Squid 3.0

1. Squid 3.0

Guilherme Pires

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 31/12/2007 - 16:12h

Boa tarde. Pessoal estou tentando instalar o squid 3.0 no slackware 11. Já tentei em outra maquina com a versão 12 do slackware mas continua dando o mesmo erro.
Para fazer um teste mais simples criei um squid. conf super simples e o mesmo erro que aparece com o arquivo do padrão do squid continua aparecendo.
http_port 3128 transparent
cache_mem 64 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 64 KB
maximum_object_size 512 MB
minimum_object_size 0 KB
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/proxy 20048 16 256
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log squid
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log
cache_effective_user squid
acl redelocal src
http_access allow redelocal

O serviço levanta nomalmente mas na hora que mando conecar alguma pagina da internet utilizando algum micro da rede a pagina não é ezibida. E au dar um cat /var/log/squid/cache.log
Aparece a mensagem de que o proxy transparente não é suportado.

2007/12/31 15:42:46| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0.STABLE1 for i686-pc-linux-gnu...
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Process ID 525
2007/12/31 15:42:46| With 1024 file descriptors available
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Performing DNS Tests...
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2007/12/31 15:42:46| DNS Socket created at, port 32769, FD 6
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Adding domain slack-srv from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Swap maxSize 20529152 KB, estimated 1579165 objects
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Target number of buckets: 78958
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Using 131072 Store buckets
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Max Swap size: 20529152 KB
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support detected...
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Rebuilding storage in /var/cache/proxy (DIRTY)
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Using Least Load store dir selection
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Current Directory is /root
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Loaded Icons.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Accepting transparently proxied HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| HTCP Disabled.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Ready to serve requests.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Done reading /var/cache/proxy swaplog (0 entries)
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Entries scanned
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Invalid entries.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 With invalid flags.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Objects loaded.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Objects expired.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Objects cancelled.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Took 0.13 seconds ( 0.00 objects/sec).
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Beginning Validation Procedure
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Completed Validation Procedure
2007/12/31 15:42:46| Validated 25 Entries
2007/12/31 15:42:46| store_swap_size = 0
2007/12/31 15:42:47| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2007/12/31 15:49:02| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:49:29| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:49:44| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:49:59| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:50:14| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:50:29| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:50:40| Squid is already running! Process ID 525
2007/12/31 15:51:44| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
2007/12/31 15:51:59| WARNING: transparent proxying not supported

Pessoal gostaria muito da ajuda de vocês, talvez alguem com mais esperiencia que eu possa me ajudar.
Antes que me esqueça estou usando o Redirect no iptables.


2. Aqui deu certo.

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 22/01/2009 - 15:58h

Comigo funcionou, amigo.

1. Desinstale
#/opt/squid/squid-3.0.STABLE9/ make uninstall
2. Recompile teu squid com o parametro "--enable-linux-netfilter"
#./configure --enable-linux-netfilter"
3. make all
4. make install

be happy!

cat /usr/local/squid/var/logs/cache.log
2009/01/22 15:49:05| Squid Cache (Version 3.0.STABLE9): Exiting normally.
2009/01/22 15:50:53| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0.STABLE9 for i686-pc-linux-gnu...
2009/01/22 15:50:53| Process ID 3092
2009/01/22 15:50:53| With 1024 file descriptors available
2009/01/22 15:50:53| Performing DNS Tests...
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2009/01/22 15:50:54| DNS Socket created at, port 52448, FD 7
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Adding domain bhz.virtua.com.br from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 12
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Swap maxSize 1024000 KB, estimated 78769 objects
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Target number of buckets: 3938
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Using 8192 Store buckets
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Max Mem size: 262144 KB
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Max Swap size: 1024000 KB
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support detected...
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Rebuilding storage in /usr/local/squid/var/logs (CLEAN)
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Using Least Load store dir selection
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Current Directory is /usr/local/squid/sbin
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Loaded Icons.
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Accepting transparently proxied HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 14.
2009/01/22 15:50:54| HTCP Disabled.
2009/01/22 15:50:54| Ready to serve requests.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| Done reading /usr/local/squid/var/logs swaplog (3563 entries)
2009/01/22 15:50:55| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 3563 Entries scanned
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 0 Invalid entries.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 0 With invalid flags.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 3563 Objects loaded.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 0 Objects expired.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 0 Objects cancelled.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2009/01/22 15:50:55| Took 0.88 seconds (4069.97 objects/sec).
2009/01/22 15:50:55| Beginning Validation Procedure
2009/01/22 15:50:55| Completed Validation Procedure
2009/01/22 15:50:55| Validated 7151 Entries
2009/01/22 15:50:55| store_swap_size = 41740
2009/01/22 15:50:55| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2009/01/22 16:03:03| Preparing for shutdown after 518 requests
2009/01/22 16:03:03| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2009/01/22 16:03:03| FD 14 Closing HTTP connection
2009/01/22 16:03:05| Squid is already running! Process ID 3092


Um abraço!


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