Sincronizando seu hosts.deny com blacklist online
Publicado por Fernando (última atualização em 25/11/2013)
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Este script atualiza o seu /etc/hosts e /etc/hosts.deny baseado na blacklist localizada em:
Desta forma você irá bloquear diversos sites maliciosos, inclusive aqueles da
#!/bin/sh # # This script was made to update your /etc/hosts and /etc/hosts.deny with a blacklist located in # Written by phoemur - apr/2013 ############# # Variables # ############# TMP_DIR=/tmp ROOT_UID=0 #Only users with $UID 0 have root privileges. E_NOTROOT=87 #Non-root exit error. E_INVALID=88 #Invalid file exit E_ARGUMENTS=89 # Invalid arguments exit WGET=`which wget` SED=`which sed` HOSTS_URL= #File already in txt format # If possible, log events in /var/log/messages: if [ -f /var/run/ -a -x `which logger` ]; then LOGGER=`which logger` else # output to stdout/stderr: LOGGER=/bin/cat fi ###################### # To be or not to be # ###################### if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ]; then echo "Must be root to run this script." exit $E_NOTROOT fi ############# # Functions # ############# get_hosts() { if [ -f "$TMP_DIR/hosts" ]; then mv $TMP_DIR/hosts $TMP_DIR/hosts.oldtmp fi $WGET -c $HOSTS_URL -O $TMP_DIR/hosts } update_etc() { diff -q $TMP_DIR/hosts /etc/hosts if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then echo "It is not necessary to update your hosts file" | $LOGGER echo "Your hosts are already up-to-date!!!" else grep -q ^ $TMP_DIR/hosts > /dev/null # Validating the downloaded file if [ ! $? ]; then echo "The hosts file downloaded is invalid" exit $E_INVALID else # Upgrading cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.old cp $TMP_DIR/hosts /etc/hosts cp /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hosts.deny.old $SED 's/^127\.0\.0\.1/ALL:/g;/localhost/d' $TMP_DIR/hosts > /etc/hosts.deny echo "There is new version of hosts avaiable which was already upgraded" | $LOGGER $SED -n '/Last.updated/{s/^#.*updated: \(.*$\)/\1/p}' $TMP_DIR/hosts | $LOGGER echo "Hosts Upgraded Successfully!!!" fi fi } usage() { cat << EOF This script updates your /etc/hosts and your /etc/hosts.deny based in the blacklist located here: Options: --upgrade (Updates your hosts) --update (Only downloads the new file for inspection. Location: /tmp/hosts) --help (Displays this help) EOF } ############ ### MAIN ### ############ case "$1" in '--upgrade') get_hosts update_etc exit 0 ;; 'upgrade') get_hosts update_etc exit 0 ;; '--update') get_hosts echo "Your hosts file is located at /tmp for inspection" exit 0 ;; 'update') get_hosts echo "Your hosts file is located at /tmp for inspection" exit 0 ;; '--help') usage exit 0 ;; 'help') usage exit 0 ;; *) usage exit $E_ARGUMENTS esac # End of script
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