Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

13. Re: Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 22/10/2016 - 12:34h

jigsaw2016 escreveu:

Tente rodar o seguinte comando :

rm /home/usuario/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Onde em 'usuario' você substitui pelo seu nome de usuário do ubuntu . Aqui no meu funcionou.

Manolo Deu certo aqui no meu, OBG!


14. Re: Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Walber Gouveia

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 25/10/2016 - 12:25h

jigsaw2016 escreveu:

Tente rodar o seguinte comando :

rm /home/usuario/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Onde em 'usuario' você substitui pelo seu nome de usuário do ubuntu . Aqui no meu funcionou.

Fiz esse procedimento e deu certo, obrigado!

15. Re: Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Bruno Souza da Silva Faria

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 19/11/2016 - 01:01h

jigsaw2016 escreveu:

Tente rodar o seguinte comando :

rm /home/usuario/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Onde em 'usuario' você substitui pelo seu nome de usuário do ubuntu . Aqui no meu funcionou.

Opa, boa noite.
Eu fiz essa remoção ai deu "certo", ele iniciou começou a baixar alguma coisa mas parou depois. e fica dando esse erro:

bruno@brunoub:~$ steam
Running Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc
grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc
grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc
/bin/bash: /home/bruno/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /bin/bash)
awk: /home/bruno/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1476379980)
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

16. Re: Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Tyrone Macedo Damasceno

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 19/11/2016 - 08:17h

Galera, to com o mesmo problema de a steam não iniciar. QUando clica pelo icone ela "ameaça" abrir e fecha.
Quando tento via terminal, ele nem dá erro, aparece isso e não termina o processo.
Running Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)

Eu usava até ontem tranquilamente no 15.10, ai mudei pro 16.04 e to com essa bronca, alguem pode me ajudar?

17. Ja fiz tudo e continua com erro.

Welinton Rodrigues

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 19/11/2016 - 15:09h

Boa tarde, fiz tudo o que os companheiros acima relataram, e mesmo assim ele fecha logo apos a começar fazer o update.
- ja troquei o driver da placa de video para o proprietario, ja removi, fiz um apt-get update, instalei a steam novamente.. e mesmo assim sempre o mesmo erro.

Alguem tem alguma dica que possa realmente me ajudar.. uso Ubuntu 16.10 x64

Log do terminal abaixo.

