Classe utilitária para enviar emails com PHP através da função mail
Publicado por Paulo Dias (última atualização em 16/01/2017)
[ Hits: 5.450 ]
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Essa classe simplifica o envio de emails através da função mail().
Com essa classe é possível inclusive adicionar anexos de forma bastante simples.
Versão 2 - Enviado por Paulo Dias em 10/12/2016
Changelog: Alteração método send.
Versão mais recente em
<?php /* Class to send email easily with function mail */ class Email { private $from; private $reply; private $message; private $cc; private $bcc; private $to; private $subject; private $attachment; public function __construct($data = array()) { $this->clear(); if (isset($data["from"])) { $this->setFrom($data["from"]); } if (isset($data["reply"])) { $this->setReply($data["reply"]); } if (isset($data["message"])) { $this->setMessage($data["message"]); } if (isset($data["cc"])) { $this->setCc($data["cc"]); } if (isset($data["bcc"])) { $this->setBcc($data["bcc"]); } if (isset($data["to"])) { $this->setTo($data["to"]); } if (isset($data["subject"])) { $this->setSubject($data["subject"]); } if (isset($data["attachment"])) { $this->setAttachment($data["attachment"]); } return $this; } public function clear() { $this->from = ""; $this->reply = ""; $this->message = ""; $this->cc = array(); $this->bcc = array(); $this->to = array(); $this->subject = ""; $this->attachment = array(); return $this; } public function setFrom($from) { $this->from = $from; return $this; } public function setReply($reply) { $this->reply = $reply; return $this; } public function addCc($cc) { $this->cc[] = $cc; return $this; } public function setCc($cc) { if (is_array($cc)) { $this->cc = $cc; } else { $this->cc = array(); $this->addCc($cc); } return $this; } public function addBcc($bcc) { $this->bcc[] = $bcc; return $this; } public function setBcc($bcc) { if (is_array($bcc)) { $this->bcc = $bcc; } else { $this->bcc = array(); $this->addBcc($bcc); } return $this; } public function addTo($to) { $this->to[] = $to; return $this; } public function setTo($to) { if (is_array($to)) { $this->to = $to; } else { $this->to = array(); $this->addTo($to); } return $this; } public function setSubject($subject) { $this->subject = $subject; return $this; } public function setMessage($message) { $this->message = $message; return $this; } public function addAttachment($attachment) { $this->attachment[] = $attachment; return $this; } public function setAttachment($attachment) { if (is_array($attachment)) { $this->attachment = $attachment; } else { $this->attachment = array(); $this->addAttachment($attachment); } return $this; } public function send() { $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; if (!empty($this->from)) { $headers .= "From: " . $this->from . "\r\n"; } if (!empty($this->reply)) { $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $this->reply . "\r\n"; } foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { $headers .= "Cc: " . $cc . "\r\n"; } foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) { $headers .= "Bcc: " . $bcc . "\r\n"; } $boundary = "XYZ-" . date("dmYis") . "-ZYX"; $headers .= "Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\r\n"; $headers .= "$boundary\n"; $fullMessage = "--$boundary\n"; $fullMessage .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n"; $fullMessage .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"\n\n"; $fullMessage .= $this->message . "\n"; foreach ($this->attachment as $a) { $fullMessage .= "--$boundary\n"; $fullMessage .= "Content-Type: " . $a->getMimeType() . "\n"; $fullMessage .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $a->getBasename() . "\"\n"; $fullMessage .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n"; $fullMessage .= chunk_split(base64_encode($a->getFile())) . "\n"; } $fullMessage .= "--$boundary\n"; return mail(implode(",", $this->to), $this->subject, $fullMessage, $headers); } public function __toString() { return print_r($this, true); } } class AttachmentEmail { private $path; private $file; public function __construct($path) { $this->file = ""; $this->path = $path; $fp = fopen($this->path, "rb"); $this->file = fread($fp, $this->getFileSize()); fclose($fp); } public function getFileSize() { return filesize($this->path); } public function getPath() { return $this->path; } public function getBasename() { return basename($this->path); } public function getMimeType() { return mime_content_type($this->path); } public function getFile() { return $this->file; } public function __toString() { return $this->path; } } // Ex1 $email = new Email(array( "from" => "", "to" => "", "message" => "message", "subject" => "subject", "cc" => "", "bcc" => "", "attachment" => array(new AttachmentEmail("Email.php")) )); $email->send(); // Ex2 $email = new Email(); $email->setFrom(""); $email->setReply(""); $email->setSubject("Subject"); $email->setMessage("message"); $email->addTo(""); $email->addCc(""); $email->addBcc(""); $email->addAttachment(new AttachmentEmail("Email.php")); $email->send(); // Ex3 $email = new Email(); $email->setSubject("Subject")->setMessage("message")->addTo("")->send();
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