(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 06/03/2024 - 12:04h
A pasta /usr/share/sounds não existe por padrão.
# ls /usr/share/sounds
ls: não foi possível acessar '/usr/share/sounds': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente.
Qual o pacote para adicionar a pasta /usr/share/sounds no Void Linux?
# xbps-query -Rs sound
[-] SDL_sound-1.0.3_8 Library to decode several popular sound file formats
[-] SDL_sound-devel-1.0.3_8 Library to decode several popular sound file formats - development files
[-] alsa-firmware-1.2.4_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) firmware
[*] alsa-lib-1.2.11_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library
[-] alsa-lib-devel-1.2.11_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library - development files
[-] alsa-plugins- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) extra plugins
[-] alsa-plugins-ffmpeg- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) extra plugins - libavcodec/a52 plugins
[-] alsa-plugins-jack- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) extra plugins - Jack output plugin
[*] alsa-plugins-pulseaudio- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) extra plugins - Pulseaudio output plugin
[-] alsa-plugins-samplerate- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) extra plugins - libsamplerate resample plugin
[-] alsa-plugins-speex- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) extra plugins - Speex resample plugin
[-] alsa-tools-1.2.11_1 Advanced ALSA tools for certain sound cards
[-] alsa-tools-devel-1.2.11_1 Advanced ALSA tools for certain sound cards - development files
[-] alsa-utils-1.2.11_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
[-] amberol-0.10.3_1 Small and simple sound and music player
[-] blanket-0.6.0_1 Improve focus and productivity by listening to different sounds
[-] bucklespring-1.5.1_1 Emulate the sound of the IBM Model-M while typing
[-] bucklespring-data-1.4.0_2 Emulate the sound of the IBM Model-M while typing - data files
[-] csound-6.18.1_3 Programming language for sound rendering and signal processing
[-] dosbox-0.74pl3_2 DOS x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics and sound
[-] easyeffects-7.1.3_2 Sound effects for systems using PipeWire
[-] fluidsynth-2.3.4_1 Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications
[-] fluidsynth-devel-2.3.4_1 Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications - development files
[-] gnome-sound-recorder-42.0_2 GNOME sound recorder application
[-] gsound-1.0.3_1 Small library for playing system sounds
[-] gsound-devel-1.0.3_1 Small library for playing system sounds - development files
[-] icedtea-sound-1.0.1_4 Plugins for javax.sound
[-] icedtea-sound-doc-1.0.1_4 Plugins for javax.sound - docs
[-] jack-1.9.22_1 JACK Audio Connection Kit low-latency sound server (pro audio)
[-] jack-devel-1.9.22_1 JACK Audio Connection Kit low-latency sound server (pro audio) - development files
[-] jack_capture-0.9.73_1 Record sound files with jack
[-] kwave-23.08.5_1 Sound editor for KDE
[*] libcanberra-0.30_12 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation
[-] libcanberra-devel-0.30_12 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation - development files
[-] libcanberra-gtk-0.30_12 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation - GTK+ (2.x) support
[*] libcanberra-gtk3-0.30_12 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation - GTK+ (3.x) support
[-] libcanberra-utils-0.30_12 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation - utilities
[-] libfishsound-1.0.0_3 Simple interface for decoding/encoding audio data using Xiph.org codecs
[-] libfishsound-devel-1.0.0_3 Simple interface for decoding/encoding audio data using Xiph.org codecs - development files
[*] libfluidsynth-2.3.4_1 Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications - runtime library
[*] libjack-1.9.22_1 JACK Audio Connection Kit low-latency sound server (pro audio) - runtime library
[*] libmikmod- MikMod Sound Library
[-] libmikmod-devel- MikMod Sound Library - development files
[*] libpulseaudio-16.1_1 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - shared libraries
[*] libsndfile-1.2.2_1 C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound
[-] libsndfile-devel-1.2.2_1 C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound - development files
[-] libsndfile-progs-1.2.2_1 C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound - bundled cmdline apps
[-] mopidy-3.2.0_3 Music server for MPD, Spotify, SoundClound and others
[-] oxygen-sounds-5.27.10_1 Oxygen Sound Theme
[*] pulseaudio-16.1_1 Featureful, general-purpose sound server
[-] pulseaudio-devel-16.1_1 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - development files
[*] pulseaudio-utils-16.1_1 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - utilities
[-] pulseeffects-7.1.3_2 Sound effects for systems using PipeWire (transitional dummy package)
[-] pulseeffects-legacy-4.8.5_8 Sound effects for systems using PulseAudio (legacy)
[-] qastools-0.23.0_1 Collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound system ALSA
[-] scream-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] scream-alsa-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] scream-alsa-ivshmem-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] scream-pulseaudio-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] scream-pulseaudio-ivshmem-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] scream-raw-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] scream-raw-ivshmem-3.8_2 Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows - Unix reciever
[-] sof-firmware-2023.12_1 Sound Open Firmware and topology binaries
[-] sof-tools-2.2.1_1 Sound Open Firmware and topology binaries - development tools
[-] sound-icons-0.1_3 Sounds for speech enabled applications
[-] sound-juicer-3.38.0_1 CD ripping tool using GTK+ and GStreamer
[-] sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8_3 Freedesktop sound theme
[-] soundconverter-4.0.3_2 Leading audio file converter for the GNOME Desktop
[-] soundfont-fluid-3.1_4 FluidR3 Soundfont
[-] soundkonverter-3.0.1_2 Frontend to various audio converters
[-] soundmodem-0.18_3 Multiplatform Soundcard Packet Radio Modem
[*] soundtouch-2.3.2_1 SoundTouch Audio Processing Library
[-] soundtouch-devel-2.3.2_1 SoundTouch Audio Processing Library - development files
[*] sox-14.4.2_8 Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
[-] sox-devel-14.4.2_8 Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation -- development files