software-cente 5.2.10 Utility for browsing, installing, and removi
ii software-cente 0.1.2 The aptdaemon plugins for software-center
ii software-prope manage the repositories that you install sof
ii software-prope manage the repositories that you install sof
ii soprano-daemon 2.7.5+dfsg.1-0 daemon for the Soprano RDF framework
ii sound-theme-fr 0.7.pristine-2 sound theme
ii soundkonverter 0.9.94-2 audio converter frontend for KDE
ii speech-dispatc 0.7.1-6ubuntu3 Common interface to speech synthesizers
ii speex 1.2~rc1-3ubunt The Speex codec command line tools
ii splix 2.0.0+svn300-1 transitional dummy package for splix printer
ii ssh-askpass-gn 1:5.9p1-5ubunt interactive X program to prompt users for a
ii ssl-cert 1.0.28ubuntu0. simple debconf wrapper for OpenSSL
ii strace 4.5.20-2.3ubun A system call tracer
ii sudo 1.8.3p1-1ubunt Provide limited super user privileges to spe
ii sun-java6-bin 6.26-2maverick Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (ar
ii sun-java6-font 6.26-2maverick Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)
ii sun-java6-jre 6.26-2maverick Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (ar
ii sun-java6-plug 6.26-2maverick Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
ii sweethome3d 3.4+dfsg-1 Interior 2D design application with 3D previ
ii swh-plugins 0.4.15+1-6 Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins
ii synaptic 0.75.9ubuntu1. Graphical package manager
ii syslinux 2:4.05+dfsg-2 collection of boot loaders
ii syslinux-commo 2:4.05+dfsg-2 collection of boot loaders (common files)
ii syslinux-legac 2:3.63+dfsg-2u Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS flopp
ii system-config- 1.3.8+20120201 Printer configuration GUI
ii system-config- 1.3.8+20120201 Printer configuration GUI
ii system-config- 1.3.8+20120201 Printer auto-configuration facility based on
ii system-tools-b 2.10.2-1ubuntu System Tools to manage computer configuratio
ii sysv-rc 2.88dsf-13.10u System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
ii sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-13.10u System-V-like utilities
ii tar 1.26-4ubuntu1 GNU version of the tar archiving utility
ii tcl 8.5.0-2 The Tool Command Language (default version)
rc tcl-tls 1.5.0.dfsg-10b the TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl
ii tcl8.4 8.4.19-4ubuntu Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.4 - run-t
ii tcl8.5 8.5.11-1ubuntu Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.5 - run-t
ii tcpd 7.6.q-21 Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii tcpdump 4.2.1-1ubuntu2 command-line network traffic analyzer
ii teamviewer 8.0.20931 TeamViewer (Remote Control Application)
ii telepathy-gabb 0.16.0-0ubuntu Jabber/XMPP connection manager
ii telepathy-haze 0.6.0-0ubuntu1 Telepathy connection manager that uses libpu
ii telepathy-idle 0.1.11-2ubuntu IRC connection manager for Telepathy
ii telepathy-indi 0.2.1-0ubuntu1 Desktop service to integrate Telepathy with
ii telepathy-logg 0.4.0-0ubuntu1 Telepathy logger service - Daemon
ii telepathy-miss 1:5.12.0-0ubun management daemon for Telepathy real-time co
ii telepathy-salu 0.8.0-0ubuntu1 Link-local XMPP connection manager for the T
ii telnet 0.17-36build1 The telnet client
ii tesseract-ocr 3.02.01-2 Command line OCR tool
ii tesseract-ocr- 3.02-2 tesseract-ocr language files for English
ii tesseract-ocr- 3.02-2 tesseract-ocr language files for equations
ii tesseract-ocr- 3.02-2 tesseract-ocr language files for script and
ii tex-common 2.10 common infrastructure for building and insta
ii texlive-base 2009-15 TeX Live: Essential programs and files
ii texlive-binari 2009-11ubuntu2 Binaries for TeX Live
ii texlive-common 2009-15 TeX Live: Base component
ii texlive-doc-ba 2009-2 TeX Live: TeX Live documentation
ii texlive-extra- 2009-10ubuntu1 TeX Live: TeX auxiliary programs
