Backup do MySQL via PHP
Publicado por Fábio Berbert de Paula 25/07/2003
[ Hits: 22.528 ]
Este script é usado para gerar um backup de tabelas de um banco de dados MySQL. A saída ainda é compactada no formato ZIP e aparece como janela de download no navegador. Parte do código foi extraída do phpMyAdmin. A classe utilizada para zipar o arquivo encontra-se no link para download.
<? /* Programa usado para fazer o dump de uma base de dados do MySQL Por: Fabio Berbert de Paula <> Rio de Janeiro, 26 de Novembro de 2002 */ // vou usar a classe require ''; // variaveis globais (configure aqui) ------------------------- // variaveis de banco de dados $db_name = 'nome_banco_dados'; $hostdb = 'localhost'; $userdb = 'usuario'; $passdb = 'senha'; // as tabelas que quero $tabelas = array ('tabela1','tabela2', 'tabela3'); $tempdir = "/tmp"; // diretorio temporario $filename = 'sql.'.time().'.txt'; // variaveis do sistema $incluir_insert = 1; // imprime os INSERT's tambem // ---------------------------------------------------- // BLOCO PRINCIPAL // conectar ao banco de dados $con = mysql_pconnect($hostdb,$userdb,$passdb); mysql_select_db($db_name); // imprimir tipo do documento na tela // imprimir o dump do banco de dados chdir($tempdir); $fp = fopen($filename,"w"); for ($x=0; $x<count($tabelas); $x++) { $saida = getTableDef($db_name, $tabelas[$x], "\n"); fputs($fp,$saida."\n\n"); if ($incluir_insert) { getTableContentFast($db_name, $tabelas[$x], '', ''); fputs($fp,"\n\n"); } } fclose($fp); // gerar o arquivo zipado $zipname = ereg_replace("txt$","zip",$filename); $zip = new PHPZip(); $files[]=$filename; $zip -> Zip($files, $zipname); $tamanho = filesize($zipname); // imprimir arquivo p/ download header("Content-Type: application/zip"); header("Content-Length: $tamanho"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$zipname"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); // abrir e enviar o arquivo $fp = fopen("$zipname", "r"); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); // remover os arquivos temporarios unlink($filename); unlink($zipname); // FIM DO PROGRAMA // -------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------- // PROCEDIMENTOS - Baseado no csdigo do phpmyadmin function sqlAddslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE) { if ($is_like) { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string); } else { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string); } $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string); return $a_string; } // end of the 'sqlAddslashes()' function function backquote($a_name, $do_it = TRUE) { if ($do_it && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32306 && !empty($a_name) && $a_name != '*') { if (is_array($a_name)) { $result = array(); reset($a_name); while(list($key, $val) = each($a_name)) { $result[$key] = '`' . $val . '`'; } return $result; } else { return '`' . $a_name . '`'; } } else { return $a_name; } } // end of the 'backquote()' function /** * Returns $table's CREATE definition * * @param string the database name * @param string the table name * @param string the end of line sequence * * @return string the CREATE statement on success * * @global boolean whether to add 'drop' statements or not * @global boolean whether to use backquotes to allow the use of special * characters in database, table and fields names or not * * @see PMA_htmlFormat() * * @access public */ function getTableDef($db, $table, $crlf) { global $drop; global $use_backquotes; global $con; $schema_create = ''; if (!empty($drop)) { $schema_create .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . backquote($table) . ';' . $crlf; } // For MySQL < 3.23.20 $schema_create .= 'CREATE TABLE ' . backquote($table) . ' (' . $crlf; $local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . backquote($table) . ' FROM ' . backquote($db); $result = mysql_query($local_query,$con); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $schema_create .= ' ' . backquote($row['Field']) . ' ' . $row['Type']; if (isset($row['Default']) && $row['Default'] != '') { $schema_create .= ' DEFAULT \'' . sqlAddslashes($row['Default']) . '\''; } if ($row['Null'] != 'YES') { $schema_create .= ' NOT NULL'; } if ($row['Extra'] != '') { $schema_create .= ' ' . $row['Extra']; } $schema_create .