snmp (snmpd.conf)

snmpd.conf que tenho em produção

Categoria: Networking

Software: snmp

[ Hits: 40.778 ]

Por: Sérgio Abrantes Junior

Esse snmpd.conf tenho funcionando em conjunto com o outro conf que postei do MRTG.

# When the snmpd agent starts up, this is where it will look for it.
# All lines beginning with a '#' are comments and are intended for you
# to read.  All other lines are configuration commands for the agent.

# Access control configuration:

# The most common question about the agent is "why won't it work?" when
# it should be "how do I configure the agent to allow me to access it?".

# If run out of the box without any configuration file in place, the agent,
# by default, responds to the "public" community for read only access, but,
# if you want to use the snmpd config file (snmpd.conf), you should follow
# the steps below.

# First, map the community name into a security name

#  source          community
com2sec local     localhost       private
com2sec local     localhost       public
com2sec mrtg  mrtg
com2sec mrtg       public
com2sec mrtg       mrtg

# Second, map the security names into group names:

#               sec.model
group MyRWGroup v1         local
group MyRWGroup v2c        local
group MyRWGroup usm        local
group MyROGroup v1         mrtg
group MyROGroup v2c        mrtg
group MyROGroup usm        mrtg

# Third, create a view for us to let the groups have rights to:

#         incl/excl   subtree  mask
view all  included    .1       80

# Finally, grant 2 access groups to the 1 view with different write permissions:

#                context sec.model sec.level match  read   write  notif
access MyROGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    none   none
access MyRWGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    all    none

# Trap configuration

# trap community
trapcommunity public

# manager station

# System contact configuration

# It is also possible to set the sysContact and sysLocation system
# variables through the snmpd.conf file:

syslocation Firewall em Florianópolis
syscontact Sérgio Abrantes

[1] Comentário enviado por gilvan.silva em 15/04/2009 - 17:21h

sabe como posso setar o snmp.conf para monitorar I/O de disco ?

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