(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 21/04/2015 - 22:18h
Como em geral o pessoal mais novo não lê, resumo:
"For these reasons, the default Kali user is “root”, and no non-privileged user is created as a part of the installation process.
This is one reason that Kali Linux is not recommended for use by Linux beginners who might be more apt to make
destructive mistakes while running with root privileges"
"As the distribution’s developers, you might expect us to recommend that everyone should be using Kali Linux. The fact of the matter is, however, that Kali is a Linux distribution specifically geared towards professional penetration testers and security specialists, and given its unique nature, it is
NOT a recommended distribution if you’re unfamiliar with Linux or are looking for a general-purpose Linux desktop distribution for development, web design, gaming, etc."
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