Wireless. WICD e Networkmanager conectam e desconectam em segundos.

1. Wireless. WICD e Networkmanager conectam e desconectam em segundos.

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 24/06/2013 - 11:25h

Marquei o outro tópico como resolvido:


porque, de fato está resolvido, a rede wireless (formada de modem + rotedaor wireless) está funcionando em Windows e nos Linux Sabayon de Testes (Este), Gentoo e openSUSE, mas

Não vai no sabayon principal!

enxerga minha rede (a que fiz, wireless com senha, chave IEEE 802.11i, WPA2). A mesma rede que está funcionando nos outros (veja acima), mas no sabayon principal, seja com WICD como com networkmanager, ela conecta, acessa a chave, aceita e desconecta sózinha, em segundos.

Se eu abro o navegador, e tento conectar, depois de umas 30 ou 40 tentivas, ela conecta e fica, ṕe como se estivesse em rigorosa "demanda de dados", só funciona se tem tráfego, mas não está em demanda no modem, nem no roteador.

se eu tento iniciar o serviço wicd manualmente, fala que não inicia por causa de não ter wpa_supplicant. e se eu tento inciar os serviços wlan0.net ou wpa_supplicant aparecem um monte de erros de dbus e de wpa_supplicant. Tentei tb. trocar o cliente wext (no wicd) por outro cliente wpa_supplicant, e até desativar wpa_supplicant, sem resultado.


2. Re: Wireless. WICD e Networkmanager conectam e desconectam em segundos.

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 25/06/2013 - 09:49h

Já resolvido no Windows, nos outros Linux e mesmo no celular, mas no Sabayon principal não vai, conecta pega chave (senha) e em segundos, desconecta.

Para facilitar me ajudarem, aqui está o log do wicd. erros de wpa_supplicant e geração de falso IP, mas no final aparece como conectada, mas não está:

2013/06/24 09:35:24 :: dhcpcd[11464]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:35:24 ::
2013/06/24 09:35:24 ::
2013/06/24 09:35:24 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:35:24 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:35:24 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:35:25 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:39:22 :: Daemon going down, killing wicd-monitor...
2013/06/24 09:39:22 :: Removing PID file...
2013/06/24 09:39:22 :: Shutting down...
2013/06/24 09:39:22 :: Exception KeyError: KeyError(140463076599552,) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.pyo'> ignored
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: ---------------------------
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: wicd initializing...
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: ---------------------------
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: wicd is version 768
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: successfully loaded backend external
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: successfully loaded backend external
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: Automatically detected wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: automatically detected wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting wpa driver wext
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting use global dns to False
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting global dns
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: global dns servers are None None None
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: domain is None
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: search domain is None
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops False
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: Wireless configuration file found...
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: Wired configuration file found...
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: chmoding configuration files 0600...
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: chowning configuration files root:root...
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: Using wireless interface...wlan0
2013/06/24 09:41:12 :: Using wired interface...eth0
2013/06/24 09:45:27 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:45:28 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:45:28 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:45:28 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:45:29 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:45:29 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:45:29 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:45:31 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:45:31 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:45:34 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:45:34 :: dhcpcd[14203]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:45:34 ::
2013/06/24 09:45:34 ::
2013/06/24 09:45:34 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:45:34 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:45:34 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:45:34 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:45:38 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:45:38 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:45:39 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:45:39 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:45:39 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:45:39 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:45:39 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:45:41 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:45:41 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:45:42 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:45:42 :: dhcpcd[15190]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:45:42 ::
2013/06/24 09:45:42 ::
2013/06/24 09:45:42 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:45:42 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:45:42 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:45:42 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:45:55 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:45:55 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:45:56 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:45:56 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:45:56 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:45:56 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:45:56 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:45:58 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:45:58 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:45:59 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:45:59 :: dhcpcd[15542]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:45:59 ::
2013/06/24 09:45:59 ::
2013/06/24 09:45:59 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:45:59 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:45:59 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:45:59 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:46:23 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:46:23 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:46:24 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:46:24 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:46:24 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:46:24 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:46:24 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:46:26 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:46:26 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:46:27 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:46:27 :: dhcpcd[17180]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:46:27 ::
2013/06/24 09:46:27 ::
2013/06/24 09:46:27 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:46:27 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:46:27 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:46:28 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:46:44 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:46:44 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:46:45 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:46:45 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:46:45 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:46:45 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:46:45 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:46:47 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:46:47 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:46:48 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:46:48 :: dhcpcd[18075]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:46:48 ::
2013/06/24 09:46:48 ::
2013/06/24 09:46:48 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:46:48 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:46:48 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:46:49 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:47:15 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:47:15 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:47:16 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:47:16 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:47:16 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:47:16 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:47:16 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:47:18 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:47:18 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:47:19 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:47:19 :: dhcpcd[19013]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:47:19 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:19 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:19 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:47:19 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:47:19 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:47:19 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:47:26 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:47:27 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:47:27 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:47:27 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:47:27 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:47:27 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:47:27 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:47:29 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:47:29 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:47:30 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:47:30 :: dhcpcd[19893]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:47:30 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:30 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:30 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:47:30 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:47:30 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:47:31 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:47:38 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:47:38 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:47:38 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:47:39 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:47:39 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:47:39 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:47:39 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:47:41 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:47:41 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:47:42 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:47:42 :: dhcpcd[20214]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:47:42 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:42 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:42 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:47:42 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:47:42 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:47:42 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:47:53 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:47:53 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:47:54 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:47:54 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:47:54 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:47:54 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:47:54 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:47:56 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:47:56 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:47:57 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:47:57 :: dhcpcd[21153]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:47:57 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:57 ::
2013/06/24 09:47:57 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:47:57 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:47:57 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:47:57 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:48:51 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:48:51 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:48:52 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:48:52 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:48:52 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:48:52 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:48:52 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:48:54 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:48:54 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:48:55 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:48:55 :: dhcpcd[23312]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:48:55 ::
2013/06/24 09:48:55 ::