ii texlive-font-u 2009-10ubuntu1 TeX Live: TeX and Outline font utilities
ii texlive-generi 2009-15 TeX Live: Recommended generic packages
ii texlive-latex- 2009-15 TeX Live: Basic LaTeX packages
ii texlive-latex- 2009-15 TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-la
ii texlive-latex- 2009-15 TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
ii texlive-latex- 2009-15 TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-la
ii texlive-luatex 2009-15 TeX Live: LuaTeX packages
ii texlive-pstric 2009-10ubuntu1 TeX Live: PSTricks packages
ii texlive-pstric 2009-10ubuntu1 TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-ps
ii thunderbird 1:31.3.0+build Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integra
ii thunderbird-gl 1:31.3.0+build Email, RSS and newsgroup client (transitiona
ii thunderbird-gn 1:31.3.0+build Email, RSS and newsgroup client - GNOME supp
ii time 1.7-23.1 The GNU time program for measuring cpu resou
ii timidity 2.13.2-40build Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD
ii timidity-daemo 2.13.2-40build runs TiMidity++ as a system-wide MIDI sequen
ii tk8.5 8.5.11-1 Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11, v8.5 - run-time
ii tmux 1.6-1ubuntu1 terminal multiplexer
ii tomboy 1.10.1-0ubuntu desktop note taking program using Wiki style
ii toshset 1.76-2 Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware i
ii totem 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 Simple media player for the GNOME desktop ba
ii totem-common 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 Data files for the Totem media player
ii totem-mozilla 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 Totem Mozilla plugin
ii totem-plugins 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 Plugins for the Totem media player
ii transmission-c 2.51-0ubuntu1. lightweight BitTorrent client (common files)
ii transmission-g 2.51-0ubuntu1. lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK interface
rc tsclient 0.150-4ubuntu2 front-end for viewing of remote desktops in
ii tsconf 1.0-10 touch screen library common files
ii ttf-arphic-umi 0.2.20080216.2 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-baekmuk 2.2-4 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-dejavu-cor 2.33-2ubuntu1 Vera font family derivate with additional ch
ii ttf-dejavu-ext 2.33-2ubuntu1 Vera font family derivate with additional ch
ii ttf-droid 20101110+git-2 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-freefont 20100919-1 Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
ii ttf-indic-font 1:0.5.11ubuntu Core collection of free fonts for languages
ii ttf-kacst-one 5.0+svn11846-2 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-khmeros-co 5.0-5ubuntu1 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-kochi-goth 20030809-13 Kochi Subst Gothic Japanese TrueType font wi
ii ttf-kochi-minc 20030809-13 Kochi Subst Mincho Japanese TrueType font wi
ii ttf-lao 0.0.20060226-8 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-liberation 1.07.0-2ubuntu transitional dummy package
ii ttf-mscorefont 3.4ubuntu3 Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
ii ttf-opensymbol 2:102.2+LibO3. transitional package for fonts-opensymbol
ii ttf-punjabi-fo 1:0.5.11ubuntu Free TrueType fonts for the Punjabi language
ii ttf-sazanami-g 20040629-8ubun Sazanami Gothic Japanese TrueType font
ii ttf-sazanami-m 20040629-8ubun Sazanami Mincho Japanese TrueType font
ii ttf-takao-pgot 003.02.01-5ubu transitional dummy package
ii ttf-thai-tlwg 1:0.4.17-1ubun transitional dummy package
ii ttf-ubuntu-fon 0.80-0ubuntu2 Ubuntu Font Family, sans-serif typeface hint
ii ttf-umefont 434-1 transitional dummy package
ii ttf-unfonts-co transitional dummy package
rc ttf-unfonts-ex transitional dummy package
ii ttf-wqy-microh 0.2.0-beta-1ub A droid derived Sans-Seri style CJK font
