Opera - Problemas para inicializar

1. Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Ramis Abud Neto

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 17:47h

Olá pessoal!
Recentemente instalei o navegador Opera, para ver seu desempenho, porém só consigo executá-lo como super usuário.
Como faço para executá-lo em usuário comum?
Minha distro é Debian 6.

Obrigado desde já!
Abraço, Ramis Abud.


2. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 18:15h

Ramis, lá no tópico do Iceweasel, indiquei que deletasse o Reposítório do Opera por ser o 'Testing'.
Prefira o 'Stable'. OK?

Faça o seguinte, delete o repositório do Opera Testing (se ainda não o fez). Delete este Opera que instalou também:
# apt-get remove --purge opera

E acrescente este abaixo. No terminal, como 'root':
# gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Pule uma linha e cole:

### Opera Browser Repository
deb http://deb.opera.com/opera squeeze non-free

Depois SALVE E FECHE o Gedit.

No mesmo terminal, ainda como 'root':

# wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -
# apt-get update
# apt-get install opera

Retorne e relate o resultado.

3. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Ramis Abud Neto

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 18:34h

Coloquei os comandos, e ainda não consigo abrir o Opera. Acho que devo desinstalar e tentar novamente, correto?
Se possível, qual é o comando para a desinstalação?

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

(gedit:9414): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key">http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -
--2011-10-20 18:34:26-- http://deb.opera.com/archive.key">http://deb.opera.com/archive.key
Resolvendo deb.opera.com...
Conectando-se a deb.opera.com||:80... conectado.
A requisição HTTP foi enviada, aguardando resposta... 200 OK
Tamanho: 2437 (2,4K) [application/pgp-keys]
Salvando em: “STDOUT”

100%[======================================>] 2437 --.-K/s em 0s

2011-10-20 18:34:26 (71,1 MB/s) - escrito para a saída padrão [2437/2437]

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# apt-get update
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze Release.gpg
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/ squeeze/main Translation-pt
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/ squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze Release
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze/main i386 Packages
Err cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze/main i386 Packages
Por favor, use o apt-cdrom para fazer com que este CD-ROM seja reconhecido pelo APT. O apt-get update não pode ser usado para adicionar novos CD-ROMs
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze Release.gpg
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/contrib Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-pt
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Obter:1 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-updates/main Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Obter:2 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/main Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze Release
Obter:3 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates Release [113 kB]
Obter:4 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-pt
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main Translation-pt
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Obter:5 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates Release [38,4 kB]
Obter:6 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates Release [141 kB]
Obter:7 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/main Sources [49,1 kB]
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/main Sources
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/contrib Sources
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/non-free Sources
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/main i386 Packages
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/contrib i386 Packages
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:8 http://deb.opera.com testing Release.gpg [189 B]
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ testing/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ testing/non-free Translation-pt
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/contrib Sources
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/non-free Sources
Obter:9 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/main i386 Packages [159 kB]
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:10 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/contrib Translation-pt
Atingido http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports Release.gpg
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release Translation-en
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release Translation-pt
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ testing/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Obter:11 http://deb.opera.com squeeze Release.gpg [189 B]
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/contrib i386 Packages
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/non-free i386 Packages
Obter:12 http://deb.opera.com testing Release [633 B]
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/main Translation-en
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/main Translation-pt
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports Release
Obter:13 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports Release [77,3 kB]
Obter:14 http://deb.opera.com squeeze Release [633 B]
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release i386 Packages
Ign http://deb.opera.com testing/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release i386 Packages
Ign http://deb.opera.com squeeze/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze Release.gpg
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/main Translation-pt
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://deb.opera.com testing/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze Release
Obter:15 http://deb.opera.com squeeze/non-free i386 Packages [859 B]
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:16 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex [6991 B]
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:17 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 2011-10-20-1537.06.pdiff [870 B]
Obter:18 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 2011-10-20-1537.06.pdiff [870 B]
Obter:19 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 2011-10-20-1537.06.pdiff [870 B]
Baixados 591 kB em 3s (154 kB/s)
W: Falhou ao buscar cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/dists/squeeze/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Por favor, use o apt-cdrom para fazer com que este CD-ROM seja reconhecido pelo APT. O apt-get update não pode ser usado para adicionar novos CD-ROMs

E: Alguns arquivos de índice falharam para baixar, eles foram ignorados ou os antigos foram usados no lugar.
root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

(gedit:9848): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# apt-get install opera
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
opera já é a versão mais nova.
Os seguintes pacotes foram instalados automaticamente e já não são necessários:
libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-render-util0-dev
Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 119 não atualizados.

4. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 19:15h

ramisabud escreveu:

Coloquei os comandos, e ainda não consigo abrir o Opera. Acho que devo desinstalar e tentar novamente, correto?
Se possível, qual é o comando para a desinstalação?

