Servidor de impressão com cotas no FreeBSD (CUPS + PostgreSQL + PyKota)
Tutorial completo de como configurar um servidor de impressão com cotas no FreeBSD. Abordaremos a instalação e configuração do CUPS, PostgreSQL e PyKota.
[ Hits: 11.165 ]
Por: Ricardo Xerfan em 11/12/2018
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Updating database digests format: 100% The following 161 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: cups: 2.2.8_1 cups-filters: 1.16.0_6 cups-smb-backend: 1.0_11 cups-pk-helper: 0.2.6 cups-pdf: 2.6.1_4 hplip: 3.17.11 foomatic-db-hpijs: 1.4 gnutls: 3.5.19 trousers: 0.3.14_2 tpm-emulator: 0.7.4_2 gmp: 6.1.2 indexinfo: 0.3.1 p11-kit: 0.23.14 libtasn1: 4.13 ca_root_nss: 3.40 libffi: 3.2.1_2 nettle: 3.4 libidn2: 2.0.5 libunistring: 0.9.10 gettext-runtime: libpaper: avahi-app: 0.7_1 expat: 2.2.6_1 gnome_subr: 1.0 libdaemon: 0.14_1 gobject-introspection: 1.56.1,1 python36: 3.6.6_1 readline: 7.0.3_1 glib: 2.56.1_2,1 python27: 2.7.15 perl5: 5.26.2 pcre: 8.42 libiconv: 1.14_11 dbus-glib: 0.108 dbus: 1.10.16_1 libX11: 1.6.6_1,1 libxcb: 1.13.1 libXdmcp: 1.1.2_2 xorgproto: 2018.4 libXau: 1.0.8_5 libxml2: 2.9.7 libpthread-stubs: 0.4 libSM: 1.2.2_5,1 libICE: 1.0.9_3,1 gdbm: 1.13_1 fontconfig: 2.12.6,1 freetype2: 2.9.1 qpdf: 8.2.1 jpeg-turbo: 2.0.0 png: 1.6.35 libijs: 0.35_5 ghostscript9-agpl-base: 9.25_1 tiff: 4.0.9_1 jbigkit: 2.1_1 poppler-data: 0.4.9 openjpeg: 2.3.0_2 lcms2: 2.9 jbig2dec: 0.15 libidn: 1.34 poppler-utils: 0.57.0_1 nss: 3.40 nspr: 4.20 sqlite3: 3.25.1 poppler-glib: 0.57.0_1 poppler: 0.57.0_1 cairo: 1.15.12,2 xcb-util-renderutil: 0.3.9_1 xcb-util: 0.4.0_2,1 pixman: 0.34.0 libXrender: 0.9.10_2 libXext: 1.3.3_3,1 mesa-libs: 18.1.9 libxshmfence: 1.2_4 libXxf86vm: 1.1.4_3 libXfixes: 5.0.3_2 libXdamage: 1.1.4_5 libdrm: 2.4.93,1 libpciaccess: 0.13.5 pciids: 20180921 libunwind: 20170615 libfontenc: 1.1.3_3 font-util: 1.3.1 pcre2: 10.31 colord: 1.3.5 polkit: 0.114_1 spidermonkey52: 52.8.0_1 icu: 62.1_2,1 argyllcms: 1.9.2_3 libXrandr: 1.5.1_2 libXinerama: 1.1.4_2,1 libXScrnSaver: 1.2.3_2 samba47: 4.7.10_1 libsunacl: 1.0.1 cmocka: 1.1.1_1 openldap-client: 2.4.46 py27-dnspython: 1.15.0 py27-setuptools: 40.0.0 tevent: 0.9.37 talloc: 2.1.14 py27-iso8601: 0.1.11 popt: 1.16_2 libinotify: 20180201 jansson: 2.11 gamin: 0.1.10_9 tdb: 1.3.16,1 libarchive: 3.3.2_1,1 lzo2: 2.10_1 liblz4: 1.8.3,1 py27-qt5-widgets: 5.9.2_5 qt5-widgets: 5.11.2 qt5-gui: 5.11.2 xcb-util-wm: 0.4.1_3 xcb-util-keysyms: 0.4.0_1 xcb-util-image: 0.4.0_1 libxkbcommon: 0.8.0 libXi: 1.7.9_2,1 xorg-fonts-truetype: 7.7_1 font-misc-meltho: 1.0.3_3 mkfontscale: 1.1.3_2 mkfontdir: 1.0.7 font-misc-ethiopic: 1.0.3_3 font-bh-ttf: 1.0.3_3 encodings: 1.0.4_4,1 dejavu: 2.37 harfbuzz: 1.9.0 graphite2: 1.3.12 qt5-network: 5.11.2 qtchooser: 39 qt5-core: 5.11.2 xdg-utils: 1.1.1 xset: 1.2.4_2 libXmu: 1.1.2_5,1 libXt: 1.1.5_2,1 libXfontcache: 1.0.5_5 xprop: 1.2.3 hicolor-icon-theme: 0.15 qt5-dbus: 5.11.2 py27-qt5-gui: 5.9.2_2 qt5-imageformats: 5.11.2 webp: 1.0.0_1 giflib: 5.1.4 libmng: 1.0.10_3 lcms: 1.19_6,1 jasper: 1.900.1_17 py27-qt5-core: 5.9.2_6 qscintilla2-qt5: 2.10.4 qt5-printsupport: 5.11.2 net-snmp: 5.7.3_18 sane-backends: 1.0.27_4 py27-pillow: 5.2.0 tk86: 8.6.8_2 libXft: 2.3.2_3 tcl86: 8.6.8 py27-tkinter: 2.7.15_6 py27-sip: 4.19.8,1 py27-qt5-dbussupport: 5.9.2_1 py27-dbus: 1.2.0_1 pydbus-common: 1.2.0_2 py27-gobject: 2.28.6_8 py27-cairo: 1.14.1 foomatic-db: 20180926 Number of packages to be installed: 161 The process will require 1 GiB more space. 236 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]:A instalação pede para adicionar as linhas abaixo ao arquivo /etc/rc.conf, faça isso:
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