2013/06/24 09:48:55 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:48:55 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:48:55 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:48:55 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:49:19 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:49:20 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:49:20 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:49:20 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:49:20 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:49:20 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:49:20 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:49:22 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:49:22 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:49:23 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:49:23 :: dhcpcd[24200]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:49:23 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:23 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:23 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:49:23 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:49:23 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:49:24 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:49:37 :: Connecting to wireless network Rateio Amigos
2013/06/24 09:49:38 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:49:38 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:49:38 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:49:38 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:49:38 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:49:38 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:49:41 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:49:41 :: dhcpcd[25059]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:49:41 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:41 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:41 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:49:41 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:49:41 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:49:41 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:49:42 :: Connecting to wireless network Rateio Amigos
2013/06/24 09:49:42 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:49:43 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:49:43 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:49:43 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:49:43 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:49:43 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:49:45 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:49:45 :: dhcpcd[25229]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:49:45 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:45 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:45 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:49:45 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:49:45 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:49:45 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:49:49 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:49:49 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:49:50 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:49:50 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:49:50 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:49:50 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:49:50 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:49:52 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:49:52 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:49:53 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:49:53 :: dhcpcd[25477]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:49:53 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:53 ::
2013/06/24 09:49:53 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:49:53 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:49:53 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:49:54 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:50:13 :: trying to load backend ioctl
2013/06/24 09:50:13 :: WARNING: python-iwscan not found, falling back to using iwlist scan.
2013/06/24 09:50:13 :: WARNING: python-wpactrl not found, falling back to using wpa_cli.
2013/06/24 09:50:13 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting use global dns to 0
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting global dns
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: global dns servers are
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: domain is
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: search domain is
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting wpa driver nl80211
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops 0
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/24 09:51:02 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/24 09:51:04 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:51:05 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:51:05 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:51:05 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:51:06 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:51:06 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:51:06 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:51:08 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:51:08 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:51:10 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:51:10 :: dhcpcd[28174]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:51:10 ::
2013/06/24 09:51:10 ::
2013/06/24 09:51:10 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:51:10 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:51:10 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:51:10 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:51:14 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:51:15 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:51:15 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:51:15 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:51:16 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:51:16 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:51:16 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:51:18 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:51:18 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:51:20 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:51:20 :: dhcpcd[29046]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:51:20 ::
2013/06/24 09:51:20 ::
2013/06/24 09:51:20 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:51:20 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:51:20 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:51:20 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting use global dns to 0
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting global dns
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: global dns servers are
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: domain is
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: search domain is
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting wpa driver hostap
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops 0
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/24 09:51:37 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/24 09:51:38 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:51:39 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:51:40 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:51:40 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:51:40 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:51:40 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:51:40 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:51:42 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:51:42 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:51:42 :: connect result is failed
2013/06/24 09:51:42 :: exiting connection thread
2013/06/24 09:51:42 :: Sending connection attempt result bad_pass
2013/06/24 09:51:44 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:51:45 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:51:46 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:51:46 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:51:46 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:51:46 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:51:46 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:51:48 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:51:48 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:51:48 :: connect result is failed
2013/06/24 09:51:48 :: exiting connection thread
2013/06/24 09:51:48 :: Sending connection attempt result bad_pass
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting use global dns to 0
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting global dns
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: global dns servers are
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: domain is
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: search domain is
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting wpa driver none
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops 0
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/24 09:51:57 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/24 09:51:59 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:52:00 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:52:00 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:52:00 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:52:00 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:52:00 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:52:00 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:52:02 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:52:02 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:52:03 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:52:03 :: dhcpcd[30910]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:52:03 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:03 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:03 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:52:03 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:52:03 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:52:04 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:52:06 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:52:06 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:52:07 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:52:07 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:52:07 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:52:07 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:52:07 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:52:09 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:52:09 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:52:10 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:52:10 :: dhcpcd[31256]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:52:10 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:10 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:10 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:52:10 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:52:10 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:52:10 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:52:12 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:52:13 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:52:13 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:52:13 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:52:13 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:52:13 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:52:13 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:52:15 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:52:15 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:52:17 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:52:17 :: dhcpcd[31569]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:52:17 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:17 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:17 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:52:17 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:52:17 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:52:17 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:52:19 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:52:20 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:52:21 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:52:21 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:52:21 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:52:21 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:52:21 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:52:23 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:52:23 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:52:24 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:52:24 :: dhcpcd[32417]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:52:24 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:24 ::