welintonr@welinton-esc:~$ steam
Repairing installation, linking /home/welintonr/.steam/steam to /home/welintonr/.local/share/Steam
Running Steam on ubuntu 16.10 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
[2016-11-19 14:04:24] Startup - updater built Oct 6 2016 17:39:29
[2016-11-19 14:04:24] Verifying installation...
[2016-11-19 14:04:24] Unable to read and verify install manifest /home/welintonr/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12.installed
[2016-11-19 14:04:24] Verification complete
[2016-11-19 14:04:24] Downloading Update...
[2016-11-19 14:04:24] Checking for available update...
[2016-11-19 14:04:25] Package file missing or incorrect size
[2016-11-19 14:04:25] Downloading update (0 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:26] Downloading update (145 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:26] Downloading update (229 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:26] Downloading update (312 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:27] Downloading update (397 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:27] Downloading update (482 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:27] Downloading update (565 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:27] Downloading update (646 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:28] Downloading update (735 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:28] Downloading update (818 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:28] Downloading update (903 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:28] Downloading update (978 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:29] Downloading update (1.062 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:29] Downloading update (1.146 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:29] Downloading update (1.230 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:29] Downloading update (1.315 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:30] Downloading update (1.398 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:30] Downloading update (1.482 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:30] Downloading update (1.566 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:30] Downloading update (1.651 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:31] Downloading update (1.735 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:31] Downloading update (1.819 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:31] Downloading update (1.902 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:31] Downloading update (1.986 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:32] Downloading update (2.070 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:32] Downloading update (2.154 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:32] Downloading update (2.229 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:32] Downloading update (2.313 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:33] Downloading update (2.397 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:33] Downloading update (2.481 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:33] Downloading update (2.565 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:33] Downloading update (2.649 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:34] Downloading update (2.733 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:34] Downloading update (2.816 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:34] Downloading update (2.900 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:34] Downloading update (2.984 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:35] Downloading update (3.065 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:35] Downloading update (3.152 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:35] Downloading update (3.237 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:35] Downloading update (3.320 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:36] Downloading update (3.404 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:36] Downloading update (3.488 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:36] Downloading update (3.564 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:36] Downloading update (3.647 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:37] Downloading update (3.732 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:37] Downloading update (3.815 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:37] Downloading update (3.899 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:37] Downloading update (3.983 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:38] Downloading update (4.067 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:38] Downloading update (4.151 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:38] Downloading update (4.235 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:38] Downloading update (4.319 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:39] Downloading update (4.403 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:39] Downloading update (4.487 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:39] Downloading update (4.571 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:39] Downloading update (4.655 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:40] Downloading update (4.738 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:40] Downloading update (4.814 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:40] Downloading update (4.897 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:40] Downloading update (4.982 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:41] Downloading update (5.066 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:41] Downloading update (5.149 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:41] Downloading update (5.234 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:41] Downloading update (5.317 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:42] Downloading update (5.401 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:42] Downloading update (5.486 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:42] Downloading update (5.569 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:42] Downloading update (5.653 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:43] Downloading update (5.737 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:43] Downloading update (5.822 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:43] Downloading update (5.906 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:43] Downloading update (5.990 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:44] Downloading update (6.073 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:44] Downloading update (6.149 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:44] Downloading update (6.233 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:44] Downloading update (6.317 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:45] Downloading update (6.401 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:45] Downloading update (6.484 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:45] Downloading update (6.568 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:45] Downloading update (6.652 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:46] Downloading update (6.735 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:46] Downloading update (6.820 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:46] Downloading update (6.904 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:46] Downloading update (6.988 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:47] Downloading update (7.072 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:47] Downloading update (7.155 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:47] Downloading update (7.239 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:47] Downloading update (7.323 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:48] Downloading update (7.407 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:48] Downloading update (7.483 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:48] Downloading update (7.567 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:48] Downloading update (7.650 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:49] Downloading update (7.735 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:49] Error: Download of package (tenfoot_ambientsounds_all) failed due to checksum mismatch
[2016-11-19 14:04:49] Downloading update (0 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:49] Package file missing or incorrect size
[2016-11-19 14:04:51] Downloading update (115 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:51] Downloading update (199 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:51] Downloading update (281 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:52] Downloading update (366 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:52] Downloading update (450 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:52] Downloading update (534 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:52] Downloading update (618 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:53] Downloading update (693 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:53] Downloading update (778 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:53] Downloading update (862 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:53] Downloading update (946 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:54] Downloading update (1.030 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:54] Downloading update (1.114 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:54] Downloading update (1.197 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:54] Downloading update (1.282 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:55] Downloading update (1.365 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:55] Downloading update (1.449 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:55] Downloading update (1.534 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:55] Downloading update (1.617 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:56] Downloading update (1.702 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:56] Downloading update (1.786 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:56] DownloadinInstalling breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
g update (1.862 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:56] Downloading update (1.945 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:57] Downloading update (2.029 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:57] Downloading update (2.113 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:57] Downloading update (2.197 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:57] Downloading update (2.281 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:58] Downloading update (2.365 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:58] Downloading update (2.450 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:58] Downloading update (2.533 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:58] Downloading update (2.617 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:59] Downloading update (2.700 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:59] Downloading update (2.784 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:59] Downloading update (2.868 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:04:59] Downloading update (2.952 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:00] Downloading update (3.037 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:00] Downloading update (3.112 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:00] Downloading update (3.196 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:00] Downloading update (3.280 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:01] Downloading update (3.364 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:01] Downloading update (3.448 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:01] Downloading update (3.532 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:01] Downloading update (3.616 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:02] Downloading update (3.700 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:02] Downloading update (3.784 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:02] Downloading update (3.868 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:02] Downloading update (3.951 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:03] Downloading update (4.036 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:03] Downloading update (4.119 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:03] Downloading update (4.204 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:03] Downloading update (4.287 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:04] Downloading update (4.362 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:04] Downloading update (4.446 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:04] Downloading update (4.531 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:04] Downloading update (4.614 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:05] Downloading update (4.699 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:05] Downloading update (4.782 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:05] Downloading update (4.866 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:05] Downloading update (4.949 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:06] Downloading update (5.035 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:06] Downloading update (5.119 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:06] Downloading update (5.202 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:06] Downloading update (5.287 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:07] Downloading update (5.370 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:07] Downloading update (5.454 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:07] Downloading update (5.537 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:07] Downloading update (5.622 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:08] Downloading update (5.697 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:08] Downloading update (5.781 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:08] Downloading update (5.866 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:08] Downloading update (5.950 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:09] Downloading update (6.033 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:09] Downloading update (6.118 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:09] Downloading update (6.202 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:09] Downloading update (6.285 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:10] Downloading update (6.369 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:10] Downloading update (6.453 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:10] Downloading update (6.537 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:10] Downloading update (6.621 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:11] Downloading update (6.705 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:11] Downloading update (6.788 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:11] Downloading update (6.864 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:12] Downloading update (6.948 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:12] Downloading update (7.032 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:12] Downloading update (7.115 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:12] Downloading update (7.201 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:13] Downloading update (7.284 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:13] Downloading update (7.368 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:13] Downloading update (7.452 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:13] Downloading update (7.536 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:14] Downloading update (7.618 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:14] Downloading update (7.704 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:14] Downloading update (7.786 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:14] Error: Download of package (tenfoot_ambientsounds_all) failed due to checksum mismatch
[2016-11-19 14:05:14] Downloading update (0 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:14] Package file missing or incorrect size
[2016-11-19 14:05:16] Downloading update (158 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:16] Downloading update (244 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:17] Downloading update (317 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:17] Downloading update (403 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:17] Downloading update (486 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:17] Downloading update (570 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:18] Downloading update (653 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:18] Downloading update (738 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:18] Downloading update (823 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:18] Downloading update (907 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:19] Downloading update (991 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:19] Downloading update (1.075 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:19] Downloading update (1.159 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:19] Downloading update (1.243 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:20] Downloading update (1.326 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:20] Downloading update (1.410 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:20] Downloading update (1.487 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:20] Downloading update (1.569 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:21] Downloading update (1.654 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:21] Downloading update (1.737 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:21] Downloading update (1.822 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:21] Downloading update (1.906 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:22] Downloading update (1.990 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:22] Downloading update (2.074 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:22] Downloading update (2.155 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:22] Downloading update (2.240 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:23] Downloading update (2.326 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:23] Downloading update (2.410 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:23] Downloading update (2.493 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:23] Downloading update (2.576 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:24] Downloading update (2.660 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:24] Downloading update (2.737 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:24] Downloading update (2.821 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:24] Downloading update (2.905 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:25] Downloading update (2.989 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:25] Downloading update (3.072 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:25] Downloading update (3.156 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:25] Downloading update (3.240 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:26] Downloading update (3.325 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:26] Downloading update (3.409 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:26] Downloading update (3.491 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:26] Downloading update (3.575 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:27] Downloading update (3.658 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:27] Downloading update (3.744 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:27] Downloading update (3.828 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:27] Downloading update (3.912 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:28] Downloading update (3.996 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:28] Downloading update (4.071 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:28] Downloading update (4.155 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:28] Downloading update (4.238 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:29] Downloading update (4.323 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:29] Downloading update (4.407 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-Assert( Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x58195f98/0x0xf3d8bb' ):threadtools.cpp:3272

