infonow - all system information
Publicado por Slackjeff (última atualização em 13/07/2018)
[ Hits: 1.511 ]
Informações do sistema. Maiores informações em:
#!/bin/sh #===========HEADER==================================================| #AUTHOR # Jefferson Rocha <> # #PROGRAM # infonow - All system information! # #SMALL DESC # Look all information on your OS # #CHANGELOG #===================================================================| #=====VARS==========================| name="infonow" version="0.2" #===================================| #=====TEST==========================| [ "$UID" -ne "0" ] && { printf '%b\n' "Only Root!" exit 1 } #===================================| #====FUNC===========================| _usage(){ cat << EOF NAME infonow...[OPTION] USAGE help, usage Open this help option and exit. VERSION ${version} AUTHOR Jefferson Rocha <> EOF exit 0 } information(){ #===> Running System OS_SYSTEM=$(grep "^NAME" /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f '2') # Find name OS_SYSTEM="${OS_SYSTEM//\"/}" # Have " ? no more. #===> CPU CPU=$(grep "^m.*me" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d ':' -f 2) # Find model name CPU="${CPU/ /}" # space? noooo #===> SPACE HD_TOTAL=$(df -HP | grep "/$" | cut -d ' ' -f 8) # Total space HD_DISP=$(df -HP | grep "/$" | cut -d ' ' -f 13) # Available space #===> UPTIME UPTIME=$(uptime -p) UPTIME="${UPTIME/up/}" # cut initial up UPTIME="${UPTIME/ /}" # BYE BYE SPACE #===> MEM RAM=$(free -ht | grep "^[Mm]em.*" | cut -d ' ' -f '10') # RAM? #===> KERNEL KERNEL_VERSION=$(uname -r) # Need a kernel baby #===> GATEWAY GATEWAY=$(ip route | grep "^default" | cut -d ' ' -f '3' | head -n1) # Gateway } #===================================| if [ "$1" = "usage" ] || [ "$1" = "help" ];then _usage fi clear # Print STDOUT information # Call Function cat <<END $name Version $version +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-System Information+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Operational System: $OS_SYSTEM Lang: $LANG Kernel Version: $KERNEL_VERSION Cpu: $CPU Uptime: $UPTIME Total Ram:: $RAM HD: $HD_DISP of $HD_TOTAL Gateway: $GATEWAY +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- END
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