ii tumbler 0.1.24-0ubuntu D-Bus thumbnailing service
ii tumbler-common 0.1.24-0ubuntu D-Bus thumbnailing service (common files)
ii tumbler-plugin 0.1.24-0ubuntu D-Bus thumbnailing service (additional plugi
ii tzdata 2014i-0ubuntu0 time zone and daylight-saving time data
ii tzdata-java 2014i-0ubuntu0 time zone and daylight-saving time data for
ii ubufox 2.7-0ubuntu0.1 transitional dummy package
ii ubuntu-artwork 57 Ubuntu themes and artwork
ii ubuntu-desktop 1.267.1 The Ubuntu desktop system
ii ubuntu-docs 12.04.6 Ubuntu Desktop Guide
ii ubuntu-extras- 2010.09.27 GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu extras archive
ii ubuntu-keyring 2011.11.21.1 GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive
ii ubuntu-minimal 1.267.1 Minimal core of Ubuntu
ii ubuntu-mono 0.0.40 Ubuntu Mono Icon theme
ii ubuntu-restric 12 Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu
ii ubuntu-restric 57 Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu
ii ubuntu-sounds 0.13 Ubuntu's GNOME audio theme
ii ubuntu-sso-cli 3.0.2-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu Single Sign-On client
ii ubuntu-sso-cli 3.0.2-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu Single Sign-On client - GTK+ frontend
ii ubuntu-sso-cli 3.0.2-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu Single Sign-On client - Qt frontend
ii ubuntu-standar 1.267.1 The Ubuntu standard system
ii ubuntu-system- Dbus service to set various system-wide conf
ii ubuntu-wallpap 0.34.1 Ubuntu Wallpapers
ii ubuntu-wallpap 0.34.1 Ubuntu 12.04 Wallpapers
ii ubuntuone-clie 3.0.2-0ubuntu2 Ubuntu One client
ii ubuntuone-clie 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One client GNOME integration
ii ubuntuone-cont 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One Control Panel
ii ubuntuone-cont 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One Control Panel - Common frontend f
ii ubuntuone-cont 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One Control Panel - transitional dumm
ii ubuntuone-cont 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One Control Panel - Qt frontend
ii ubuntuone-couc 0.3.0-0ubuntu4 Ubuntu One CouchDB
ii ubuntuone-inst 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One Installer
ii ucf 3.0025+nmu2ubu Update Configuration File: preserve user cha
ii udev 175-0ubuntu9.8 rule-based device node and kernel event mana
ii udisks 1.0.4-5ubuntu2 storage media interface
ii ufw 0.31.1-1 program for managing a Netfilter firewall
ii unattended-upg 0.76ubuntu1 automatic installation of security upgrades
ii unity 5.20.0-0ubuntu Interface designed for efficiency of space a
ii unity-2d 5.14.0-0ubuntu Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics
ii unity-2d-commo 5.14.0-0ubuntu Common files for Unity 2D Shell
ii unity-2d-launc 5.14.0-0ubuntu Transitional package for unity-2d-launcher
ii unity-2d-panel 5.14.0-0ubuntu Unity 2D Panel
ii unity-2d-place 5.14.0-0ubuntu Transitional package for unity-2d-places
ii unity-2d-shell 5.14.0-0ubuntu Dash and Launcher for the Unity 2D environme
ii unity-2d-sprea 5.14.0-0ubuntu Unity 2D Spread
ii unity-asset-po 0.8.23-0ubuntu Unity Assets Pool
ii unity-common 5.20.0-0ubuntu Common files for the Unity interface.
ii unity-greeter 0.2.9-0ubuntu1 Unity Greeter
ii unity-lens-app 5.18.0-0ubuntu Application lens for unity
ii unity-lens-fil 5.10.0-0ubuntu File lens for unity
ii unity-lens-mus 5.12.0-0ubuntu Music lens for unity
ii unity-lens-vid 0.3.5-0ubuntu1 Unity Video lens
rc unity-place-ap 0.4.12-0ubuntu transitional package
ii unity-scope-mu 5.12.0-0ubuntu Store music lens for unity
ii unity-scope-vi 0.3.5-0ubuntu2 Remote videos engine
ii unity-services 5.20.0-0ubuntu Services for the Unity interface
ii unixodbc 2.2.14p2-5ubun Basic ODBC tools
ii uno-libs3 3.5.7-0ubuntu7 LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- publi