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
assert_20161119140556_6.dmp[8126]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
19 14:05:29] Downloading update (4.491 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:29] Downloading update (4.574 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:30] Downloading update (4.658 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:30] Downloading update (4.743 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:30] Downloading update (4.826 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:30] Downloading update (4.910 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:31] Downloading update (4.994 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:31] Downloading update (5.077 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:31] Downloading update (5.161 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:31] Downloading update (5.245 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:32] Downloading update (5.330 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:32] Downloading update (5.406 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:32] Downloading update (5.488 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:32] Downloading update (5.573 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:33] Downloading update (5.657 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:33] Downloading update (5.741 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:33] Downloading update (5.825 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:33] Downloading update (5.909 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:34] Downloading update (5.993 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:34] Downloading update (6.077 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:34] Downloading update (6.161 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:34] Downloading update (6.245 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:35] Downloading update (6.328 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:35] Downloading update (6.413 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:35] Downloading update (6.497 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:35] Downloading update (6.580 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:36] Downloading update (6.656 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:36] Downloading update (6.739 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:36] Downloading update (6.823 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:36] Downloading update (6.908 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:37] Downloading update (6.992 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:37] Downloading update (7.076 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:37] Downloading update (7.159 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:37] Downloading update (7.244 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:38] Downloading update (7.328 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:38] Downloading update (7.410 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:38] Downloading update (7.496 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:38] Downloading update (7.580 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:39] Downloading update (7.663 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:39] Downloading update (7.747 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:39] Error: Download of package (tenfoot_ambientsounds_all) failed due to checksum mismatch
[2016-11-19 14:05:39] Downloading update (0 of 7.786 KB)...
[2016-11-19 14:05:39] Repeatedly failed to download packages, giving up
[2016-11-19 14:05:39] Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again.
[2016-11-19 14:05:55] Shutdown
threadtools.cpp (3272) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x58195f98/0x0xf3d8bb'
assert_20161119140556_6.dmp[8126]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
assert_20161119140556_6.dmp[8126]: error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
assert_20161119140556_6.dmp[8126]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20161119140556_6.dmp'', upload no: '' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory''
/home/welintonr/.local/share/Steam/ linha 444: sem resultados: ssfn*

