Conversor de Temperatura em Python
Publicado por João Vitor (última atualização em 03/02/2021)
[ Hits: 4.973 ]
Está em inglês mas é simples de entender ( e está em inglês porque foi para eu subir no meu GitHub - ).
* converte °C em °F
* converte °F em °C
* converte °C em K
* converte K em °C
* converte °F para K
* converte K em °F
def line(): print('-'*50) def celsius(): result = (temperature*1.8) + 32 print(f'The temperature {temperature:.1f}°C converted is from {result:.1f}°F') def fahrenheit(): result = (temperature - 32) / 1.8 print(f'The temperature {temperature:.1f}°F converted is from {result:.1f}°C') def kelvin_c(): result = (temperature - 273.15) print(f'The temperature {temperature:.1f}K converted is from {result:.1f}°C') def c_kelvin(): result = (temperature + 273.15) print(f'The temperature {temperature:.1f}°C converted is from {result:.1f}k') def fahrenheit_k(): result = (temperature - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15 print(f'The temperature {temperature:.1f}°F converted is from {result:.1f}k') def k_fahrenheit(): result = (temperature - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 print(f'The temperature {temperature:.1f}K converted is from {result:.1f}°F') def print_tabela(): print( ''' [1] Celsius(°C) to Fahrenheit(°F) [2] Fahrenheit(°F) to Celsius(°C) [3] Kevin(K) to Celsius(°C) [4] Celsius(°C) to Kevin(K) [5] Fahrenheit(°F) to Kevin(K) [6] Kevin(K) to Fahrenheit(°F) [7] to close the program ''' ) while True: line() print('Which operation do you want to do?') line() print_tabela() line() option = int(input('Enter the option: ')) if option == 1 or option == 2 or option == 3 or option == 4 or option == 5 or option == 6: line() temperature = float(input('Enter the temperature you want to convert: ')) if option == 1: celsius() elif option == 2: fahrenheit() elif option == 3: kelvin_c() elif option == 4: c_kelvin() elif option == 5: fahrenheit_k() elif option == 6: k_fahrenheit() else: print('Invalid command. ERROR') elif option == 7: print('Finishing..') break else: print('Invalid command. ERROR')
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