(usa Debian)
Enviado em 07/12/2009 - 17:46h
Ola amigos do vol!
Mais uma vez venho pedir um help a vcs.
Fiz um proxy filho de outro proxy e quando acesso a internet eu não consigo abrir sites de e-mail, pois ele me trava a porta 443.
Meu firewall está com tudo liberado
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Meu script do proxy segue abaixo:
http_port 3128
visible_hostname meuproxy
cache_peer parent 3128 0 login=123:123
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 901 # swat
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # portas altas
acl purge method PURGE
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
acl redelocal src
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow redelocal
http_access deny all
Quando abro o gmail por exemplo o navegador ele demora e depois da amensagem de time out
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
Connection to Failed
The system returned:
(110) Connection timed out
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Desde já agradeço.
Abs, George.