ii unrar 1:4.0.3-1 Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
ii unzip 6.0-4ubuntu2 De-archiver for .zip files
ii update-inetd 4.41 inetd configuration file updater
ii update-manager 1: GNOME application that manages apt updates
ii update-manager 1: manage release upgrades
ii update-notifie 0.119ubuntu8.7 Daemon which notifies about package updates
ii update-notifie 0.119ubuntu8.7 Files shared between update-notifier and oth
ii upower 0.9.15-3git1ub abstraction for power management
ii upstart 1.5-0ubuntu7.2 event-based init daemon
ii ure 3.5.7-0ubuntu7 LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
ii ureadahead 0.100.0-12 Read required files in advance
ii usb-creator-co create a startup disk using a CD or disc ima
ii usb-creator-gt create a startup disk using a CD or disc ima
ii usb-modeswitch 1.2.3+repack0- mode switching tool for controlling "flip fl
ii usb-modeswitch 20120120-0ubun mode switching data for usb-modeswitch
ii usbmuxd 1.0.7-2ubuntu0 USB multiplexor daemon for iPhone and iPod T
ii usbutils 1:005-1 Linux USB utilities
ii util-linux 2.20.1-1ubuntu Miscellaneous system utilities
ii uuid-runtime 2.20.1-1ubuntu runtime components for the Universally Uniqu
ii vbetool 1.1-2ubuntu1 run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardw
ii videolan-doc 20070626-1 documentation for the VideoLAN streaming sol
ii vim-common 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - Common files
ii vim-tiny 2:7.3.429-2ubu Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact v
ii vinagre 3.4.2-0ubuntu1 remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop
ii vino 3.4.2-0ubuntu1 VNC server for GNOME
ii virtuoso-minim 6.1.4+dfsg1-0u high-performance database - core dependency
ii virtuoso-opens 6.1.4+dfsg1-0u high-performance database - binaries
ii virtuoso-opens 6.1.4+dfsg1-0u high-performance database - common files
ii vlc 2.0.8-0ubuntu0 multimedia player and streamer
ii vlc-data 2.0.8-0ubuntu0 Common data for VLC
ii vlc-nox 2.0.8-0ubuntu0 multimedia player and streamer (without X su
ii vlc-plugin-not 2.0.8-0ubuntu0 LibNotify plugin for VLC
ii vlc-plugin-pul 2.0.8-0ubuntu0 PulseAudio plugin for VLC
ii vmware-player 2.5.5-328053 VMware Player
ii vorbis-tools 1.4.0-1ubuntu2 several Ogg Vorbis tools
ii vorbisgain 0.36-3.1ubuntu add Replay Gain volume tags to Ogg Vorbis fi
ii w3m 0.5.3-5ubuntu1 WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/fr
ii w64codecs 20071007-0medi Proprietary codec binaries, x86_64 version
ii wamerican 7.1-1 American English dictionary words for /usr/s
ii wavpack 4.60.1-2 audio codec (lossy and lossless) - encoder a
ii wbrazilian 3.0~beta4-15 Brazilian Portuguese wordlist
ii wbritish 7.1-1 British English dictionary words for /usr/sh
ii wget 1.13.4-2ubuntu retrieves files from the web
ii whiptail 0.52.11-2ubunt Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii whois 5.0.15ubuntu2 intelligent WHOIS client
ii whoopsie 0.1.34 Ubuntu crash database submission daemon
ii wifi-radar 2.0.s08+dfsg-1 graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profile
ii winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubunt Samba nameservice integration server
ii wine-gecko1.4 1.4.0-0ubuntu2 Microsoft Windows compatibility layer (embed
ii wine-gecko1.4: 1.4.0-0ubuntu2 Microsoft Windows compatibility layer (embed
ii wine1.2 1.4-0ubuntu4.1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (trans
ii wine1.4 1.4-0ubuntu4.1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binar
ii wine1.4-amd64 1.4-0ubuntu4.1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (64-bi
ii wine1.4-common 1.4-0ubuntu4.1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (trans
ii wine1.4-i386:i 1.4-0ubuntu4.1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (32-bi
ii winetricks 0.0+20120308 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (winet
ii wireless-crda 1.16 Wireless Central Regulatory Domain Agent
