DotGNU: a resposta Open Source ao dotNET
Esse projeto GNU visa basicamente certificar-se de que os usuários/desenvolvedores Unix Like tenham uma liberdade de escolha no futuro da Internet. Geralmente falando, a Internet é também um lugar da *liberdade*, porque é construído em protocolos abertos que não estão registrados em nenhuma patente-impedida, e que rodam geralmente no software livre. Entretanto, esta liberdade está ameaçada.
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Por: Ragen Dazs em 23/08/2003 | Blog:
The motto of the DotGNU project is "GNU Freedom for the Internet". The GNU Project seeks to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is Free Software. This objective has been reached: GNU/Linux and GNU/Hurd are available for computer users today. In today's networked economy there is often a need to interoperate with other systems. The goal of the DotGNU project is to make sure that this will not stop anyone from using a GNU/Linux or GNU/Hurd system. We want an internet where * The various computers communicate with each other using protocols for which specifications are available that can be freely copied and redistributed, and which can be freely implemented in GPL'd Free Software. * Businesses can form alliances with each other, and use webservices to integrate their business processes with each other, without fear of losing their freedom through "lock in" situations of any kind. * When working on software that implements business systems of any kind, the programmers have every freedom to do this task using a GNU/Linux or GNU/Hurd system and development tools which are Free Software. In addition, the DotGNU project was born out of a vision to create a viable Free Software industry, where developers can get paid fairly for working on Free Software. We want to encourage the formation of Free Software businesses which use one of DotGNU's group interaction systems, i.e. phpGroupWare or Forum, as their primary system for internal communication, and which use DotGNU webservices to integrate this communication system with all business processes. The DotGNU project encourages use of GNU Enterprise, which is the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system of the GNU project, but DotGNU will also support the use of webservices to integrate business processes with any other system.
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