Partição fica read-only depois de entrar no X

1. Partição fica read-only depois de entrar no X

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 26/06/2012 - 16:34h

Uso ArchLinux

Acontece que a pasta do meu usuário não fica em '/home', fica em outra partição que eu montei em '/media/Lucas'

Hoje quando eu fui ligar meu computador, apareceu inúmeros erros (a maioria do amsn, que acusava não conseguir salvar um arquivo em ~/.cache)
O que aconteceu foi que a partição se tornou read-only.

Tentei investigar o problema:

* As permissões de usuários continuavam normais, sendo meu usuário o dono, todas as pastas tinham permissão de escrita e leitura.
* Eu desloguei da minha conta e desmontei a partição
* Montei a partição denovo, e ela permaneceu read-and-write (leitura e escrita) como o normal.
* Quando fui logar de novo no usuário e entrar no X, a partição voltou a ser read-only

Isso só acontece quando eu entro no terminal gráfico (uso o slim como DM)
Quando eu faço login pelo console, a partição continua read-and-write, mas quando faço um xinit, ou startx a partição vira read-only

1 - O meu log do pacman (/var/log/pacman.log)

[2012-06-25 13:04] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 13:04] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 14:05] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 14:05] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 15:06] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 15:06] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 16:07] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 16:07] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 17:08] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 17:08] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 18:09] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 18:09] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 19:09] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 19:09] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 19:53] Running 'pacman-color -S extra/sane community/simple-scan'
[2012-06-25 19:54] upgraded sane (1.0.22-9 -> 1.0.22-9)
[2012-06-25 19:54] upgraded simple-scan (3.4.1-1 -> 3.4.1-1)
[2012-06-25 20:10] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 20:10] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 21:11] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 21:11] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 22:12] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 22:12] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-25 23:13] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-25 23:13] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-26 13:15] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-26 13:15] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-26 13:21] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-26 13:21] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-26 13:43] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-26 13:43] synchronizing package lists
[2012-06-26 13:56] Running 'pacman-color -R sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 13:57] Running 'pacman-color -Rcs sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 13:58] Running 'pacman-color -R sane'
[2012-06-26 13:58] Running 'pacman-color -R sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 13:58] Running 'pacman-color -R --debug sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 13:58] Running 'pacman-color -R --deps sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 13:58] Running 'pacman-color -Rd sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 13:58] Running 'pacman-color -R --nodeps sane simple-scan'
[2012-06-26 14:03] Running 'pacman-color -R initscripts'
[2012-06-26 14:03] warning: /etc/rc.local saved as /etc/rc.local.pacsave
[2012-06-26 14:03] warning: /etc/rc.conf saved as /etc/rc.conf.pacsave
[2012-06-26 14:03] warning: /etc/inittab saved as /etc/inittab.pacsave
[2012-06-26 14:03] removed initscripts (2012.06.1-1)
[2012-06-26 14:05] Running 'pacman-color -S core/initscripts'
[2012-06-26 14:05] installed initscripts (2012.06.1-1)
[2012-06-26 14:22] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-06-26 14:22] synchronizing package lists

2 - meu /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
# DEVICE DETAILS: /dev/sda2 UUID=ab0d2af5-7f13-43e1-a6c3-750a7eb3c172 LABEL=ARCH
# DEVICE DETAILS: /dev/sda3 UUID=fa2d57f0-a3f9-4309-b176-9b5ba8d6589c LABEL=SWAP
UUID=ab0d2af5-7f13-43e1-a6c3-750a7eb3c172 / ext4 defaults 0 1
UUID=fa2d57f0-a3f9-4309-b176-9b5ba8d6589c swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda4 /media/Lucas reiserfs defaults,rw,user,exec,auto 0 0

3 - /etc/mtab antes de fazer 'startx':

... # linhas anteriores
/dev/sda4 /media/Lucas reiserfs rw,relatime 0 0

4 - /etc/mtab após fazer 'startx':

