Atualização do AVG
Publicado por Marcelo Donato de Lemos Rossato 01/08/2004
[ Hits: 7.987 ]
Script para baixar os updates do AVG
#!/bin/sh ############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Grando, Marcus # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################### # # - Script para baixar o Update do AVG # # Marcus Grando # <marcus at sbh dot eng dot br> # # Versao 0.9.2 - 06/10/2003 # # TODO: setar automaticamente as variaveis? # # CHANGELOG: # # 0.9.3: Erro ao fazer o download do arquivo que esta com o tamanho errado, # estava baixando um arquivo *.1, foi alterada a opcao no wget para # que funcione corretamente (-N). # 0.9.2: Recriar o arquivo svg6info.ctl, pois o que ele baixa do servidor # nao funciona, pois tem o "../xx/", ao final eh recriado o arquivo. # ## ## sair() ## erro_var="" sair() { echo "ERRO: Ocorreu algum erro na definicao da variavel '$erro_var'"; exit 1; } ## ## Variaveis ## home=/home/avgupdate; [ ! -d $home ]&& erro_var="home" sair url= arqinfo=avg6info.ctf log=avg_update.log ## ## Programas ## rm=/bin/rm; [ ! -x $rm ]&& erro_var="rm" sair touch=/bin/touch; [ ! -x $touch ]&& erro_var="touch" sair wget=/usr/bin/wget; [ ! -x $wget ]&& erro_var="wget" sair mail=/bin/mail; [ ! -x $mail ]&& erro_var="mail" sair grep=/bin/grep; [ ! -x $grep ]&& erro_var="grep" sair cut=/usr/bin/cut; [ ! -x $cut ]&& erro_var="cut" sair echo=/bin/echo; [ ! -x $echo ]&& erro_var="echo" sair find=/usr/bin/find; [ ! -x $find ]&& erro_var="find" sair xargs=/usr/bin/xargs; [ ! -x $xargs ]&& erro_var="xargs" sair cat=/bin/cat; [ ! -x $cat ]&& erro_var="cat" sair ps=/bin/ps; [ ! -x $ps ]&& erro_var="ps" sair awk=/usr/bin/awk; [ ! -x $awk ]&& erro_var="awk" sair ls=/bin/ls; [ ! -x $ls ]&& erro_var="ls" sair ## ## Vai para o $home ## cd $home ## ## Previne para que nao ocorra outro update ## if [ -f "prevent_update" ]; then psavg=`$ps -aux | $grep wget | $grep avg` if [ "$psavg" != "" ]; then $echo "Existe outro arquivo \"prevent_update\"" | $mail -s "[AVG-Update] Erro" $email exit 3 fi else $touch prevent_update fi ## ## Remove arquivos $arqinfo/$log ## [ -f $arqinfo ] && $rm -rf $arqinfo [ -f $log ] && $rm -rf $log ## ## Download do $arqinfo ## $wget -o $log $url/$arqinfo ## ## Testa se existe o $arqinfo ## if [ -f "$arqinfo" ]; then bin_update=`$cat $arqinfo | $awk 'gsub(/("|.*\/.*\/)/,"") {print $1}'` else $cat $log | $mail -s AVG-Update $email exit 3 fi ## ## Procura pelos .bin antigos e remove eles ## old_bin=`$find . -name "*.bin" | $awk 'gsub(/.\//,"") {print}'` if [ "$old_bin" != "" ]; then for i in $old_bin; do remove_old=true for n in $bin_update; do if [ "$i" = "$n" ]; then remove_old=false fi done if $remove_old; then $rm -rf $i fi done fi ## ## Download dos novos .bin ## envia_email=false for i in $bin_update; do arq_down=`$cat $arqinfo | $grep $i | $awk 'gsub(/"/,"") {print $1}'` if [ -f $i ]; then size_arqinfo=`$cat $arqinfo | $grep $i | $awk '{print $2}' | $cut -d= -f2` size_ls=`$ls -lk $i | $awk '{print $5}'` if [ "$size_arqinfo" != "$size_ls" ]; then $wget -N -a $log $url/$arq_down envia_email=true fi else $wget -N -a $log $url/$arq_down envia_email=true fi done ## ## Gera arquivo avg6info.ctf if [ -f $arqinfo ]; then $cat $arqinfo | $awk '{gsub(/..\/.*\//,"")} {print}' > $arqinfo fi ## ## Envia email ## if $envia_email; then $cat $log | $mail -s "[AVG-Update] Atualizado" $email fi ## ## Remove arquivo $prevent_update ## $rm -rf prevent_update
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