![Ricardo Fabiano Silva Ricardo Fabiano Silva](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/engre.gif)
(usa Gentoo)
Enviado em 21/07/2016 - 10:13h
sandromilgrau escreveu:
Essa pergunta de novo?
O Slackware live Edition vem com duas contas de usuário: o usuário "root" (Com senha "root")
e do usuário "live" (com senha "live").
Slackware Live does not log you on automatically! This is a demonstration environment, with the purpose of getting you acquainted with Slackware, remember? Therefore you will first see all these intimidating kernel messages scrolling across the screen while booting the OS. Then you need to login manually.
The Slackware Live Edition comes with two user accounts: user "root" (with password "root") and user "live" (with password "live"). My advice is to login as user live and use “su” or “sudo” to get root access.
Se já conseguiu efetuar o login, coloque o tópico como resolvido e escoilha a resposta do amigo como a melhor resposta.