hscan - Portscan em Pyhton
Publicado por henrique (última atualização em 18/01/2023)
[ Hits: 3.277 ]
Homepage: naotem.com
Portscan feito em Python. Um nmap simplificado.
#!/bin/python3 import socket, argparse red = "\033[1;31m" blue = "\033[1;34m" cyan = "\033[1;36m" green = "\033[0;32m" reset = "\033[0;0m" bold = "\033[;1m" reverse = "\033[;7m" branco = "\033[37m" gray = "\033[0;37m" orange = "\033[0;49;33m" yellow = "\033[0;49;93m" print("-" * 65) print(yellow, """\n\n __ __ ______ ______ ______ __ __ /\ \_\ \ /\ ___\ /\ ___\ /\ __ \ /\ "-./ \ \ \ __ \ \ \___ \ \ \ \____ \ \ __ \ \ \ \-./\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \/\_____\ \ \_____\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \n""", reset) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A portscanner in python does in a cursed of python ',) parser.add_argument('-p', action='store', dest='port', help='porta') parser.add_argument('-d', action='store', dest='domain', default='', help='dominio') parser.add_argument('-a', dest='all', default=False, required=False, help='portas padroes True ou False', choices=['True', 'False']) parser.add_argument('-w', action='store', dest='wordlist', default='False', required=False, help='wordlist') parser.add_argument('-t', action='store', dest='timeout', default='0.5', help='timeout') arguments = parser.parse_args() if arguments.all == 'True': ports = (21, 22, 23, 25, 443, 445, 8080, 80, 3386, 139, 138) for port in ports: client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.settimeout(float(arguments.timeout)) code = client.connect_ex((arguments.domain, int(port))) if code == 0: print(red, f'[*] {port} aberta'.title(), reset) if arguments.wordlist != 'False': arquivo = open(arguments.wordlist, 'r') for port in arquivo: client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.settimeout(float(arguments.timeout)) code = client.connect_ex((arguments.domain, int(port))) if code == 0: print(red, f'[*] {port} aberta'.title(), reset) if arguments.all != 'True' and arguments.wordlist == 'False': try: for ports in arguments.port.split(','): client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.settimeout(float(arguments.timeout)) code = client.connect_ex((arguments.domain, int(ports))) if code == 0: print(red,f'[*] {ports} aberta'.title(),reset) except Exception as e: print('Algo deu errado!') if __name__ == '__main__': main() print('-' * 65)
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