(usa Debian)
Enviado em 14/10/2010 - 12:19h
lamassassin - email virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
clamav-data - clamav data files
clamav-getfiles - Update script for clamav
clamfs - An user-space anti-virus protected file system
clamsmtp - virus-scanning SMTP proxy
clamtk - graphical front-end for ClamAV
courier-filter-perl - purely Perl-based mail filter framework for the Courier MTA
libclamav-client-perl - A client for the ClamAV virus scanner daemon
mailscanner - email gateway for virus scanning, spam and phishing detection
python-pyclamd - Python interface to the ClamAV daemon
clamav - anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface
clamav-base - anti-virus utility for Unix - base package
clamav-daemon - anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
clamav-dbg - debug symbols for ClamAV
clamav-docs - anti-virus utility for Unix - documentation
clamav-freshclam - anti-virus utility for Unix - virus database update utility
clamav-milter - anti-virus utility for Unix - sendmail integration
clamav-testfiles - anti-virus utility for Unix - test files
libclamav-dev - anti-virus utility for Unix - development files
libclamav6 - anti-virus utility for Unix - library
python-clamav - Python bindings to ClamAV
libclamunrar6 - anti-virus utility for Unix - unrar support
amavisd-new - Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters
libclamav5 - anti-virus utility for Unix - library
amavisd-new-milter - Interface between sendmail-milter and amavisd-new
havp - HTTP Anti Virus Proxy
klamav - KDE frontend for ClamAV
Essa foi a Menssagem ai executar i apt-get serach clamav