(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 20:09h
man bash
The name of the file in which command history is saved (see HIS‐
TORY below). The default value is ~/.bash_history. If unset,
the command history is not saved when an interactive shell
The maximum number of lines contained in the history file. When
this variable is assigned a value, the history file is trun‐
cated, if necessary, by removing the oldest entries, to contain
no more than that number of lines. The default value is 500.
The history file is also truncated to this size after writing it
when an interactive shell exits.
export HISTSIZE=1000
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
acho que quer dizer que ambos terão o valor de 1000 linhas|comandos, que quando atingido os antigos serão sobrepostos.
* a observação que citei como monstruosa é porque quem precisa que se registre 10000 comandos?