
(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 20/07/2010 - 11:07h
Fiz a tentativa que indicou, mas não tive sucesso. Vou colocar passo a passo e talvez me indique o que fazer. Esta é a geração da tabela:
%% %%
%% This is the header of a LaTeX2e file exported from Gnumeric. %%
%% %%
%% This file can be compiled as it stands or included in another %%
%% LaTeX document. The table is based on the longtable package so %%
%% the longtable options (headers, footers...) can be set in the %%
%% preamble section below (see PRAMBLE). %%
%% %%
%% To include the file in another, the following two lines must be %%
%% in the including file: %%
%% \def\inputGnumericTable{} %%
%% at the beginning of the file and: %%
%% \input{name-of-this-file.tex} %%
%% where the table is to be placed. Note also that the including %%
%% file must use the following packages for the table to be %%
%% rendered correctly: %%
%% \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %%
%% \usepackage{color} %%
%% \usepackage{array} %%
%% \usepackage{longtable} %%
%% \usepackage{calc} %%
%% \usepackage{multirow} %%
%% \usepackage{hhline} %%
%% \usepackage{ifthen} %%
%% optionally (for landscape tables embedded in another document): %%
%% \usepackage{lscape} %%
%% %%
%% This section checks if we are begin input into another file or %%
%% the file will be compiled alone. First use a macro taken from %%
%% the TeXbook ex 7.7 (suggestion of Han-Wen Nienhuys). %%
%% Check for the \def token for inputed files. If it is not %%
%% defined, the file will be processed as a standalone and the %%
%% preamble will be used. %%
%% We must be able to close or not the document at the end. %%
%% %%
%% This is the PREAMBLE. Change these values to get the right %%
%% paper size and other niceties. Uncomment the landscape option %%
%% to the documentclass defintion for standalone documents. %%
%% %%
%% End of the preamble for the standalone. The next section is for %%
%% documents which are included into other LaTeX2e files. %%
%% We are not a stand alone document. For a regular table, we will %%
%% have no preamble and only define the closing to mean nothing. %%
%% If we want landscape mode in an embedded document, comment out %%
%% the line above and uncomment the two below. The table will %%
%% begin on a new page and run in landscape mode. %%
% \def\gnumericTableEnd{\end{landscape}}
% \begin{landscape}
%% End of the else clause for this file being \input. %%
%% %%
%% The rest is the gnumeric table, except for the closing %%
%% statement. Changes below will alter the table's appearance. %%
%% %%
%% Uncomment the next line if you would like your numbers to be in %%
%% italics if they are italizised in the gnumeric table. %%
%% The following setting protects this code from babel shorthands. %%
%% The default table format retains the relative column widths of %%
%% gnumeric. They can easily be changed to c, r or l. In that case %%
%% you may want to comment out the next line and uncomment the one %%
%% thereafter %%
%% to adjust positions in multirow situations %%
%% The \setlongtables command keeps column widths the same across %%
%% pages. Simply comment out next line for varying column widths. %%
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\gnumericTableWidthComplete > \linewidth}}%
%% %%
%% The following are the widths of the various columns. We are %%
%% defining them here because then they are easier to change. %%
%% Depending on the cell formats we may use them more than once. %%
%% %%
%% The longtable options. (Caption, headers... see Goosens, p.124) %%
% \caption{The Table Caption.} \\ %
% \hline % Across the top of the table.
%% The rest of these options are table rows which are placed on %%
%% the first, last or every page. Use \multicolumn if you want. %%
%% Header for the first page. %%
% \multicolumn{3}{c}{The First Header} \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 1
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 2
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} \\ \hline %Last column
% \endfirsthead
%% The running header definition. %%
% \hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\ldots\small\slshape continued} \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 1
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 2
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} \\ \hline %Last column
% \endhead
%% The running footer definition. %%
% \hline
% \multicolumn{3}{r}{\small\slshape continued\ldots} \\
% \endfoot
%% The ending footer definition. %%
% \multicolumn{3}{c}{That's all folks} \\ \hline
% \endlastfoot
{\gnumericPB{\centering}\gnumbox{\textbf{Litologia predominante na se��o filtrante}}}
{\gnumericPB{\centering}\gnumbox{\textbf{Condutividade hidr�ulica (cm/s)}}}
{\gnumericPB{\centering}\gnumbox{\textbf{Po�os de monitoramento rasos}}}
{\gnumericPB{\centering}\gnumbox{\textbf{Po�os de monitoramento multin�veis}}}
Este é o meu documento de código fonte para gerar meu relatório:
\author{Da Silva, João Carlos}
%Pacotes Lingua
%Pacote Biblio
%% Redefine the font used for the section headings to
%% Helvetica-Narrow Bold.