ii wireless-regdb 2011.04.28-1ub wireless regulatory database
ii wireless-tools 30~pre9-5ubunt Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extens
ii wodim 9:1.1.11-2ubun command line CD/DVD writing tool
ii wpasupplicant 0.7.3-6ubuntu2 client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11
ii wportuguese 20120202-1 European Portuguese wordlist
ii x-ttcidfont-co 32+nmu2 TrueType and CID fonts configuration for X
ii x11-apps 7.6+5ubuntu1 X applications
ii x11-common 1:7.6+12ubuntu X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
ii x11-session-ut 7.6+2 X session utilities
ii x11-utils 7.6+4ubuntu0.1 X11 utilities
ii x11-xfs-utils 7.6+1 X font server utilities
ii x11-xkb-utils 7.6+4 X11 XKB utilities
ii x11-xserver-ut 7.6+3 X server utilities
ii x11proto-core- 7.0.22-1ubuntu X11 core wire protocol and auxiliary headers
ii x11proto-input 2.3-1~precise2 X11 Input extension wire protocol
ii x11proto-kb-de 1.0.5-2 X11 XKB extension wire protocol
ii xauth 1:1.0.6-1 X authentication utility
ii xaw3dg:i386 1.5+E-18.1ubun Xaw3d widget set
ii xbitmaps 1.1.1-1 Base X bitmaps
ii xcursor-themes 1.0.3-1 Base X cursor themes
ii xdg-user-dirs 0.14-0ubuntu2 tool to manage well known user directories
ii xdg-user-dirs- 0.9-0ubuntu1 tool to manage well known user directories (
ii xdg-utils 1.1.0~rc1-2ubu desktop integration utilities from freedeskt
ii xdiagnose 2.5.3 diagnosis tool
ii xfce-keyboard- 4.8.1-1 xfce keyboard shortcuts configuration
ii xfonts-100dpi 1:1.0.3 100 dpi fonts for X
ii xfonts-75dpi 1:1.0.3 75 dpi fonts for X
ii xfonts-base 1:1.0.3 standard fonts for X
ii xfonts-encodin 1:1.0.4-1ubunt Encodings for X.Org fonts
ii xfonts-mathml 4ubuntu1 Type1 Symbol font for MathML
ii xfonts-scalabl 1:1.0.3-1 scalable fonts for X
ii xfonts-utils 1:7.6+1 X Window System font utility programs
ii xinit 1.3.1-1 X server initialisation tool
ii xinput Runtime configuration and test of XInput dev
ii xkb-data 2.5-1ubuntu1.5 X Keyboard Extension (XKB) configuration dat
ii xml-core 0.13 XML infrastructure and XML catalog file supp
ii xorg 1:7.6+12ubuntu X.Org X Window System
ii xorg-docs-core 1:1.6-1ubuntu2 Core documentation for the X Window Sy
ii xorg-sgml-doct 1:1.10-1 Common tools for building X.Org SGML documen
ii xsane 0.998-3ubuntu2 featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scan
ii xsane-common 0.998-3ubuntu2 featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scan
rc xscreensaver 5.14-1ubuntu1 Automatic screensaver for X
ii xscreensaver-d 5.15-2ubuntu1 data files to be shared among screensaver fr
ii xscreensaver-d 5.15-2ubuntu1 data files to be shared among screensaver fr
ii xscreensaver-g 5.15-2ubuntu1 GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver
ii xscreensaver-g 5.15-2ubuntu1 GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver
ii xserver-common 2:1.11.4-0ubun common files used by various X servers
ii xserver-xorg 1:7.6+12ubuntu X.Org X server
ii xserver-xorg-c 2:1.11.4-0ubun Xorg X server - core server
ii xserver-xorg-i 1:7.6+12ubuntu X.Org X server -- input driver metapackage
ii xserver-xorg-i 1:2.7.0-0ubunt X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
ii xserver-xorg-i 1:1.7.1-1build X.Org X server -- mouse input driver
ii xserver-xorg-i 1.6.2-1ubuntu1 Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
ii xserver-xorg-i 1:12.9.0-0ubun X.Org X server -- VMMouse input driver to us
ii xserver-xorg-i 1:0.14.0-0ubun X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:7.6+12ubuntu X.Org X server -- output driver metapackage
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.3-2build X.Org X server -- APM display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.7.3-2build X.Org X server -- ark display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:6.14.99~git2 X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI display driver wra
