(usa openSUSE)
Enviado em 01/08/2011 - 10:14h
Hi, Julio!
at the level of my knownledge, LibreOffice is now totally translated to Brazilian Portuguese.
My main translation works are: I translated the Sabayon Linux installer to Brazilian Portoguese, the official translator of Necoro's Portato (the GUI for Gentoo's Portage), one of the translators of Mozilla Firefox, and I also translated some aplicatives od Sabayon, (from Italian, as Smart Downloadmania and Smart Packet Mania.
But i'm not a Coder or TI profissional, I'm a Chemist.
Vincent, me and Teixeira, nor exact the same language. I translate to Brazilian Portuguese and Teixeira also.
But i dont Know Galician or Catalan.
i read well Spanish bu i dont write Spanish,
I also read well French, Italian, but i write "bad French" and "bad Italian")
i also read some German, some words, but i dont write it.