Visualizador binário
Publicado por Geraldo José Ferreira Chagas Júnior 08/09/2008
[ Hits: 6.435 ]
Visualiza o conteúdo de um arquivo em binário.
/* viwbin.c */ #include <stdio.h> #define iifc(expr) ((expr) ? ('1') : ('0')) void byteToBin (char b, char* bin); void intTohex (unsigned long int b, char* hex); int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE *arq; char buf[9]; int contByteLin=0; unsigned long int contLin=1; char pos [9]; int f; if (argc!=2) { printf ("Parametro incorreto.\n"); printf ("Informe apenas o nome do arquivo\n"); return 1; } if (!(arq=fopen(argv[1],"r"))) { printf ("Nao foi possivel abrir o arquivo!\n"); return 1; } printf (" 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\n"); printf (" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf ("00000000 | "); while (f=fread(buf,1,1,arq)) { if (contByteLin==16) { contByteLin = 0; printf ("\n"); if ((contLin % 0x10) == 0) { printf (" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf (" 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\n"); printf (" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } intTohex (contLin++, pos); printf ("%s | ",pos); } byteToBin (buf[0],buf); printf ("%s ",buf); contByteLin ++; } printf ("\n"); close (arq); } void byteToBin (char b, char* bin) { bin [0] = iifc (b & 0x80); bin [1] = iifc (b & 0x40); bin [2] = iifc (b & 0x20); bin [3] = iifc (b & 0x10); bin [4] = iifc (b & 0x8); bin [5] = iifc (b & 0x4); bin [6] = iifc (b & 0x2); bin [7] = iifc (b & 0x1); bin [8] = '{FONTE}'; } void intTohex (unsigned long int b, char* hex) { char vet[]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; unsigned long int r; r = b % 0x10; hex[7] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; r = b % 0x10; hex[6] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; r = b % 0x10; hex[5] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; r = b % 0x10; hex[4] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; r = b % 0x10; hex[3] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; r = b % 0x10; hex[2] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; r = b % 0x10; hex[1] = vet[r]; b = b >> 0x4; hex[0] = vet[b]; hex[8] = '{FONTE}'; }
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