Lista encadeada em C

Publicado por Alexandre (azk4n) (última atualização em 03/03/2016)

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Implementação de uma simples lista encadeada e dinâmica em C.

Código em en_US.



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/* a simple linked list in C
 * functions: remove/insert on head/end 
 *            show list 
 *            erase list (free)

  writer: azk4n


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct NO{
   int data;
   struct NO *next;

// global vars
int size; 
no *tmp = NULL;
// ----------

void startList(no *list){ 
   list->next = NULL;
   size = 0;

int testEmpty(no *list){
   if(list->next == NULL) return 1;
   else return 0;

no *malloking(){ 
   no *new = (no *) malloc(sizeof(no));
       printf("no memory\n");
       return NULL;
      printf("\ntake the nem element: ");
      scanf("%d", &new->data); 
      return new;

void insertOnEnd(no *list){
   no *new = malloking();
   new->next = NULL;
      list->next = new; 
      tmp = list->next;
      while(tmp->next != NULL){
         tmp = tmp->next;
      }tmp->next = new;    

void insertOnHead(no *list){
   no *new = malloking();
   no *oldHead = list->next;
   list->next = new; 
   new->next = oldHead;

no *removeOnEnd(no *list){
      printf ("\n\nempty list\n\n");
      return NULL;
      no *last = list->next,
         *llast = list;
      while(last->next != NULL){
         llast = last;
         last = last->next;
      llast->next = NULL;
      return last;


no *removeOnHead(no *list){
      printf("\n\nempty list\n\n"); 
      return NULL;
      tmp = list->next;
       list->next = tmp->next;
      return tmp;
void showList(no *list){
      printf("\n\nempty list\n\n"); 
   tmp = list->next; 
   while(tmp != NULL){
      printf("%d ", tmp->data);
      tmp = tmp->next;

void freeList(no *list){
       no *nextNo,
      actualNo = list->next;
      while(actualNo != NULL){
        nextNo = actualNo->next;
        actualNo = nextNo;

int main(){
   no *list = (no*) malloc(sizeof(list));
   if(!list) printf("\n\nno memory\n\n");
   else startList(list);
      int opt;
      printf("0 -> quit\n");
      printf("1 -> insert on the end\n");
      printf("2 -> insert on the head\n");
      printf("3 -> show the list\n");
      printf("4 -> remove on the end\n");
      printf("5 -> remove on the head\n");
      printf("6 -> free the list\n");
      printf("opt: "); scanf("%d", &opt);
         case 1:
         case 2: 
         case 3:
         case 4:
             tmp = removeOnEnd(list);
             if(tmp != NULL){
             printf("\nelement removed: %d\n\n", tmp->data);
            } break;
         case 5:
            tmp = removeOnHead(list);
             if(tmp != NULL){
             printf("\nelement removed: %d\n\n", tmp->data);
         case 6:
            if(opt != 0) printf("take valid option\n\n");
   }while(opt != 0);
      return 0;

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