2013/06/24 09:52:24 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:52:24 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:52:24 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:52:24 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting use global dns to 0
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting global dns
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: global dns servers are
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: domain is
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: search domain is
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting wpa driver wext
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops 0
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/24 09:52:38 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/24 09:56:18 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:56:19 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:56:19 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:56:19 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:56:19 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:56:20 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:56:20 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:56:22 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:56:22 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:56:23 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:56:23 :: dhcpcd[6428]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:56:23 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:23 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:23 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:56:23 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:56:23 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:56:23 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:56:28 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:56:28 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:56:29 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:56:29 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:56:29 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:56:29 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:56:29 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:56:31 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:56:31 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:56:32 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:56:32 :: dhcpcd[6752]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:56:32 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:32 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:32 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:56:32 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:56:32 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:56:32 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:56:34 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:56:35 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:56:35 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:56:35 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:56:35 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:56:35 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:56:35 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:56:37 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:56:38 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:56:39 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:56:39 :: dhcpcd[7553]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:56:39 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:39 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:39 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:56:39 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:56:39 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:56:39 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:56:41 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:56:41 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:56:41 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:56:41 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:56:42 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:56:42 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:56:42 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:56:44 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:56:44 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:56:45 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:56:45 :: dhcpcd[7868]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:56:45 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:45 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:45 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:56:45 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:56:45 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:56:45 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:56:47 :: Connecting to wireless network albfneto-PC
2013/06/24 09:56:48 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/24 09:56:48 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/24 09:56:48 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/24 09:56:48 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/24 09:56:48 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/24 09:56:48 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/24 09:56:50 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/24 09:56:50 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/24 09:56:51 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/24 09:56:51 :: dhcpcd[8180]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/24 09:56:51 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:51 ::
2013/06/24 09:56:51 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/24 09:56:51 :: not verifying
2013/06/24 09:56:51 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/24 09:56:52 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/24 09:57:43 :: Daemon going down, killing wicd-monitor...
2013/06/24 09:57:43 :: Removing PID file...
2013/06/24 09:57:43 :: Shutting down...
2013/06/24 09:57:43 :: Exception KeyError: KeyError(140428331562752,) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.pyo'> ignored
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: ---------------------------
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: wicd initializing...
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: ---------------------------
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: wicd is version 768
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: successfully loaded backend external
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: successfully loaded backend external
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: Automatically detected wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: automatically detected wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting wpa driver wext
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting use global dns to False
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting global dns
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: global dns servers are None None None
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: domain is None
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: search domain is None
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops False
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: Wireless configuration file found...
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: Wired configuration file found...
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: chmoding configuration files 0600...
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: chowning configuration files root:root...
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: Using wireless interface...wlan0
2013/06/24 12:07:04 :: Using wired interface...eth0
2013/06/24 12:08:19 :: Daemon going down, killing wicd-monitor...
2013/06/24 12:08:19 :: Removing PID file...
2013/06/24 12:08:19 :: Shutting down...
2013/06/24 12:08:19 :: Exception KeyError: KeyError(139879994115840,) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.pyo'> ignored
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: ---------------------------
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: wicd initializing...
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: ---------------------------
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: wicd is version 768
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting backend to external
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: successfully loaded backend external
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: trying to load backend external
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: successfully loaded backend external
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: Automatically detected wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: automatically detected wired interface eth0
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting wired interface eth0
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting wpa driver wext
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting use global dns to False
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting global dns
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: global dns servers are None None None
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: domain is None
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: search domain is None
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops False
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: Wireless configuration file found...
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: Wired configuration file found...
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: chmoding configuration files 0600...
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: chowning configuration files root:root...
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: Using wireless interface...wlan0
2013/06/25 08:57:40 :: Using wired interface...eth0
2013/06/25 09:01:10 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:01:11 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:01:11 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:01:11 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:01:11 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:01:11 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:01:12 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:01:14 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:01:14 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:01:18 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:01:18 :: dhcpcd[11742]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:01:18 ::
2013/06/25 09:01:18 ::
2013/06/25 09:01:18 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:01:18 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:01:18 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:01:18 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:01:39 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:01:39 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:01:40 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:01:40 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:01:40 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:01:40 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:01:40 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:01:42 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:01:42 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:01:44 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:01:44 :: dhcpcd[13544]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:01:44 ::
