Johnny Stark
(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 11/11/2011 - 01:29h
Cara, to tendo problemas aqui...
Tá dando o erro:
sing: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface
-> License accepted.
-> Installing NVIDIA driver version 285.05.09.
ERROR: The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system. This
driver is incompatible with the NVIDIA driver, and must be disabled
before proceeding. Please consult the NVIDIA driver README and your
Linux distribution's documentation for details on how to correctly
disable the Nouveau kernel driver.
WARNING: The modprobe configuration file to disable Nouveau,
/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-installer-disable-nouveau.conf, is already
present. Please be sure you have rebooted your system since that file
was written. If you have rebooted, then Nouveau may be enabled for
other reasons, such as being included in the system initial ramdisk or
in your X configuration file. Please consult the NVIDIA driver README
and your Linux distribution's documentation for details on how to
correctly disable the Nouveau kernel driver.
ERROR: Installation has failed. Please see the file
'/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details. You may find suggestions
on fixing installation problems in the README available on the Linux
driver download page at
O que seria isso?
Detalhe: Já segui todos os passos básicos para a instalação do driver, mas insiste em dizer que o Nouveau kernel driver está instalado. Necessito de uma remoção completa?
Alguém que possa me ajudar? Por favor! Nunca tive esse problema antes. Sempre foi só instalar. Acho que tem a ver com a nova versão do driver.
Sei que tenho que desativar o Nouveau kernel drive, mas como?
Vlw gente!