(usa Sabayon)
Enviado em 01/11/2017 - 19:31h
ivaniuni escreveu:
Só não consegui rodar ele no pen drive, nem com dd e nem com unetibootin, já o rufus não tem como testar não tenho windows. O etcher apresenta uma mensagem dizendo sem suporte a boot.
Coloquei em uma máquina virtual e estou rodando com o mate. O interessante que tem as 3 interfaces gráficas que podem ser escolhidas na instalação: mate, xfce, lxde.
Tentei com o rufus também e apesar de terminar o processo sem erros o pendrive não funciona.. talvez seja o mesmo prolema do rescue CD do funtoo.... tem que fazer uma montagem da ISO em um cd virtual no windows :
Download the latest SystemRescueCd ISO image from the download page
Download SystemRescueCd installer for Windows (or the old version)
Plug in your USB-stick and wait 5 seconds to allow enough time for the system to detect it
Format the USB stick with a FAT32 filesystem from the explorer
Create an empty work directory on the hard-disk (could be C:\Temp\sysresccd-workdir)
Execute the installer that you have just downloaded
Select the work directory which has been previously created
Select the original ISO image that you have downloaded previously
Select the USB stick in the removable device drop-down list
Click on the Install button to run the installation
Ja no Linux tem que fazer ocomo manda o site do rescue CD:
A) Recommended USB installation method from Linux using isohybrid
If you are running Linux on your computer and have isohybrid installed it is very easy to install SystemRescueCD on a USB stick. You just have to download the ISO image of SystemRescueCd, and then run isohybrid to prepare the ISO image for booting from an USB stick. The prepared iso image can then be written to an USB stick using dd. Writing to the USB stick with dd will remove all its content, so make sure you don’t need the data or make a backup first.
1-Download the latest SystemRescueCd ISO image from the download page
2-Run isohybrid /path/to/systemrescuecd-x86-x.y.z.iso. This will modify the iso in place.
3-Plug in your USB stick and wait 5 seconds to allow enough time for the system to detect it
4-Unmount the USB stick if auto-mount is enabled or if it was already mounted
5-Run dd if=/path/to/systemrescuecd-x86-x.y.z.iso of=/dev/sdx in a shell where sdx is the USB stick.