(usa Debian)
Enviado em 28/03/2010 - 20:40h
este script faz o que o jdownloader, mas em modo texto, você carrega no modo texto o nome do script e os links um em seguida do outro, e ele vai baixar os arquivos em sequência.
# Download files from Rapidshare using free access (NOT premium accounts).
# Output files downloaded to standard output (one per line).
# Dependencies: sed, sleep, expr, wget.
# Web:
# Contact: Arnau Sanchez <tokland@gmail.com>.
# License: GNU GPL v3.0:
set -e
# Echo text to standard error.
debug() { echo "$@" >&2; }
# Get first line that matches a regular expression and extract string from it.
# $1: POSIX-regexp to filter (get only the first matching line).
# $2: POSIX-regexp to match (use parentheses) on the matched line.
parse() { sed -n "/$1/ s/^.*$2.*$/\1/p" | head -n1; }
# Check if a string ($2) matchs a regexp ($1)
match() { grep -q "$1" <<< "$2"; }
# Output a rapidshare file download URL given its rapidshare URL
# $1: A rapidshare URL
get_rapidshare_file_url() {
while true; do
WAIT_URL=$(wget -O - "$URL" | parse '<form' 'action="\(.*\)"')
test "$WAIT_URL" || { debug "file not found"; return 2; }
DATA=$(wget -O - --post-data="dl.start=Free" "$WAIT_URL")
test "$DATA" || { debug "can't get wait URL contents"; return 2; }
LIMIT=$(echo "$DATA" | parse "try again" "\(\<[[:digit:]]\+\>\) minutes")
test -z "$LIMIT" && break
debug "download limit reached: waiting $LIMIT minutes"
sleep ${LIMIT}m
FILE_URL=$(echo "$DATA" | parse "<form " 'action="\([^\"]*\)"')
SLEEP=$(echo "$DATA" | parse "^var c=" "c=\([[:digit:]]\+\);")
test "$FILE_URL" || { debug "can't get file URL"; return 2; }
debug "URL File: $FILE_URL"
test "$SLEEP" || { debug "can't get sleep time"; SLEEP=100; }
debug "Waiting $SLEEP seconds"
sleep $(($SLEEP + 1))
echo $FILE_URL
# Guess is item is a rapidshare URL, a generic URL (to start a download)
# or a file with links
process_item() {
if match "^$BASEURL/" "$ITEM"; then
# Rapidshare URL
echo "$ITEM"
elif match "^\(http://\)" "$ITEM"; then
# Non-rapidshare URL, extract RS links (highly fallible!) and download
wget -O - "$ITEM" | tr -d '\r' | grep -o "$BASEURL/[^\"<>]\+" | uniq
# Assume it's a file and read links (discard comments and empty lines)
grep -v "^[[:space:]]*\(#\|$\)" -- "$ITEM"
# Don't run main code on testing
test "$TESTMODE" = "1" && return
# Main
if test $# -eq 0; then
debug "usage: $(basename $0) RS_URL|URL|FILE [RS_URL|URL|FILE ...]"
exit 1
for ITEM in "$@"; do
process_item "$ITEM" | while read URL; do
debug "start download: $URL"
FILE_URL=$(get_rapidshare_file_url "$URL") &&
wget "$FILE_URL" && echo $(basename "$FILE_URL") ||
debug "could not download: $URL"