(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 09/06/2009 - 13:24h
Da última vez que liguei meu Debian 5, obtive as seguintes mensagens:
/dev/hda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; Run fsck manually (i.e., without -a or -p options)
fsck died with exit status 4
failed (code 4).
An automatic file system check (fsck) of the root filesystem failed. A manual fsck must be performed, then the system restarted. The fsck should be performed in maintenance code with the root filesystem mounted in read-only mode.
The root filesystem is currently mounted in read-only mode. A maintenance shell will now be started. After performing system maintenance, press CONTROL-D to terminate the maintenance shell and restart the system. (warning).
Give root password for maintenance (or type CONTROL-D to contunue):
Bem, entrei com a senha e digitei fsck, mas não adiantou nada.
Quem pode me ajudar?
Será que deu problema no HD?
Sigo contando com vocês, amigos.