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

(gedit:9414): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key">http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -
--2011-10-20 18:34:26-- http://deb.opera.com/archive.key">http://deb.opera.com/archive.key
Resolvendo deb.opera.com...
Conectando-se a deb.opera.com||:80... conectado.
A requisição HTTP foi enviada, aguardando resposta... 200 OK
Tamanho: 2437 (2,4K) [application/pgp-keys]
Salvando em: “STDOUT”

100%[======================================>] 2437 --.-K/s em 0s

2011-10-20 18:34:26 (71,1 MB/s) - escrito para a saída padrão [2437/2437]

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# apt-get update
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze Release.gpg
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/ squeeze/main Translation-pt
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/ squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze Release
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze/main i386 Packages
Err cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01] squeeze/main i386 Packages
Por favor, use o apt-cdrom para fazer com que este CD-ROM seja reconhecido pelo APT. O apt-get update não pode ser usado para adicionar novos CD-ROMs
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze Release.gpg
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/contrib Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-pt
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Obter:1 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-updates/main Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Obter:2 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/main Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze Release
Obter:3 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates Release [113 kB]
Obter:4 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-pt
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main Translation-pt
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Obter:5 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates Release [38,4 kB]
Obter:6 http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates Release [141 kB]
Obter:7 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/main Sources [49,1 kB]
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/main Sources
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/contrib Sources
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/non-free Sources
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/main i386 Packages
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/contrib i386 Packages
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-updates/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:8 http://deb.opera.com testing Release.gpg [189 B]
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ testing/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ testing/non-free Translation-pt
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/contrib Sources
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/non-free Sources
Obter:9 http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/main i386 Packages [159 kB]
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://ftp.br.debian.org squeeze-proposed-updates/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:10 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/contrib Translation-en
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/contrib Translation-pt
Atingido http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports Release.gpg
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release Translation-en
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release Translation-pt
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ testing/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Obter:11 http://deb.opera.com squeeze Release.gpg [189 B]
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://deb.opera.com/opera/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/contrib i386 Packages
Atingido http://security.debian.org squeeze/updates/non-free i386 Packages
Obter:12 http://deb.opera.com testing Release [633 B]
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/main Translation-en
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/main Translation-pt
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/ squeeze-backports/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports Release
Obter:13 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports Release [77,3 kB]
Obter:14 http://deb.opera.com squeeze Release [633 B]
Ign http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release i386 Packages
Ign http://deb.opera.com testing/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports/iceweasel-release i386 Packages
Ign http://deb.opera.com squeeze/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze Release.gpg
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/main Translation-pt
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Ign http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Atingido http://deb.opera.com testing/non-free i386 Packages
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze Release
Obter:15 http://deb.opera.com squeeze/non-free i386 Packages [859 B]
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:16 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex [6991 B]
Atingido http://www.debian-multimedia.org squeeze/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Atingido http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obter:17 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 2011-10-20-1537.06.pdiff [870 B]
Obter:18 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 2011-10-20-1537.06.pdiff [870 B]
Obter:19 http://backports.debian.org squeeze-backports/main i386 2011-10-20-1537.06.pdiff [870 B]
Baixados 591 kB em 3s (154 kB/s)
W: Falhou ao buscar cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628-13:01]/dists/squeeze/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Por favor, use o apt-cdrom para fazer com que este CD-ROM seja reconhecido pelo APT. O apt-get update não pode ser usado para adicionar novos CD-ROMs

E: Alguns arquivos de índice falharam para baixar, eles foram ignorados ou os antigos foram usados no lugar.
root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

(gedit:9848): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported

root@bd785b66:/home/ramisabud# apt-get install opera
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
opera já é a versão mais nova.
Os seguintes pacotes foram instalados automaticamente e já não são necessários:
libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-render-util0-dev
Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 119 não atualizados.

Coloque o cd-rom do debian ou abra o terminal e digite: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (ou gedit /apt/etc/sources.list ) nao me lembro hehe
e apague a linah que estiver escrito cd-rom 9as primeiras normalmente) e rode novamente o comando apt-get update e depois o comando para instalar o opera.

5. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 19:18h


Pode precisar do repositório do CD de instalação para futuros consertos se vier a acontecer.
Já havia indicado isso a você, Ramis.

6. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 19:21h

izaias escreveu:


Pode precisar do repositório do CD de instalação para futuros consertos se vier a acontecer.
Já havia indicado isso a você, Ramis.

Isso, foi mnal. erro meu. Não delete. Segue a dica do izaias aqui..

7. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Ramis Abud Neto

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 19:40h

Feito, porém infelizmente não consigo inicializa-lo normalmente.
Qual é o problema?

8. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 19:42h

E como faz?
É Debian com Gnome?

9. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 20:17h

Cara, faça como o izac disse. Altere o arquivo 'sources.list' como no exemplo dado.

Depois desinstale o opera com o comando:

apt-get remove --purge opera

Depois faça uma atualização do sistema para checar o repositório alterado.

apt-get update

Agora instale o opera:

apt-get install opera

Tente ai e vê se rola numa boa.

Se houver algum problema, relate detalhadamente o que realmente acontece para sabermos como te orientar.


Na hora que tenta abrir o arquivo com o gedit está dando alguma falha na execução.

Tente o comando 'gksu' para abrir o mesmo:

gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Quando rolar o comando ele pedira a senha de root, digite-a e abrirá o arquivo. Altere e salve o mesmo, saia e faça o procediemnto citado.

10. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Ramis Abud Neto

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 21:37h

Fiz o pedido, porém nada de iniciar normalmente.
Será que ele só opera quando somos super usuario?
Parece que sim...

11. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 20/10/2011 - 21:44h

Mas não está no menu do Debian?
Chame pelo terminal: opera
Coloque aqui exatamente o que aparece no terminal.

12. Re: Opera - Problemas para inicializar

Ramis Abud Neto

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 21/10/2011 - 06:38h

Está no menu Debian, e quando eu chamo por terminal abre, porém como super usuário.
Como usuário comum, o terminal simplesmente "pula uma linha", ou seja, eu digito, aperto em enter, e vai para a linha de baixo sem abrir o programa. A única forma aparente de usa-lo parece ser abrindo pelo terminal logado como root, certo?

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