Configuração pós-instalação do Slackware 14.2
Publicado por Ryuk Shinigami (última atualização em 17/02/2020)
[ Hits: 2.316 ]
Script que eu uso para configurar de modo prático e rápido o Slackware logo após a instalação. Publico aqui caso alguém queira adaptá-lo a sua necessidade.
#!/bin/bash # Configuração pós-instalação do Slackware 14.2 # Autor: PauloHAC ( config_update() { # Atualiza certificados (wget): depende de "perl" update-ca-certificates -f # atualiza o sistema linha=$(grep -n "brasil" /etc/slackpkg/mirrors | grep -m1 "http" | cut -d: -f1) sed -i "$linha s/^# //" /etc/slackpkg/mirrors slackpkg update gpg slackpkg update slackpkg upgrade-all } config_sbopkg() { # Instala sbopkg ver=$(ls /var/log/packages/ | grep -c sbopkg) if [ "$ver" -gt 1 ]; then echo "sbopkg já instalado." else #wget #installpkg sbopkg-0.38.1-noarch-1_wsr.tgz sbover=$(lynx -dump | grep -m1 -Eo 'https.*tgz$') wget $sbover installpkg sbopkg*.tgz sbopkg -r fi } config_timezone() { # Configurar relógio do sistema para UTC ou localtime timeconfig # Ajusta o relógio do hardware #hwclock --systohc } config_locale() { sed -i -e 's/^#//' -e 's/^/#/' /etc/profile.d/ echo 'export LINGUAS=pt_BR.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=pt_BR.UTF-8 export LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 export LC_COLLATE=C' | tee -a /etc/profile.d/ sed -i -e 's/^#//' -e 's/^/#/' /etc/profile.d/lang.csh grep ^export /etc/profile.d/ | sed -e "s/export/setenv/g" -e "s/\=/\ /g" >> /etc/profile.d/lang.csh # unicode echo '# unicode unicode_start' | tee -a /etc/rc.d/rc.local chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local # MAN PAGES sed -i '/^NROFF/c \ NROFF /usr/bin/groff -Tlatin1 -mandoc' /etc/man.conf } config_keyboard() { echo 'Section "InputClass" Identifier "keyboard-all" MatchIsKeyboard "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Driver "evdev" Option "XkbModel" "abnt2" Option "XkbLayout" "br" Option "XkbVariant" "abnt2" Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" EndSection' | tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-keyboard-layout.conf } config_touchpad() { echo 'Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad" Driver "synaptics" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton2" "3" Option "TapButton3" "2" Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "1" Option "VertEdgeScroll" "1" Option "TapAndDragGesture" "1" EndSection' | tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf } config_videotearingfix() { echo 'Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "Intel" Option "AccelMethod" "sna" Option "TearFree" "true" EndSection' | tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf } config_powerbuttonfix() { # Evita o desligamento ao apertar o botão "power" sed -i '/power/,+1s/^/#/' /etc/acpi/ } config_brigthness() { echo '# Ajusta brilho da tela de acordo com o horário Hora=$(date +%H) case $Hora in 0[6-9]|1[0-2]) echo 1801 >/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness ;; 1[3-7]) echo 1201 >/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness ;; 1[89]|2[0123]|0[0-5]) echo 601 >/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness ;; esac' | tee -a /etc/rc.d/rc.local } config_firewall() { # sbopkg config_sbopkg # ufw sbopkg -i ufw echo '# UFW start if [ -x /lib/ufw/ufw-init ]; then /lib/ufw/ufw-init start fi' | tee -a /etc/rc.d/rc.local chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local # Inetd sed -i '$i All: All' /etc/hosts.deny } config_ntpd() { # Configura servers sed -i '/list one/a \ server iburst \ server iburst \ server iburst \ server iburst' /etc/ntp.conf # Ativa o serviço no boot chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd # sincroniza ntpdate } config_user() { # Cria usuario adduser # Configura sudo read -p "Configurar SUDO para o usuario: " usuario grupo=$usuario groupadd -g 1000 $grupo groupadd -r sudo usermod -a -G ${grupo},sudo $usuario sed -i '/%sudo\|secure_path/s/# //' /etc/sudoers # xinit #su -l $usuario -c 'xwmconfig' # Desabilita "login-forturne" if [ -e /etc/profile.d/ ]; then chmod -x /etc/profile.d/bsd-games-login-fortune.* fi } config_boot() { # Inittab sed -i '/initdefault/s/3/4/' /etc/inittab # Desabilitar tty[3-6] sed -i '/^c[3-6]/s/^/#/' /etc/inittab # Xinit xwmconfig # Cursor mkdir -p /usr/share/icons/default/ echo '[icon theme] Inherits=Adwaita' | tee /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme # XDM echo "Personalizando XDM..." sed -i '1 c Xcursor.theme: Adwaita' /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources sed -i 's/SteelBlue/Black/' /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 } config_kernelgeneric() { /usr/share/mkinitrd/ | bash ln -sfv /boot/$(uname -r) /boot/ ln -sfv /boot/config-generic-$(uname -r)* /boot/config ln -sfv /boot/vmlinuz-generic-$(uname -r) /boot/vmlinuz rm -fv /boot/vmlinuz-huge /boot/vmlinuz-generic mv -v /boot/vmlinuz-huge-$(uname -r) /boot/disabled-vmlinuz-huge-$(uname -r) #grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #lilo } # Backups if [ ! -d /root/backups ]; then mkdir /root/backups echo "Backup dos arquivos de configuração..." cp -v /etc/acpi/ /root/backups cp -v /etc/hosts.deny /root/backups cp -v /etc/inittab /root/backups cp -v /etc/ntp.conf /root/backups cp -v /etc/man.conf /root/backups cp -v /etc/profile.d/lang* /root/backups cp -v /etc/rc.d/rc.local /root/backups cp -v /etc/slackpkg/mirrors /root/backups cp -v /etc/sudoers /root/backups fi if [ ! -d /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]; then mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d fi # MENU for f in \ config_update \ config_sbopkg \ config_timezone \ config_locale \ config_keyboard \ config_touchpad \ config_videotearingfix \ config_powerbuttonfix \ config_brigthness \ config_firewall \ config_ntpd \ config_user \ config_boot \ config_kernelgeneric do while read -p "Deseja executar a função: $f? (S,n): " resp do case ${resp:=S} in S|s) $f ; break ;; N|n) break ;; *) echo "Resposta inválida!" ;; esac done done echo "Fim do script"
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