18. Resolvi o meu

Bruno Souza da Silva Faria

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 20/11/2016 - 10:27h

E ae galera
Eu consegui resolver o meu problema na steam, tem um post um pouco mais acima ai, da seguinte forma

digitei o código que o cara disse la no site do Ubuntu pra rodar o dele:

$ LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/' steam

Vê se ajuda um de vocês

19. Thanks guy


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 11/12/2016 - 18:00h

RockmanX escreveu:

jigsaw2016 escreveu:

Tente rodar o seguinte comando :

rm /home/usuario/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Onde em 'usuario' você substitui pelo seu nome de usuário do ubuntu . Aqui no meu funcionou.

Deu certo aqui fazendo mais de uma vez o processo, muito obrigado a todos que me ajudaram por aqui

20. O meu está dando esse erro... não carrega

Ricardo Cruz

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 21/06/2017 - 02:23h

Running Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

21. Re: Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Emerson Reis Soares

(usa Arch Linux)

Enviado em 16/10/2017 - 21:49h

jigsaw2016 escreveu:

Tente rodar o seguinte comando :

rm /home/usuario/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Onde em 'usuario' você substitui pelo seu nome de usuário do ubuntu . Aqui no meu funcionou.

Perfeito. Me salvou aqui.

22. Re: Steam não inicia no Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

João Pedro

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 13/11/2017 - 19:52h

jigsaw2016 escreveu:

Tente rodar o seguinte comando :

rm /home/usuario/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Onde em 'usuario' você substitui pelo seu nome de usuário do ubuntu . Aqui no meu funcionou.

Aí sim hem amigo, funfou aqui, obrigado. Como vocês descobrem essas coisas?

01 02


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