Autoresposta =>
Versão na data: gnarwl-3.4.tgz
tar xvzf gnarwl-3.4.tgz
$ cd gnarwl-3.4/
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
# make perm
Obs.: Se no "make perm" der erro, é por causa de parâmetro -r na criação do usuário, editar o Makefile e remover o -r da linha: USERADD_ARGS.
Arquivo de configuração
/usr/local/etc/gnarwl.cfg, altere os parâmetros que achar necessário.
Como não usarei o schema ldap com os campos padrões de Vacation, modifiquei para usar os que quero.
# This is an example configfile for gnarwl(8) v3.4, listing every
# available directive. Empty lines and lines beginning with a pound symbol
# are ignored by the software. Please keep in mind, that gnarwl uses a
# very basic parser for reading this file. Therefore some restrictions are
# put on the format:
# 1. Only whitespaces (no tabs) are allowed as delimeter between key and
# value(s).
# 2. Whitespaces can neither be escaped nor quoted.
# 3. Macros must be declared before use.
# Name of the macro, refering to the "From:" field of a received mail
map_sender $sender
# Name of the macro, refering to the "To:" or "Cc:" field of a received mail
map_receiver $recepient
# Name of the macro, refering to the "Subject:" field of a received mail
map_subject $subject
# Bind a database field to a macroname
map_field $begin vacationStart
# Bind a database field to a macroname
map_field $end vacationEnd
# Bind a database field to a macroname
map_field $fullname cn
# Bind a database field to a macroname
map_field $deputy vacationForward
# LDAP Server to bind to
#server localhost
# Port, the LDAP server is listening on
port 389
# search scope (base|one|sub)
scope sub
# Destinguished name to bind with (leave empty to bind anonymously)
# Password to bind with (leave empty to bind anonymously)
# Which protocol <0|2|3> to use for binding. The deafult is 0, which stands
# for "autodetect".
#protocol 0
protocol 3
# From where to start searching the LDAP tree (you have to change this!)
#base o=my_organization
base ou=dominio,dc=com,dc=br
# Query filter to use for ldapsearch
#queryfilter (&(mail=$recepient)(vacationActive=TRUE))
### query para verificar se o reply esta ativo ou não
queryfilter (&(mail=$recepient)(deliveryMode=reply))
# The attribute to querying for. The content of this field will be pasted
# between header and footer (see also: forceheader and forcefooter
# directives) afterwards all macros are expanded and the result is piped
# through to the MTA (see also: mta directive).
#result vacationInfo
### Campo que contem o texto que será inserido na auto-resposta
result mailReplyText
# The files in this directory are used to keep track on who was sent
# an automatic reply from whom and when.
blockfiles /usr/local/var/lib/gnarwl/block/
# File permissions to use for newly created database files
umask 0644
# After how many hours the block on a specific sender/receiver combo expires.
# Set to 0 to deactivate this feature (not recommended).
### Tempo em horas para que um remetente volte a receber msg de auto-reply
blockexpire 48
# How to send mail. Specify full name to your MTA plus arguments. Only the
# map_sender and map_receiver macros are expanded. This program must be
# able to accept email from stdin.
#mta /usr/sbin/sendmail -F $recepient
##mta /usr/sbin/sendmail -t $recepient
mta /usr/sbin/sendmail $sender
# Ignore mails, that specify too many receivers
maxreceivers 64
# Ignore mails with too many headerlines (avoid DOS attacks)
maxheader 512
# If outgoing mail may contain non ASCII characters, specify your locale
# charset here for character conversion. Check iconv(1) for allowed values.
# Leave blank to disable this feature.
charset ISO8859-1
# If gnarwl reads a mailheaderline, that exactly matches an entry in this
# database file, the mail will be ignored (usefull for preventing autoreplies
# to mailinglists). Case does matter, no wildcard expansion.
# Leave empty to deactivate.
badheaders /usr/local/var/lib/gnarwl/badheaders.db
# Gnarwl will never autoreply for emailaddresses found in the blacklist
# (usefull for preventing autoreplies from root, postmaster, etc.). Leave
# Empty to disable this feature.
blacklist /usr/local/var/lib/gnarwl/blacklist.db
# The contents of this textfile are pasted in front of each outgoing mail.
forceheader /usr/local/var/lib/gnarwl/header.txt
# The contents of this textfile are appended to each outgoing mail.
forcefooter /usr/local/var/lib/gnarwl/footer.txt
# Whitespace delimeted list of headernames, which may contain receiving
# emailaddresses (case insignificant).
recvheader To Cc
# Set loglevel (0|1|2|3). A higher loglevel always contains all lower
# loglevels.
# 0 - Critical messages only. Anything, gnarwl cannot continue afterwards.
# 1 - Warnings. Gnarwl can continue, but with reduced functionality.
# 2 - Info. General information on gnarwl's status.
# 3 - Debug.
loglevel 1
Adicionar ao final do arquivo
# postmap hash:/etc/postfix/transport
Adicionar ao final do arquivo
# gnarwl autoresponder
gnarwl unix - n n - - pipe
flags=F user=gnarwl argv=/usr/local/bin/gnarwl -a ${user}@${nexthop} -s ${sender}