(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 06/03/2016 - 13:07h
Olha o conteúdo do INSTALL esta igual a este ???
The easiest way:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make install
If the build fails because you're missing a dependency:
$ (Install any missing dependencies.)
$ make clean-all
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make install
#### Bundled libraries
Ettercap now bundles the following libraries with the source distribution:
libnet 1.1.6
curl 7.41.0
luajit 2.0.3
check 0.9.14
We will build bundled libraries that Ettercap depends upon, so you
don't have to!
By default, the build system will search for system-provided libraries. If it
doesn't find the particular library it wants, it will build the library, itself.
# To disable the use of bundled libraries:
$ cmake -DBUNDLED_LIBS=Off ../
# To disable the searching for system-provided libraries, and use
# bundled libraries exclusively:
$ cmake -DSYSTEM_LIBS=Off ../
EDIT: Esta tudo ai ... Espero ter ajudado!