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.4-1build X.Org X server -- Chips display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.3.2-4build X.Org X server -- Cirrus display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.4.2-4ubunt X.Org X server -- fbdev display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.3.4-2build X.Org X server -- i128 display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 2:2.17.0-1ubun X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display d
ii xserver-xorg-v 6.9.0-1build2 X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.4.13.dfsg- X.Org X server -- MGA display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.5-2build X.Org X server -- Neomagic display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.0.16+git20 X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.2.904+svn1 X.Org X server -- VIA display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 0.0.16-2ubuntu X.Org X server -- QXL display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 6.8.1-5build2 X.Org X server -- ATI r128 display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:6.14.99~git2 X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Radeon display dri
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:4.2.4-2ubunt X.Org X server -- Rendition display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.6.3-4build X.Org X server -- legacy S3 display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.10.4-4buil X.Org X server -- S3 ViRGE display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:2.3.3-1ubunt X.Org X server -- Savage display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.7.5-1build X.Org X server -- SiliconMotion display driv
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.10.3-3buil X.Org X server -- SiS display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:0.9.4-2build X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.4.3-4build X.Org X server -- tdfx display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.3.4-2build X.Org X server -- Trident display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.4-2build X.Org X server -- Tseng display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:2.3.0-7build X.Org X server -- VESA display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:12.0.1-1ubun X.Org X server -- VMware display driver
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.4-2build X.Org X server -- Voodoo display driver
ii xsltproc 1.1.26-8ubuntu XSLT 1.0 command line processor
ii xterm 271-1ubuntu2.1 X terminal emulator
ii xtrans-dev 1.2.6-2 X transport library (development files)
ii xubuntu-restri 12 Commonly used restricted packages for Xubunt
ii xubuntu-restri 57 Commonly used restricted packages for Xubunt
ii xul-ext-ubufox 2.7-0ubuntu0.1 Ubuntu-specific configuration defaults and a
rc xulrunner-1.9. XUL + XPCOM application runner
ii xz-lzma 5.1.1alpha+201 XZ-format compression utilities - compatibil
ii xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+201 XZ-format compression utilities
ii yelp 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 Help browser for GNOME
ii yelp-xsl 3.4.1-1 XSL stylesheets for the yelp help browser
ii z600cups 1.0-2 CUPS printer driver for Lexmark Z600 printer
ii zeitgeist 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 event logging framework
ii zeitgeist-core 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 event logging framework - engine
ii zeitgeist-data 0.8.2-1ubuntu2 event logging framework - passive logging da
ii zenity 3.4.0-0ubuntu4 Display graphical dialog boxes from shell sc
ii zenity-common 3.4.0-0ubuntu4 Display graphical dialog boxes from shell sc
ii zip 3.0-4 Archiver for .zip files
ii zlib1g 1: compression library - runtime
ii zlib1g:i386 1: compression library - runtime

