Drive placa pci netmos 9865

1. Drive placa pci netmos 9865

leandro bruno teixeira

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 12/01/2010 - 18:59h

comprei uma placa pci, com duas saidas serial.
porem naum tou conseguindo os drivers dela.
alguem pode me ajudar, eu ja baixei os driver, e desempacotei, so q nao ta instalando.



2. Re: Drive placa pci netmos 9865

Osama Jr.

(usa Void Linux)

Enviado em 13/01/2010 - 08:52h

Leu o arquivo README (ou INSTALL) que acompanha esse pacote?

3. Re: Drive placa pci netmos 9865

leandro bruno teixeira

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 13/01/2010 - 08:57h

root@servidor-maximus:/MCS9865_Linux# cat readme
The Following files will be there with the tar of the Driver:


Building the Driver:
Change to the folder with the Starex source files. And run the following Command:
$ make

Once the driver is compliles the loadable module mcs9865.ko will be created in the same folder.

** '$' --this symbol represent the shell prompt on linux

Loading the Driver:

To load the driver use the following command:
$ insmod mcs9865.ko
$ insmod mcs9865-isa.ko

** '$' --this symbol represent the shell prompt on linux

Unloading the Driver:

To unload the driver use the following command:
$rmmod mcs9865
$rmmod mcs9865-isa

** '$' --this symbol represent the shell prompt on linux

Installing the Driver:

To install the driver use the following command:

make install

Uninstalling the Driver:

To un-install the driver use the following command:

make uninstall

Note: only baud rates upto 3.0Mbps are implemented in the current driver.

Feature Configuration:

This driver comes with a static array uart_9865_contxts[ ] for all the 16 ports features in the 9865.c file.
Where u can set the features like:
-DMA in RX
-DMA in TX
-enable/disable Flow control
-Flow control type
-RX fifo trigger level
-TX fifo trigger level
-x-on character
-x-off character

An example array setting for PORT 0 which will be recognised as /dev/ttyD0:

//Port 0 --**This represents that this setting is for port 0 which will be recognised as /dev/ttyD0
.rx_dma_en = 0,
.tx_dma_en = 0,
.uart_mode = MCS9865_RS232_MODE,
.en_flow_control = 0,
.flow_ctrl_type = MCS9865_XON_XOFF_HW_FLOWCONTROL,
.rxfifotrigger = 64,
.txfifotrigger = 64,

To change it to different modes like RS232 and RS422, we have to fille the .uart_mode with corresponding //UART mode defined in header files. for example for setting it to RS422 mode, we have to fill .uart_mode=MCS9865_RS422_MODE.


This driver is currently developed and tested on 2.6.11 linux kernel and above


This driver supports a maximum of 16 serial devices. This can be modified as required

Steps for setting parallel port :
1. rmmod lp
2. rmmod parport_pc
2. insmod /usr/lib/modules/2.6.15/kernel/drivers/parport/parport_pc io=0xb000 irq=10.

Note: Here, the io and irq should be noted from lspci -v.

Steps for setting serial isa combinatios:
1.Setting ISA 4 serial combination:
1.Go to mcs9865-isa.c file and go to the functon "struct pci_device_id".
2.Make comments to all other ISA combinations other than ISA 4 serial.

similarly for other ISA combinations.

PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_4S represents ISA 4 serial.
PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_3S represents ISA 3 serial.
PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_2S represents ISA 2 serial.
PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_1S represents ISA 1 serial.
PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_2P represents ISA 2 parallel.
PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_1S1P represents ISA 1 serial 1 parallel.
PCI_SUBVEN_ID_9865_2S1P represents ISA 2 serial 1 parallel.


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