![Cassiano S. Rosa Cassiano S. Rosa](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/1222997614Formosan termite soldier.jpg)
(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 23/04/2010 - 09:14h
Na linha em que você pede o multicolumn vc pede para 5 colunas e sua tabela tem 6 colunas. Com isso a última coluna fica sem a linha.
isso pode ser resolvido apenas colocando o 6 no lugar do 5 no multicolumn.
Ou ainda vc pode aumentar as margens de sua folha com o pacote geometry.
Veja exemplo:
% use packages: array
\caption{Results of the catalytic oxidation experiments, using [VO(CB[6])](SO)$_{4}$.9 H$_{2}$O and pure CB[6].}
Assay & Substrate & Oxidant & \% conv. to Alcohols & \% conv. to Ketones & [ket.]/[alc.]\\
& & &(\textbf{TON}) &(\textbf{TON}) &(\textbf{total TON})\\ \hline
$1^{\ a;CBVO}$ &cyclooctene& H$_2$O$_2$ & n.d. & n.d. & - \\
$2^{\ a;CBVO}$ &cyclohexane& H$_2$O$_2$ & n.d. & n.d. & - \\
$3^{\ a;CBVO}$ &styrene & H$_2$O$_2$ & n.d. & n.d. & - \\
$4^{\ a;CBVO}$ &n-pentane & PhIO & $2 \% (\textbf{15})$ & $11 \% (\textbf{83})$ & 5.5 (\textbf{98}) \\
$5^{\ a;CBVO}$ &n-pentane & H$_2$O$_2$ & $<1 \% (\textbf{$<$8})$ & $2 \%(\textbf{15})$ & $>$2 (\textbf{$<$23})\\
$6^{\ a;tt}$ &n-pentane & PhIO & n.d. & n.d. & - \\
$7^{\ b;CBVO}$ &n-pentane & H$_2$O$_2$ & n.d. & n.d. & - \\
$8^{\ c;CBVO}$ &n-pentane & H$_2$O$_2$ & n.d. & n.d. & - \\
$9^{\ d;CBVO}$ &n-pentane & H$_2$O$_2$ & $8 \% (\textbf{60})$ & - & - (\textbf{60})\\
$10^{\ b;CBVO}$ &n-pentane & PhIO & $8 \% (\textbf{60})$ & $<1 \% (\textbf{$<$8})$ & $<$0.13 (\textbf{$<$68}) \\
$11^{\ b;tt}$ &n-pentane & PhIO & $5 \% (\textbf{38})$ & $<1 \% (\textbf{$<$8})$ & $<$0.2 (\textbf{$<$46}) \\
$12^{\ b;tt}$ &n-pentane & H$_2$O$_2$ & $7 \% (\textbf{53})$ & $<1 \% (\textbf{$<$8})$ & $<$0.14 (\textbf{$<$61})\\
$13^{\ a;CB[6]}$ &n-pentane & PhIO & n.d. & n.d. & - \\ \hline
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\begin{footnotesize}\textbf{a}: acetonitrile; \textbf{b}: acetone; \textbf{c}: dichloromethane; \textbf{d}: benzene. TON= turnover number; n.d.=not detected \end{footnotesize}} \\