eu vi que tenho o gerenciador de arquivos e shell grafico para o gnome... só. nao achei nada de gerenciador de arquivos nautilus ou coisa parecida.... e nao sei como usá-lo. nao consegui achá-lo para abrir.. nao sei como ativá-lo pelo terminal...

estou me sentindo em um beco sem saída.... preciso atualizar para o computador voltar a funcionar bem, mas nao consigo limpá-lo para fazer a atualizaçao...

grata mais uma vez!

19. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Ricardo Libanio

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 17:11h

qual o retorno do comando? "df -h" rode ele no terminal sem aspas

20. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 17:16h

apareceu isso:
Sist. Arq. Tam. Usado Disp. Uso% Montado em
/dev/sda1 14G 12G 1,5G 90% /
udev 1,9G 4,0K 1,9G 1% /dev
tmpfs 389M 904K 388M 1% /run
none 5,0M 0 5,0M 0% /run/lock
none 1,9G 1,2M 1,9G 1% /run/shm
/dev/sda5 278G 198G 66G 76% /home

21. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Ricardo Libanio

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 17:30h

clariceisoldi escreveu:

apareceu isso:
Sist. Arq. Tam. Usado Disp. Uso% Montado em
/dev/sda1 14G 12G 1,5G 90% /
udev 1,9G 4,0K 1,9G 1% /dev
tmpfs 389M 904K 388M 1% /run
none 5,0M 0 5,0M 0% /run/lock
none 1,9G 1,2M 1,9G 1% /run/shm
/dev/sda5 278G 198G 66G 76% /home

sua /home já esta em uma partição separada, o que auxilia em fazer uma instalação do zero no caso de perder dados, basta não formatar ela na instalação, que não perderá nada, apenas precisara reinstalar os aplicativos que usa hoje.

apenas terá de tomar cuidado ao instalar a nova versão do zero, em escolher a partição correta no seu caso /dev/sda1 para a raiz e marcar para formatar, ai selecione a /dev/sda5 para /home [mas não pode estar marcada para formatar]

na hora de instalar tem que escolher a opção avançada se não me engano e ir particionamento manual para poder fazer estas escolhas, não posso lhe dar os passos certo pois faz muito tempo que não mexo com a instalação do ubuntu.

dificilmente vai arrumar espaço para atualizar para uma nova versão a partir desta pois deixou pouco espaço para a raiz 14 gigas eu acho pouco no caso de ter só a /home separada.

22. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 17:37h

ok! agradecida!

irei tentr uma instalaçao do zero.

vou me informar de como fazer!

muito agradecida pela atenção até aqui.

ajudou bastante!

bom finald e ano e feliz 2015!

23. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Ricardo Libanio

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 17:42h

baixe a iso do ubuntu 14.04 ela é LTS, terá um suporte muito maior do que usar as versões comuns que muda a cada 6 meses.

obrigado, igualmente.

24. Re: problema na rede sem fio [RESOLVIDO]

Geraldo Albuquerque

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/12/2014 - 22:43h

ops @clariceisoldi , desculpa, vou tentar dar mais detalhes da próxima vez.
Estou até bolando um tutorial passo a passo com bastante calma pra ficar fácil de entender.
Se achar que está difícil, me avisa: -:>

01 02


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