%Pacote Figuras
\usepackage{subfigure} %para inserir figuras lado a lado
%Pacotes Tabelas Gnumeric
%Pacotes Equações
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
%Comandos auxiliares Pacote nomencl
% cd /home/joao/doc_jc/Geologia_estrutural/
% makeindex aluatex.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o aluatex.nls
\includegraphics[bb=0 0 155 42]{./Figura89.JPG}
% Figura89.JPG: 155x42 pixel, 72dpi, 5.47x1.48 cm, bb=0 0 155 42
\begin{center}\textbf{\Large CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO MONTE SERRAT}\\
\textbf{\Large (``UNIMONTE'')}\\
%\textbf{\Large }\par\end{center}{\Large \par}
\textsf{\textbf{\LARGE \Huge INVESTIGAÇÃO DETALHADA}}\\
\end{center}{\ \par}
\textsf{\textbf{\Huge }}\par\end{center}{\Huge \par}
%*****************************FOLHA DE ROSTO*********************************
\leftskip=7.5cm Autor: \\ \textbf{Msc:João Carlos da Silva}\\
Colaborador:\\ \textbf{Msc:Ricardo Santos}\\ Data: 02/06/2010
%\begin{flushleft}\leftskip=2.5cm \textbf{}\\
%\leftskip=4.5cm Autores:\\ \textbf{João Carlos da Silva\\ Pesquisadores: \\ Thiago Vieira Mascaro \\
%Daniel de Oliveira Pereira \\ Camila Rodrigues Ferreira}
% Cria um comando auxiliar para montagem da lista de figuras
\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil\normalfont #1}{}\par}
% Cria um comando auxiliar para montagem da lista de tabelas
\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil\normalfont #1}{}\par}
% Altera a forma de montagem da lista de figuras
\leftskip 3.1em
\rightskip 1.6em
\parfillskip -\rightskip
\parindent 0em
\@tempdima 2.0em
\advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
{Figura \normalfont #1}\nobreak \figfillnum{#2}}
% Altera a forma de montagem de lista de tabelas
\leftskip 3.4em
\rightskip 1.6em
\parfillskip -\rightskip
\parindent 0em
\@tempdima 2.0em
\advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
{Tabela \normalfont #1}\nobreak \tabfillnum{#2}}
%*************************LISTA DE FIGURAS******************************
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Lista de Figuras}
%************************LISTA DE TABELAS*******************************
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Lista de Tabelas}
\parindent 1cm
\parskip 12pt
Mostra-se uma tentativa de reaproveitamento do esgoto coletado e utilizado de
forma inadequada. A implementação da estação de tratamento
(ESTANREAP), apresenta uma maneira de reaproveitar os dejetos (sólidos e
líquidos) de água negra em forma de água tratável. O modelo incluí ainda o
aproveitamento das águas plúviais, que são bastante comuns na Baixada
Santista em determinados períodos. A iniciativa deste modelo é aproveitar
melhor os desperdícios de água potável e ainda economizar com os gastos de
água da Universidade. A estação contará com um sistema manual e para um
futuro pode ser implementado o sistema totalmente programado para
automatização. Como diferencial, a estação poderá servir de estação de
experimentos ambientais dos própios alunos da pós-graduação.
\textbf{Palavras chaves:} Dejetos sólidos; Água de reuso; Uso de água
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%colocar a forma de aparecer o abstract%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
It shows an attempt to reuse of sewage collected and used in
inappropriately. The implementation of the treatment plant
(ESTANREAP) presents a way of reusing the waste (solid and
net) of black water in the form of treatable water. The model also includes
the rainwater harvesting, which are quite common in the Low Santos at certain
times. The initiative is to take advantage of this model
more waste drinking water and still save at the expense of
Water of the University. The station will have a manual system and a
future can be fully implemented the system programmed to
automation. As a distinction, the station could serve as a station
Own environmental experiments of students graduate.
\textbf {Keywords:} Solid Waste, Water reuse, Water use
%\input{parte5} \label{anx1}
%\input{parte6} \label{anx2}
%\input{parte7} \label{anx3}
%\input{parte8} \label{anx4}
%\input{parte9} \label{anx5}
%\input{parte10} \label{anx6}
%\input{tabelas} \label{anx2}
Então, eu consigo aumentar minha coluna de forma horizontal, mas não sei como aumentar minha coluna de forma vertical. Se consigo aumentar a forma vertical tenho a possibilidade de diminuir o espaço lateral e aí cabe tudo num formato a4.
Se alguém puder ajudar e agradeço imensamente.