= ',' . $crlf; } // end while mysql_free_result($result); $schema_create = ereg_replace(',' . $crlf . '$', '', $schema_create); $local_query = 'SHOW KEYS FROM ' . backquote($table) . ' FROM ' . backquote($db); $result = mysql_query($local_query,$con); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $kname = $row['Key_name']; $comment = (isset($row['Comment'])) ? $row['Comment'] : ''; $sub_part = (isset($row['Sub_part'])) ? $row['Sub_part'] : ''; if ($kname != 'PRIMARY' && $row['Non_unique'] == 0) { $kname = "UNIQUE|$kname"; } if ($comment == 'FULLTEXT') { $kname = 'FULLTEXT|$kname'; } if (!isset($index[$kname])) { $index[$kname] = array(); } if ($sub_part > 1) { $index[$kname][] = backquote($row['Column_name']) . '(' . $sub_part . ')'; } else { $index[$kname][] = backquote($row['Column_name']); } } // end while mysql_free_result($result); while (list($x, $columns) = @each($index)) { $schema_create .= ',' . $crlf; if ($x == 'PRIMARY') { $schema_create .= ' PRIMARY KEY ('; } else if (substr($x, 0, 6) == 'UNIQUE') { $schema_create .= ' UNIQUE ' . substr($x, 7) . ' ('; } else if (substr($x, 0, 8) == 'FULLTEXT') { $schema_create .= ' FULLTEXT ' . substr($x, 9) . ' ('; } else { $schema_create .= ' KEY ' . $x . ' ('; } $schema_create .= implode($columns, ', ') . ')'; } // end while $schema_create .= $crlf . ');'; return $schema_create; } // end of the 'getTableDef()' function /** * php >= 4.0.5 only : get the content of $table as a series of INSERT * statements. * After every row, a custom callback function $handler gets called. * * Last revision 13 July 2001: Patch for limiting dump size from * & * * @param string the current database name * @param string the current table name * @param string the 'limit' clause to use with the sql query * @param string the name of the handler (function) to use at the end * of every row. This handler must accept one parameter * ($sql_insert) * * @return boolean always true * * @global boolean whether to use backquotes to allow the use of special * characters in database, table and fields names or not * @global integer the number of records * @global integer the current record position * * @access private * * @see PMA_getTableContent() * * @author staybyte */ function getTableContentFast($db, $table, $add_query = '', $handler) { global $use_backquotes; global $rows_cnt; global $current_row; global $con; global $fp; $local_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . backquote($db) . '.' . backquote($table) . $add_query; $result = mysql_query($local_query,$con); if ($result != FALSE) { $fields_cnt = mysql_num_fields($result); $rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result); // Checks whether the field is an integer or not for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) { $field_set[$j] = backquote(mysql_field_name($result, $j), $use_backquotes); $type = mysql_field_type($result, $j); if ($type == 'tinyint' || $type == 'smallint' || $type == 'mediumint' || $type == 'int' || $type == 'bigint' ||$type == 'timestamp') { $field_num[$j] = TRUE; } else { $field_num[$j] = FALSE; } } // end for // Sets the scheme if (isset($GLOBALS['showcolumns'])) { $fields = implode(', ', $field_set); $schema_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' . backquote($table) . ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES ('; } else { $schema_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' . backquote($table) . ' VALUES ('; } $search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); //\x08\\x09, not required $replace = array('{FONTE}', '\n', '\r', '\Z'); $current_row = 0; @set_time_limit($GLOBALS['cfg']['ExecTimeLimit']); // loic1: send a fake header to bypass browser timeout if data // are bufferized - part 1 if (!empty($GLOBALS['ob_mode']) || (isset($GLOBALS['zip']) || isset($GLOBALS['bzip']) || isset($GLOBALS['gzip']))) { $time0 = time(); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $current_row++; for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) { if (!isset($row[$j])) { $values[] = 'NULL'; } else if ($row[$j] == '0' || $row[$j] != '') { // a number if ($field_num[$j]) { $values[] = $row[$j]; } else { // a string $values[] = "'" . str_replace($search, $replace, sqlAddslashes($row[$j])) . "'"; } } else { $values[] = "''"; } // end if } // end for // Extended inserts case if (isset($GLOBALS['extended_ins'])) { if ($current_row == 1) { $insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ');'; } else { $insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ');'; } } else { // Other inserts case $insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ');'; } unset($values); // Call the handler fputs($fp,$insert_line . "\n"); // loic1: send a fake header to bypass browser timeout if data // are bufferized - part 2 if (isset($time0)) { $time1 = time(); if ($time1 >= $time0 + 30) { $time0 = $time1; header('X-pmaPing: Pong'); } } // end if } // end while } // end if ($result != FALSE) mysql_free_result($result); return TRUE; } // end of the 'getTableContentFast()' function ?>
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