SCM - Compressão em Massa
Publicado por Slackjeff (última atualização em 28/06/2018)
[ Hits: 1.406 ]
Simples compressão em massa (bash, ksh, zsh).
Modo de uso e outras informações:
#!/usr/bin/env bash #=============HEADER================================================| #AUTOR # Jefferson Rocha <> # #PROGRAM # SCM - Simple Compreension Mass # #DESC # #TESTED SHELLS: # Bash: version 4.3.48 # Ksh: version 93u+ # Zsh: version 5.2 # #CHANGELOG #===================================================================| #=========VARS============================| #==CONFIGURATIONS # Create MD5 file? MD5="0" # 0 OFF | 1 ON readonly NAME="SCM" readonly VERSION="0.1" #==Colors bold=$(tput bold) fg_error=$(tput setaf 1) fg_ok=$(tput setaf 2) fg_end=$(tput sgr0) #=========================================| #=========TESTES==========================| deps=("gzip" "tar" "md5sum") # program dependencies for x in "${deps[@]}"; { if ! type -p "${x}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then # MD5 enabled and installed on system? if [ "${x}" = "${deps[2]}" ] && [ "$MD5" = "1" ] ; then printf "${bold}${fg_error}U NEED INSTALL '${x}' FOR CONTINUE;${fg_end}\n" exit 1 else continue fi printf "${bold}${fg_error}U NEED INSTALL '${x}' FOR CONTINUE;${fg_end}\n" fi } #=========================================| #========FUNCTIONS========================| USAGE(){ cat <<EOH USAGE HERE. EOH exit 0 } _COMPRESS(){ # Local variables: typeset INPUT_TYPE typeset ARCHIVE until [ -z "$1" ]; do # Main loop [ -d "$1" ] && INPUT_TYPE="DIRECTORY" || INPUT_TYPE="ARCHIVE" # Input type. [ ! -w "$1" ] && { printf "NO PERMISSION!"; continue ;} # Have permission write? ARCHIVE="${1/%\//}-${INPUT_TYPE}.gz" if tar cf - "$1" | gzip -9 > "${ARCHIVE}"; then [ "$MD5" = "1" ] && md5sum "${ARCHIVE}" > "${ARCHIVE}.md5" # ON? Generate .md5 file printf "${bold}${fg_ok}'${1}'......\t[OK]${fg_end}\n" else printf "${bold}${fg_error}'${1}......\t[ERROR]'${fg_end}\n" fi shift # Downnn! done } #=========================================| # no params? go function. [ "$#" = "0" ] && USAGE ################# # MAINLAND here # ################# if [ "$1" = "compress" ]; then shift # Palmeiras if [ -z "$1" ]; then USAGE else _COMPRESS "$@" fi elif [ "$1" = "usage" ] || [ "$1" = "help" ]; then USAGE fi
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