2013/06/25 09:01:44 ::
2013/06/25 09:01:44 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:01:44 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:01:44 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:01:44 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:01:52 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:01:53 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:01:54 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:01:54 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:01:54 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:01:54 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:01:54 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:01:56 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:01:56 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:01:58 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:01:58 :: dhcpcd[13866]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:01:58 ::
2013/06/25 09:01:58 ::
2013/06/25 09:01:58 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:01:58 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:01:58 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:01:58 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:02:10 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:02:11 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:02:11 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:02:11 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:02:11 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:02:11 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:02:11 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:02:13 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:02:13 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:02:15 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:02:15 :: dhcpcd[14866]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:02:15 ::
2013/06/25 09:02:15 ::
2013/06/25 09:02:15 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:02:15 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:02:15 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:02:15 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: rfkill: blocking wifi
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wifi'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: rfkill: blocking wlan
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wlan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: rfkill: blocking wimax
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wimax'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: rfkill: blocking wwan
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wwan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:31 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: rfkill: blocking wifi
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wifi'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: rfkill: blocking wlan
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wlan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: rfkill: blocking wimax
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wimax'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: rfkill: blocking wwan
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wwan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:33 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: rfkill: blocking wifi
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wifi'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: rfkill: blocking wlan
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wlan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: rfkill: blocking wimax
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wimax'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: rfkill: blocking wwan
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wwan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:34 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:36 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:02:37 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:02:37 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:02:37 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:02:38 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:02:38 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:02:38 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:02:40 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:02:40 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:02:41 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:02:41 :: dhcpcd[15971]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:02:41 ::
2013/06/25 09:02:41 ::
2013/06/25 09:02:41 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:02:41 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:02:41 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:02:41 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: rfkill: blocking wifi
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wifi'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: rfkill: blocking wlan
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wlan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: rfkill: blocking wimax
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wimax'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: rfkill: blocking wwan
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wwan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:57 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:02:58 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:03:00 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:03:00 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:03:00 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:03:00 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:03:00 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:03:00 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:03:02 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:03:02 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:03:09 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:03:09 :: dhcpcd[20740]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:03:09 ::
2013/06/25 09:03:09 ::
2013/06/25 09:03:09 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:03:09 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:03:09 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:03:09 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:03:27 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:03:28 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:03:28 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:03:28 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:03:28 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:03:28 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:03:28 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:03:30 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:03:30 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:03:32 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:03:32 :: dhcpcd[21806]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:03:32 ::
2013/06/25 09:03:32 ::
2013/06/25 09:03:32 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:03:32 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:03:32 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:03:32 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:04:29 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:04:30 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:04:30 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:04:30 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:04:30 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:04:30 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:04:30 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:04:32 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:04:32 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:04:33 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:04:33 :: dhcpcd[23987]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:04:33 ::
2013/06/25 09:04:33 ::
2013/06/25 09:04:33 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:04:33 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:04:33 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:04:33 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:04:48 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:04:48 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:04:48 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:04:49 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:04:49 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:04:49 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:04:49 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:04:51 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:04:51 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:04:53 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:04:53 :: dhcpcd[24871]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:04:53 ::
2013/06/25 09:04:53 ::
2013/06/25 09:04:53 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:04:53 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:04:53 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:04:53 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:04:57 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:04:58 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:04:59 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:04:59 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:04:59 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:04:59 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:04:59 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:05:01 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:05:01 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:05:03 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:05:03 :: dhcpcd[25188]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:05:03 ::
2013/06/25 09:05:03 ::
2013/06/25 09:05:03 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:05:03 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:05:03 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:05:03 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:05:08 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:05:09 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:05:09 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:05:09 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:05:09 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:05:09 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:05:09 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:05:11 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:05:11 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:05:13 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:05:13 :: dhcpcd[26071]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:05:13 ::
2013/06/25 09:05:13 ::
2013/06/25 09:05:13 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:05:13 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:05:13 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:05:13 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:05:56 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:05:56 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:05:57 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:05:57 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:05:57 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:05:57 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:05:57 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:05:59 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:05:59 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:06:01 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:06:01 :: dhcpcd[27576]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:06:01 ::
