Criador de instalador USB Linux bootável com Python
Publicado por Marcos Fernandes (última atualização em 07/05/2020)
[ Hits: 1.429 ]
Mesmo com tantas opções, resolvi por questão de praticar com Python, construir uma aplicação que efetue o download de uma ISO e permita, logo após, gravar a mesma em um dispositivo USB.
#!/usr/bin/env python import re import signal import sys from pathlib import Path from subprocess import DEVNULL, STDOUT, call, check_output try: import wget import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except Exception as err: sys.exit(f"[!] {err}, please use 'pip install -r requirements.txt'") URLS = [] HOME = Path.home() # when user exits with Ctrl-C, don't show error msg and remove wget's temp files signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda x, y: clean_temp()) def download(dist): regex = re.compile(".*iso$") if dist == "ubuntu": url = "" regex = re.compile(".*desktop.*.iso$") if dist == "archlinux": url = "" if dist == "fedora": url = "" if dist == "mint": url = "" regex = re.compile(".*cinnamon-64.*iso$") page = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser") for link in soup.find_all("a", attrs={"href": regex}): URLS.append(url+link.get("href")) iso_file = Path(f"{HOME}/Downloads/{link.get('href')}") if iso_file.exists(): print("[?] ISO file already downloaded.") return print(f"Downloading {link.get('href')} and saving on {HOME}/Downloads")[0], f"{HOME}/Downloads/{link.get('href')}") print() print("Download complete.") def create_usb(dist): dir = f"{HOME}/Downloads" try: iso = check_output(f"find {dir} -name {dist}*.iso", shell=True, stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[:-1] print(f"ISO file {iso[0]} found!") except Exception as err: print(f"[!] {err}: {dir} is not a valid directory!") exit() if not len(iso): print("You don't have ISO files in this directory!") exit() # empty line print() drive_list = check_output("ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/", shell=True).decode("utf-8") if "usb" not in drive_list: print("You don't have any USB drive connected!") exit() usb_list = [d for d in drive_list.split("\n")[:-1] if not d[-1].isdigit() and "usb" in d] print("List of your USB drives:") labels = [] for i, usb in enumerate(usb_list): name = " ".join(usb.split("usb-")[1].split("_")[:-1]) label = usb.split("/")[-1] labels.append(label) size = int(check_output(f"cat /sys/class/block/{label}/size", shell=True)) / 2 / 1024 / 1024 print(f"\n {i} {name} - {size:.2f} GB") # drive selection drive = input("\nSelect your USB drive! (default: 0) ") if drive.isdigit() and int(drive) < len(labels): drive = "/dev/" + labels[int(drive)] elif drive == "": drive = "/dev/" + labels[0] else: print("[!] This is not a valid number drive.\n") exit() confirm = True if input(f"\nThis will erease {drive} Are you sure? (y/n) ") == 'y' else False if confirm: is_mounted = True if call(f"mount | grep {drive}", shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=STDOUT) == 0 else False if is_mounted: mount_part = check_output(f"mount | grep {drive}", shell=True).decode("utf-8").split(" on")[0] call(f"umount {mount_part}", shell=True) print("drive unmounted!") call(f"sudo dd if={iso[0]} of={drive} status=progress bs=4M", shell=True) call(f"sync && sudo eject {drive}", shell=True) print("\nDone! Now you can remove your USB drive!") else: exit() def info(): print(""" All systems and software are downloaded in x64 only... sorry. Supported distros and software at moment: ubuntu = Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS Always) fedora = Fedora 32 archlinux = Archlinux (latest) mint = Mint Linux (19.3) """) def clean_temp(): try: temp_files = check_output( f"find {HOME}/Downloads -name *.tmp", shell=True, stderr=STDOUT ).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[:-1] if temp_files: call(f"rm {HOME}/Downloads/*.tmp", shell=True) exit() except Exception as err: print(f"[!] {err}: {dir} is not a valid directory!") exit() def main(argv): try: if argv: download(argv) create_usb(argv) except Exception: info() if __name__ == "__main__": try: dist = sys.argv[1].lower() main(dist) except Exception: info()
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