slackpkg (slackpkgplus.conf)
Slackpkg+ com Salix (14.1)
Categoria: Miscelânea
Software: slackpkg
[ Hits: 8.762 ]
Por: Xerxes
Arquivo de configuração do Slackpkg+ incluindo repositório Salix e excluindo o Slacky. Com multilib habilitado e wget com timeout 15. Para Slackware 14.1.
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+ SLACKPKGPLUS=on # set to '0' to never show the download progress bar # set to '1' to show the bar only in download packages (default) # set to '2' to always show the download bar # set to '3' for a debug mode VERBOSE=1 # By default slackpkg+ deny to install 32bit packages. # Set this flag to 'on' allow slackpkg+ to install 32bit packages on a 64bit slackware # installation (possibly unsafe). Please, do not install both 32 and 64bit of the same # package to avoid problems, and NEVER upgrade exitant 64bit packages with relative 32bit package. # Do not forget to install the multilibs. ALLOW32BIT=off # Enable (1) / Disable (0) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip # the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line: # 'USEBL=0 slackpkg upgrade-all' USEBL=1 # Add custom option to 'wget'. # You can solve the repository indisponibility issue by set a timeout here WGETOPTS="--timeout=15 --tries=1" # Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf) #ENABLENOTIFY=off # Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist GREYLIST=on # If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify # from which repository you prefer to search it. # The syntax is "<repository_name>:<package_name>" # Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use "<repository_name>:.*" # Examples: #PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc ) #PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo:.* ) # # If you want a multilib system, uncomment the multilib repository and set: #PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib:.* ) # PKGS_PRIORITY=(multilib:.* restricted:.* alienbob:.*) # (Use /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/ to setup a multilib configuration) # List repositories you want to use (defined below) # remember to launch 'slackpkg update' if you modify that row. #REPOPLUS=( multilib slackpkgplus restricted alienbob slacky ) REPOPLUS=(slackpkgplus multilib alienbob restricted salix) # Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS) # Note: only multilib,alienbob,restricted,slacky repositories support GPG. If you add others # you may need to disable gpg check in slackpkg.conf # Slackware 14.1 - x86_64 MIRRORPLUS['multilib']= MIRRORPLUS['alienbob']= MIRRORPLUS['restricted']= #MIRRORPLUS['slacky']= MIRRORPLUS['salix']= # use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgplus']= # Slackware current - x86_64 #MIRRORPLUS['multilib']= #MIRRORPLUS['zerouno']= # Local repository: #MIRRORPLUS['alienbob']=file://repositories/alien/sbrepos/14.1/x86/ # # Local packages (you do not need metadata nor 'slackpkg update' command): #MIRRORPLUS['myrepo']=dir://repositories/mypackages/ # # Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details): # #Supports GPG #slackpkgplus: #multilib:{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/ #alienbob:{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{x86,x86_64}/ #ktown:{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/latest/{x86,x86_64}/ #restricted:{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{x86,x86_64}/ #slacky:{,64}-{13.37,14.0,14.1}/ #mled:{14.0,14.1}-{32,64}bit/ #mles:{14.0,14.1}-{32,64}bit/ #msb:{14.0,14.1}/1.6/{x86,x86_64}/ #slackers: #slacke17:{,64,arm}-{14.0,14.1}/ #studioware:{,64}-{13.37,14.0,14.1}/ # #Does NOT support GPG #salixos(*):{i486,x86_64}/{13.37,14.0,14.1}/ #salixext:{14.0,14.1}/ #rlworkman(*):{13.37,14.0,14.1}/ #slackel:{i486,x86_64}/current/
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