(usa FreeBSD)
Enviado em 05/09/2014 - 10:24h
gelcimarF escreveu:
olá caro amigos da vol, estou aqui afim de ter ajuda para instalar o Hiper-V dentro do Debian 7. sendo que utilizarei o mesmo para montar um servidor proxy
o que voce ta solicitando é impossível o H-V é uma tecnologia exclusiva do windows.
se tiver alguma dúvida?
veja no site do fabricante:
Requirements install
To try out the Hyper-V cmdlets, you will need the following:
A computer running Windows 7 or version later with the Hyper-V role installed. Hyper-V requires a computer that has processor support for hardware virtualization.
A user account that is a member of the Administrators group or Hyper-V Administrators group.
agora o processo de instalar o debian no H-V é possível.
talvez voce não esteja usando o H-V para a coisa certa:
veja para que ele serve:
What does Hyper-V do?
Hyper-V provides software infrastructure and basic management tools that you can use to create and manage a virtualized server computing environment. This virtualized environment can be used to address a variety of business goals aimed at improving efficiency and reducing costs. For example, a virtualized server environment can help you:
Reduce the costs of operating and maintaining physical servers by increasing your hardware utilization. You can reduce the amount of hardware needed to run your server workloads.
Increase development and test efficiency by reducing the amount of time it takes to set up hardware and software and reproduce test environments.
Improve server availability without using as many physical computers as you would need in a failover configuration that uses only physical computers.
espero ter respondido a sua dúvida caótica.