webProxy feito em PHP
Publicado por Marcus Fazzi 26/03/2004
[ Hits: 15.877 ]
Este pequeno script PHP inplementa um webProxy, com suporte apenas ao protocolo HTTP na porta 80, mas mostra muitas técnicas de programação em PHP.
O script é totalmente orientado a objetos, possuindo o arquivo principal index.php e a classe webproxy.php
A licença deste script é BSD!
---------------->index.php <?php require 'webproxy.php'; //tempo ilimitado de script.... @set_time_limit(200); $wproxy = new WebProxy; if ($_GET['xurl']!='') { $wproxy->browser = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $wproxy->web_self = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_SELF"]; $wproxy->web_proxy = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"] . $wproxy->web_self; $wproxy->params = $_GET; $wproxy->url = $_GET['xurl']; $wproxy->getport(); $wproxy->getserver(); $wproxy->showresult(); } else { echo $wproxy->showbanner(); ?> <br></b> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./webproxy.css"> <form action='index.php' method="get"> <pre><img src="fzz.gif">URL:<input type="text" name="xurl" size="60"> <input type="submit" value="Go!"></pre> </form> <?php } ?> ------------------------> webproxy.php <?php define('WEB_PROXY',''); //to-do: verificar se tirando o :PORTA da url ela abre no webproxy.... //to-do: multiple form support... class WebProxy { var $url; //url to get... var $port; //port to connect... var $server; var $web_proxy; var $browser; var $protocol; var $page; var $svr_path; var $params; //Objetos que não levam o cabeçalho... var $objects = array('.jpg','.jpeg','.gif','.png','.css','.swf','.js','.zip','.gz','.tar','.rar','.exe','.pdf','.xls','.doc','.ppt','.mpg','.mpeg','.mp3','.mid','.midi','.wav','.java','.jar','.class','.xml','.css'); //Objetos binarios. var $bin_objects = array('.zip','.gz','.tar','.rar','.exe','.pdf','.xls','.doc','.ppt','.mpg','.mpeg','.mp3'); function showbanner() { $st0 = $this->url!= ''? " , opening: '$this->url' on port: '$this->port'</font>":''; return "<table border='0' bgcolor='AFAFD8' align='center' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='004080'><td><b><font size=2 color='AFAFD8'>WebProxy v" . WEB_PROXY . " by Fazzi.net</b>$st0<br> <a style='COLOR:AFAFD8;' href='./'>:: Go Home :: <img border='0' src='home.gif'></a></td></tr></table>\n"; } function getport() { $pp = explode('://',$this->url); $this->protocol = $pp[0]; $this->page = $pp[1]; switch ($this->protocol) { case 'http': $p = 80; break; case 'https': $p = 443; break; default: $p = 21; die('<b>WebProxy ERROR</b>: this version don\'t supports this protocol.'); break; } //get alternate ports... $pp = explode('/',$pp[1]); $port = explode(':',$pp[0]); $this->port = $port[1]!=''?$port[1]:$p; } function getserver() { $pp = explode('://',$this->url); $pp = explode('/',$pp[1]); $this->server = $pp[0]; $this->svr_path = $pp; $this->ext = strtolower(strrchr($this->url,'.')); } function showresult() { $data = ""; $fp = fsockopen($this->server,$this->port); if ($fp) { //patch 1.00 $n_vars = count($this->params); //from a form? if ($n_vars > 1) { $keys = array_keys($this->params); //$cg = '?'; for ($i=0; $i<$n_vars; $i++) { $eta = $i==0?'':$keys[$n_vars-$i-1] . '='; $new_url .= $cg . $eta . $this->params[$keys[$n_vars-$i-1]]; $cg = $i<1?'?':'&'; } $this->url = $new_url; } //fim patch 1.00 fputs($fp, "GET $this->url" . "\r\n\r\n"); $this->bin_head(); while (!feof($fp)) { if (!(in_array($this->ext,$this->objects))) { $data .= fread($fp, 1024); } else { echo fread($fp, 1024); } } fclose($fp); } else { echo "<b>WebProxy ERROR</b>: Can not connect to server.<br>"; } if (!(in_array($this->ext,$this->objects))) { echo $this->showbanner(); $data = $this->data_replace_links($data); echo $this->web_replace_title($data); } unset($data); } function web_replace_title($data) { if ($pos = strpos($data,'<title>') + strpos($data,'<TITLE>')) { return substr_replace($data,'WebProxy v' . WEB_PROXY . ' :: ' , $pos + 7, 0); } else { return substr_replace($data,'<title>WebProxy v' . WEB_PROXY . ' :: No Title</title>' , 0, 0); } } function data_replace_links($data) { $data = str_replace('./','',$data); $data = str_replace('http://','http://' . $this->web_proxy . '?xurl=http://',$data); $data = str_replace('="./','="' . 'http://' . $this->web_proxy . '?xurl=' . $this->url,$data); $data = str_replace("='./","='" . 'http://' . $this->web_proxy . '?xurl=' . $this->url,$data); $data = $this->tag_replace($data,'src'); $data = $this->tag_replace($data,'href'); $data = $this->form_replace($data); //$data = $this->tag_replace($data,'action'); return $data; } //patch 1.00 function form_replace($data) { $tag = 'action'; $sup_tag = substr_replace($tag,'Fzz',0,1); $len = strlen($data); $len_tag = strlen($tag); $pos_atual = 0; while ($pos_atual!