2013/06/25 09:06:01 ::
2013/06/25 09:06:01 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:06:01 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:06:01 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:06:01 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:06:37 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:06:38 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:06:38 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:06:38 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:06:38 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:06:38 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:06:38 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:06:40 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:06:40 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:06:41 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:06:41 :: dhcpcd[29028]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:06:41 ::
2013/06/25 09:06:41 ::
2013/06/25 09:06:41 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:06:41 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:06:41 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:06:41 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:06:47 :: Connecting to wireless network Rateio Amigos
2013/06/25 09:06:47 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:06:48 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:06:48 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:06:48 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:06:48 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:06:48 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:06:50 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:06:50 :: dhcpcd[29309]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:06:50 ::
2013/06/25 09:06:50 ::
2013/06/25 09:06:50 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:06:50 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:06:50 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:06:50 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:06:57 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:06:58 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:06:58 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:06:58 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:06:58 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:06:58 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:06:58 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:07:00 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:07:00 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:07:01 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:07:01 :: dhcpcd[30142]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:07:01 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:01 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:01 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:07:01 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:07:01 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:07:01 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:07:05 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:07:05 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:07:06 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:07:06 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:07:06 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:07:06 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:07:06 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:07:08 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:07:08 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:07:10 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:07:10 :: dhcpcd[30459]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:07:10 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:10 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:10 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:07:10 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:07:10 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:07:10 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: rfkill: blocking wifi
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wifi'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: rfkill: blocking wlan
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wlan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: rfkill: blocking wimax
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wimax'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: rfkill: blocking wwan
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wwan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:07:13 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:07:15 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:07:16 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:07:16 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:07:16 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:07:16 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:07:16 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:07:16 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:07:18 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:07:18 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:07:20 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:07:20 :: dhcpcd[31292]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:07:20 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:20 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:20 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:07:20 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:07:20 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:07:20 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:07:53 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:07:53 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:07:54 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:07:54 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:07:54 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:07:54 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:07:54 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:07:56 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:07:56 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:07:58 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:07:58 :: dhcpcd[32166]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:07:58 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:58 ::
2013/06/25 09:07:58 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:07:58 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:07:58 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:07:58 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: rfkill: blocking wifi
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wifi'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: rfkill: blocking wlan
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wlan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: rfkill: blocking wimax
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wimax'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: rfkill: blocking wwan
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'block', 'wwan'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:08:01 :: Running command ['rfkill', 'list'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2013/06/25 09:09:02 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:09:02 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:09:03 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:09:03 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:09:03 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:09:03 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:09:03 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:09:05 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:09:05 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:09:07 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:09:07 :: dhcpcd[2280]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:09:07 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:07 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:07 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:09:07 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:09:07 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:09:07 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:09:10 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:09:10 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:09:11 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:09:11 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:09:11 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:09:11 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:09:11 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:09:13 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:09:13 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:09:15 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:09:15 :: dhcpcd[2598]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:09:15 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:15 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:15 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:09:15 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:09:15 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:09:15 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:09:28 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:09:29 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:09:29 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:09:29 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:09:29 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:09:29 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:09:29 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:09:31 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:09:31 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:09:32 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:09:32 :: dhcpcd[3457]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:09:32 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:32 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:32 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:09:32 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:09:32 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:09:33 :: Sending connection attempt result success
2013/06/25 09:09:46 :: Connecting to wireless network Albfneto-PC
2013/06/25 09:09:46 :: Putting interface down
2013/06/25 09:09:47 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
2013/06/25 09:09:47 :: Setting false IP...
2013/06/25 09:09:47 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
2013/06/25 09:09:47 :: Flushing the routing table...
2013/06/25 09:09:47 :: Putting interface up...
2013/06/25 09:09:49 :: Generating psk...
2013/06/25 09:09:49 :: Attempting to authenticate...
2013/06/25 09:09:51 :: Running DHCP with hostname sabayon
2013/06/25 09:09:51 :: dhcpcd[4306]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
2013/06/25 09:09:51 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:51 ::
2013/06/25 09:09:51 :: DHCP connection successful
2013/06/25 09:09:51 :: not verifying
2013/06/25 09:09:51 :: Connecting thread exiting.
2013/06/25 09:09:56 :: Sending connection attempt result success
albfneto@sabayon ~ $

3. Re: Wireless. WICD e Networkmanager conectam e desconectam em segundos.

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 26/06/2013 - 08:00h

Está de novo parcialmente resolvido.
o meu speedy usa IP dinamico.
No win, no outro sabayon, no gentoo etc... o sistema, modem _roteador gera um IP
quando eu olhei: e final é o gateway.
o que fiz, olhei a faixa e inventei um IP estático... 192.168.0.xxx e aí conecta,memso que eu deixe
os DNS como dinâmicos.

onde está o erro? como est[á conectando, Qual seria o melhor jeito?


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