Dasboard Covid-19 em Python
Publicado por Pedro Fernandes (última atualização em 30/04/2023)
[ Hits: 1.717 ]
Homepage: https://github.com/PedroF37
Projeto Python de Dashboard do Covid-19 para praticar o pandas e o matplotlib
Projeto usa a API https://rapidapi.com/api-sports/api/covid-193/.
Precisa fazer o registro gratuito e pegar a chave. Coloca chave em arquivo views.py.
Fonte usada: Roboto
Arquivo: frontend.py # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # IMPORTAÇÕES # tkinter from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Label from tkinter.ttk import Style, Treeview, Separator, Scrollbar # matplotlib from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # views from views import * # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CONSTANTES # Cores COLOR1 = '#feffff' # Branco COLOR2 = '#3a3a4d' # Fundo COLOR3 = '#403d3d' # Letra COLOR4 = '#6f9fbd' # Azul COLORS_BAR = [ '#665191', '#a05195', '#d45087', '#f95d6a', '#ff7c43', '#ffa600' ] COLORS_PIE = [ '#5588bb', '#66bbbb', '#aa6644', '#99bb55', '#ee9944', '#444466' ] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # JANELA window = Tk() window.title('') window.resizable(0, 0) window.geometry('1100x550') style = Style(window) style.theme_use('clam') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # FRAMES title_frame = Frame( window, width=1100, height=50, pady=0, padx=0, bg=COLOR1 ) title_frame.grid(row=0, column=0) Separator( window, orient='horizontal' ).grid( row=1, columnspan=1, ipadx=550 ) parent_frame = Frame( window, width=1100, height=500, pady=10, padx=10, bg=COLOR2 ) parent_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nw') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CONFIGURANDO TITLE_FRAME title_label = Label( title_frame, text='Dashboard de COVID-19', font=('Roboto 20 bold'), anchor='nw', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) title_label.place(x=5, y=20) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CONFIGURANDO PARENT_FRAME # Total de Casos total_cases_frame = Frame( parent_frame, width=178, height=70, bg=COLOR1 ) total_cases_frame.place(x=0, y=0) line_label = Label( total_cases_frame, text='', width=2, height=10, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 1 bold'), anchor='nw', bg=COLOR4, fg=COLOR3 ) line_label.place(x=0, y=0) total_cases_label = Label( total_cases_frame, text='Total de Casos', height=1, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 10 bold'), anchor='center', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) total_cases_label.place(x=10, y=5) number_cases_label = Label( total_cases_frame, text=f"{totals[1]['Casos']:,.0f}", height=1, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 16'), anchor='center', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) number_cases_label.place(x=20, y=35) # Total de Recuperados total_recovered_frame = Frame( parent_frame, width=178, height=70, bg=COLOR1 ) total_recovered_frame.place(x=188, y=0) line_label = Label( total_recovered_frame, text='', width=2, height=10, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 1 bold'), anchor='nw', bg=COLOR4, fg=COLOR3 ) line_label.place(x=0, y=0) total_recovered_label = Label( total_recovered_frame, text='Total de Recuperados', height=1, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 10 bold'), anchor='center', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) total_recovered_label.place(x=10, y=5) number_recovered_label = Label( total_recovered_frame, text=f"{totals[1]['Recuperados']:,.0f}", height=1, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 16'), anchor='center', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) number_recovered_label.place(x=20, y=35) # Total de Mortos total_deaths_frame = Frame( parent_frame, width=178, height=70, bg=COLOR1 ) total_deaths_frame.place(x=376, y=0) line_label = Label( total_deaths_frame, text='', width=2, height=10, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 1 bold'), anchor='nw', bg=COLOR4, fg=COLOR3 ) line_label.place(x=0, y=0) total_deaths_label = Label( total_deaths_frame, text='Total de Mortes', height=1, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 10 bold'), anchor='center', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) total_deaths_label.place(x=10, y=5) number_deaths_label = Label( total_deaths_frame, text=f"{totals[1]['Mortes']:,.0f}", height=1, pady=0, padx=0, font=('Roboto 16'), anchor='center', bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) number_deaths_label.place(x=20, y=35) # --- GRÁFICO BARRA --- # # Top de 5 Países mais afetados top_five_frame = Frame( parent_frame, width=200, height=500, bg=COLOR1 ) top_five_frame.place(x=560, y=0) # Valores para gráfico countries = [item[0] for item in top_countries] values_list = [item[1] for item in top_countries] # Container do gráfico e os eixos figure = plt.Figure(figsize=(8.7, 3), dpi=60) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) # Grafico de barra horizontal ax.barh(countries, values_list, align='center', color=COLORS_BAR) ax.set_alpha(0.3) # Configura os labels individuais das barras. c = 0 for i in ax.patches: # get_width (esquerda/direita), get_y (cima/baixo) ax.text( i.get_width() + .3, i.get_y() + .50, str(values_list[c]), fontsize=12, verticalalignment='center', fontstyle='italic', weight='bold', color='dimgrey' ) c += 1 # Formata os eixos do gráfico ax.patch.set_facecolor('#FFFFFF') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('#CCCCCC') ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(0) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(0) ax.spines['left'].set_color('#CCCCCC') ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('#DDDDDD') ax.tick_params(bottom=False, left=False) ax.set_axisbelow(False) ax.xaxis.grid(False) graph_title_label = Label( top_five_frame, text='Top 5 Países mais afetados', height=1, pady=5, padx=0, anchor='nw', font=('Roboto 10 bold'), bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) graph_title_label.grid( row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=0, sticky='nsew' ) top_five_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure, top_five_frame) top_five_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid( row=1, column=0, sticky='nsew', columnspan=2 ) # --- TABELA --- # country_frame = Frame(parent_frame, width=700, height=500, bg=COLOR1) country_frame.place(x=0, y=80) # Estiliza a tabela table_style = Style() table_style.element_create('Custom.Treeheading.border', 'from', 'default') table_style.layout('Custom.Treeview.Heading', [ ('Custom.Treeheading.cell', {'sticky': 'nsew'}), ('Custom.Treeheading.border', {'sticky': 'nsew', 'children': [ ('Custom.Treeheading.padding', {'sticky': 'nsew', 'children': [ ('Custom.Treeheading.image', {'side': 'right', 'sticky': ''}), ('Custom.Treeheading.text', {'sticky': 'we'}) ]}) ]}), ]) table_style.configure( 'Custom.Treeview.Heading', background='#494d4a', foreground='white', relief='raised' ) table_style.map( 'Custom.Treeview.Heading', relief=[ ('active', 'groove'), ('pressed', 'sunken') ], background=[('selected', '#494d4a')] ) # Cabeçalho da tabela table_header = [ 'País', 'Confirmados', 'Recuperados', 'Mortes', 'Data' ] tree = Treeview( country_frame, selectmode='extended', style='Custom.Treeview', height=18, columns=table_header, show='headings' ) # Barra de rolagem vertical vsb = Scrollbar( country_frame, orient='vertical', command=tree.yview ) # Barra de rolagem horizontal hsb = Scrollbar( country_frame, orient='horizontal', command=tree.xview ) tree.configure( yscrollcommand=vsb.set, xscrollcommand=hsb.set ) # Posicionamento tree.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nsew') vsb.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ns') hsb.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='ew') country_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=2) # Posicionamento do cabeçalho e dos dados hd = ['nw', 'ne', 'ne', 'ne', 'center', 'center', 'center'] h = [140, 100, 100, 100, 91] n = 0 for column in table_header: tree.heading(column, text=column, anchor='center') tree.column(column, width=h[n], anchor=hd[n]) n += 1 # Coloca dados na tabela [tree.insert('', 'end', values=item) for item in country_list] # --- GRÁFICO PIE --- # # Continentes continent_frame = Frame( parent_frame, width=700, height=500, bg=COLOR1 ) continent_frame.place(x=562, y=220) figure = plt.Figure(figsize=(8.65, 3.9), dpi=60) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) wedges, texts = ax.pie( values_continent_list, wedgeprops=dict(width=0.2), colors=COLORS_PIE, shadow=True, startangle=-90 ) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle='square, pad=0.3', fc='w', ec='k', lw=0.72) kw = dict( arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-'), bbox=bbox_props, zorder=0, va='center' ) # Não vou nem fingir que sei o que este código faz!! # Tudo copy/paste!! for i, p in enumerate(wedges): ang = (p.theta2 - p.theta1) / 2. + p.theta1 y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)) x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))] connectionstyle = "angle,angleA=0,angleB={}".format(ang) kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle}) ax.annotate( names_continent_list[i], xy=(x, y), xytext=(1.35 * np.sign(x), 1.4 * y), horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kw ) pie_title_label = Label( continent_frame, text='Continentes mais afetados', height=1, pady=5, padx=0, anchor='nw', font=('Roboto 10 bold'), bg=COLOR1, fg=COLOR3 ) pie_title_label.grid( row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=0, sticky='nsew' ) continent_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure, continent_frame) continent_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid( row=1, column=0, sticky='nsew', columnspan=2 ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LOOP window.mainloop() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #################################################################################################### Arquivo: views.py # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # IMPORTAÇÕES import requests import pandas as pd import numpy as np # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CONSULTA/RESPOSTA DA API url = "https://covid-193.p.rapidapi.com/statistics" # Sua chave da API aqui. headers = { "X-RapidAPI-Key": "", "X-RapidAPI-Host": "covid-193.p.rapidapi.com" } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers).json() response_list = [ [ info['continent'], info['country'], info['cases']['total'], info['cases']['active'], info['cases']['recovered'], info['deaths']['total'], info['day'] ] for info in response['response'] ] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DATAFRAME df = pd.DataFrame( response_list, columns=[ 'Continente', 'País', 'Casos', 'Recuperados', 'Casos Ativos', 'Mortes', 'Data' ] ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DADOS PARA GRÁFICO PIE # Organizando dados por Continente total_df = df.groupby(['Continente']).sum() # Adicionando index total_df['Nome'] = total_df.index # Convertendo DataFrame em dicionario total_dict = total_df.to_dict('recorde') # Lista que contem os dados totals = [item for item in total_dict] # Dados dos Continentes (para o gráfico pie) values_continent_list = [ totals[0]['Casos'], totals[2]['Casos'], totals[3]['Casos'], totals[4]['Casos'], totals[5]['Casos'], totals[6]['Casos'] ] names_continent_list = [ totals[0]['Nome'], totals[2]['Nome'], totals[3]['Nome'], totals[4]['Nome'], totals[5]['Nome'], totals[6]['Nome'] ] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DADOS PARA TABELA (Treeview) # Organizando por país country_df = df.groupby(['País', 'Data']).sum() # Adicionando index country_df['Nome'] = country_df.index.get_level_values('País') country_df['Data'] = country_df.index.get_level_values('Data') country_df = country_df[['Nome', 'Casos', 'Recuperados', 'Mortes', 'Data']] # Por algumna razão, os continentes aparecem # como países. Excluimos. exclude = [ 'All', 'Africa', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Oceania', 'South-America', 'North-America' ] country_list = [ [ item[0], f'{item[1]:,.0f}', f'{item[2]:,.0f}', f'{item[3]:,.0f}', item[4] ] for item in country_df.values.tolist() if item[0] not in exclude ] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DADOS PARA GRÁFICO DE BARRA top_countries_df = country_df[['Nome', 'Casos']] top_countries_df = top_countries_df.sort_values( by=['Casos'], ascending=False ) top_countries = [ [ country[0], country[1] ] for country in top_countries_df.head(10).values.tolist() if country[0] not in exclude ] top_countries = sorted(top_countries, key=lambda x: x[1]) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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