=$len) { if ($pos = strpos($data,' ' . $tag)) { $st = substr($data,$pos,$len_tag + 10); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $pos_2 = strpos($st,"'") + strpos($st,'"'); $z = $pos_2 ? 1 : 0; $pos_2 = $pos_2==0? strpos($st,'='):$pos_2; $form_tmp = substr($data,$pos + $pos_2 + 1 ,1024); if ($z) { $pos_3 = strpos($form_tmp,'"') + strpos($form_tmp,"'"); } $pos_3 = $pos_3==0?strpos($form_tmp,' ')+1:$pos_3; $pos_3 = $pos_3==0?strpos($form_tmp,'>')+1:$pos_3; unset($form_tmp); $form_action = substr($data, $pos + $pos_2 + 1,$pos_3); if ($pos_4 = strpos($form_action,'?')) { $form_action = substr($form_action,$pos_4 + 6, strlen($form_action)- $pos_4 + 6); } $stpp = ''; $st3 = ''; $k = count($this->svr_path); $kk = strlen($form_action); if (substr($form_action,0,7)!='http://') { if (substr($form_action,0,1)=='/') { $stpp = $this->server; $stpp = str_replace('//','/',$stpp); $form_action = 'http://' . $stpp . $form_action; } else { for ($i=0;$i<$k-1;$i++) { $stpp .= $this->svr_path[$i] . '/'; } $stpp = str_replace('//','/',$stpp); $form_action = 'http://' . $stpp . $form_action; } } $form_action = "<input type='hidden' name='xurl' value='$form_action'>"; //$data = substr_replace($data,' ' . $form_action, $pos_5 + 1 ,0); if ($pos_5 = strpos($data,'</form>')) { $data = substr_replace($data, ' ' . $form_action . '</fzzorm>', $pos_5,7); } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $st2 = str_replace(' ','',$st); if (substr($st2,$len_tag,1)=='=') { $c = substr($st2,$len_tag+1,1); $passo = 1; if ($c!="'" and $c!='"') { $c = ''; } $br = substr($st2,$len_tag+2,1); if (substr($st2,0,$len_tag + 9)!=$tag . '=' . $c . 'http://') { //pega a posição da " if ($c!='') { $x = strpos($st,$c); } else { $x = strpos($st,'='); } $stpp = ''; $st3 = ''; if ($br!='/') { for ($i=0;$i<$k-1;$i++) { $stpp .= $this->svr_path[$i] . '/'; } $stpp = str_replace('//','/',$stpp); $st3 = $this->web_proxy; } elseif ($br=='/') { $stpp = $this->server; $stpp = str_replace('//','/',$stpp); $st3 = $this->web_proxy; } $l = strlen($st3); $st3 = 'http://' . str_replace('//','/',$st3); $data = substr_replace($data,$st3,$pos+$x+$passo,$kk); } } $data = substr_replace($data,' ' . $sup_tag,$pos,$len_tag+1); } else { $pos_atual = $len; } } $data = str_replace('="post"','="get"',$data); $data = str_replace("='post'","='get'",$data); $data = str_replace("</fzzorm>","</form>",$data); return str_replace(' ' . $sup_tag,' ' . $tag,$data); } function tag_replace($data,$tag) { $sup_tag = substr_replace($tag,'Fzz',0,1); $len = strlen($data); $len_tag = strlen($tag); $pos_atual = 0; while ($pos_atual!=$len) { if ($pos = strpos($data,' ' . $tag)) { $st = substr($data,$pos,$len_tag + 10); $st2 = str_replace(' ','',$st); if (substr($st2,$len_tag,1)=='=') { $c = substr($st2,$len_tag+1,1); $passo = 1; if ($c!="'" and $c!='"') { $c = ''; } $br = substr($st2,$len_tag+2,1); if (substr($st2,0,$len_tag + 9)!=$tag . '=' . $c . 'http://') { //pega a posição da " if ($c!='') { $x = strpos($st,$c); } else { $x = strpos($st,'='); } $stpp = ''; $k = count($this->svr_path); $st3 = ''; if ($br!='/') { for ($i=0;$i<$k-1;$i++) { $stpp .= $this->svr_path[$i] . '/'; } $stpp = str_replace('//','/',$stpp); $st3 = 'http://' . $this->web_proxy . '?xurl=http://' . $stpp; } elseif ($br=='/') { $stpp = $this->server; $stpp = str_replace('//','/',$stpp); //$stpp = substr($stpp,strlen($stpp)-1,1)=='/'?substr($stpp,0,strlen($stpp)-1):$stpp; $st3 = 'http://' . $this->web_proxy . '?xurl=http://' . $stpp; } $l = strlen($st3); $data = substr_replace($data,$st3,$pos+$x+$passo,0); } } $data = substr_replace($data,' ' . $sup_tag,$pos,$len_tag+1); } else { $pos_atual = $len; } } return str_replace(' ' . $sup_tag,' ' . $tag,$data); } function bin_head() { if (in_array($this->ext,$this->bin_objects)) { $k = count($this->svr_path); $arquivo = $this->svr_path[$k-1]; //$size = strlen($data)*8; switch ($this->ext) { case '.pdf': header("Content-type: application/pdf\n"); break; case '.doc': header("Content-type: application/msword\n"); break; case '.xls': header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel\n"); break; case '.ppt': header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint\n"); break; case 'mpg': header("Content-type: audio/mpeg\n"); break; case 'mpeg': header("Content-type: audio/mpeg\n"); break; case 'mp3': header("Content-type: audio/mpeg\n"); break; default: header("Content-type: application/octet-stream\n"); } if (strstr($this->browser, "MSIE")) { header("Content-Disposition: filename=$arquivo" . "%20" . "\n"); // for IE } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$arquivo" . "\n"); //other browsers } //header("Content-Length: " . $size . "\n"); header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary\n"); header("Pragma: no-cache" . "\n"); } } } ?>
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