... # linhas anteriores
/dev/sda4 /media/Lucas reiserfs ro,relatime 0 0

5 - /var/log/messages.log

Jun 26 16:14:42 localhost kernel: [ 999.709021] REISERFS (device sda4): found reiserfs format "3.6" with standard journal
Jun 26 16:14:42 localhost kernel: [ 999.709046] REISERFS (device sda4): using ordered data mode
Jun 26 16:14:42 localhost kernel: [ 999.709048] reiserfs: using flush barriers
Jun 26 16:14:42 localhost kernel: [ 999.716890] REISERFS (device sda4): journal params: device sda4, size 8192, journal first block 18, max trans len 1024, max batch 900, max commit age 30, max trans age 30
Jun 26 16:14:42 localhost kernel: [ 999.717076] REISERFS (device sda4): checking transaction log (sda4)
Jun 26 16:14:42 localhost kernel: [ 999.846688] REISERFS (device sda4): replayed 11 transactions in 0 seconds
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.781627] REISERFS (device sda4): Using r5 hash to sort names
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789812] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [288256 649894 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789848] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 649282 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789867] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 649090 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789885] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 648774 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789902] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 645941 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789918] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 644934 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789934] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 636306 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789962] REISERFS (device sda4): Removing [265705 356674 0x0 SD]..done
Jun 26 16:14:43 localhost kernel: [ 1000.789977] REISERFS (device sda4): There were 8 uncompleted unlinks/truncates. Completed
Jun 26 16:15:34 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: *** info [daemon/processrequest.c(42)]:
Jun 26 16:15:34 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: Request on 6 (console 3)
Jun 26 16:15:34 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: *** info [daemon/disable_paste.c(28)]:
Jun 26 16:15:34 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: disabling pasting per request from virtual console (3)
Jun 26 16:15:34 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: *** info [daemon/processrequest.c(42)]:
Jun 26 16:15:34 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: Request on 6 (console 3)
Jun 26 19:15:42 localhost rtkit-daemon[857]: Successfully made thread 3244 of process 3244 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
Jun 26 16:15:42 localhost pulseaudio[3244]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
Jun 26 16:15:42 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.bluez' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:15:42 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.bluez' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:15:44 localhost mate-session[3226]: EggSMClient-WARNING: Desktop file '/media/Lucas//.config/autostart/Skype.desktop' has malformed Icon key 'skype.png'(should not include extension)
Jun 26 16:15:44 localhost mate-session[3226]: WARNING: Unable to find provider 'compiz' of required component 'windowmanager'
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost mate-session[3226]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'nautilus.desktop': Unable to start application: Texto estava vazio (ou apenas continha espaços)
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost mate-session[3226]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'awn.desktop': Unable to start application: Texto estava vazio (ou apenas continha espaços)
Jun 26 19:15:46 localhost rtkit-daemon[857]: Successfully made thread 3327 of process 3327 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost mate-session[3226]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'compiz.desktop': Unable to start application: Texto estava vazio (ou apenas continha espaços)
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.bluez' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.bluez' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.bluez' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:15:46 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.bluez' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:15:47 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:15:47 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:15:47 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:15:47 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:15:52 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:15:52 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:15:59 localhost kernel: [ 1076.797694] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 2632 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:15:59 localhost kernel: [ 1076.797700] REISERFS (device sda4): Remounting filesystem read-only
Jun 26 16:15:59 localhost kernel: [ 1076.797734] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 2632 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:15:59 localhost kernel: [ 1076.797750] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 2632 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:15:59 localhost kernel: [ 1076.797764] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 2632 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:15:59 localhost kernel: [ 1076.797807] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 2632 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872376] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872411] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872428] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872445] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872458] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872470] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872483] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872496] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872509] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872522] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872535] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872551] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872564] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872577] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872591] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872604] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872616] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872629] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872641] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872654] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872667] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:00 localhost kernel: [ 1076.872680] REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 46309 does not match to the expected one 1
Jun 26 16:16:24 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Jun 26 16:16:24 localhost dbus[627]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Jun 26 16:16:36 localhost mate-session[3226]: EggSMClient-WARNING: Desktop file '/usr/share/applications/skype.desktop' has malformed Icon key 'skype.png'(should not include extension)
Jun 26 16:16:50 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: *** info [mice.c(1988)]:
Jun 26 16:16:50 localhost /usr/sbin/gpm[596]: imps2: Auto-detected intellimouse


2. Re: Partição fica read-only depois de entrar no X

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 29/06/2012 - 13:01h

Problema resolvido no forum do arch linux (em inglês):

3. Re: Partição fica read-only depois de entrar no X

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 29/06/2012 - 13:10h

agora faz uma dica de como resolveu e posta aqui no VOL

4. Re: Partição fica read-only depois de entrar no X

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 29/06/2012 - 13:35h

foi só fazer um fsck, é que a minha partição estava MUITO corrompída, tanto que tive que fazer um fsck.

Não sei se é porque a partição é reiserfs, porque com ext4 isso nunca aconteceu comigo, ou se foi só coincidência...

...Talvez deve ser que esse meu HD é só ruim mesmo...

5. Re: Partição fica read-only depois de entrar no X


(usa Arch Linux)

Enviado em 29/06/2012 - 16:00h

Se resolveu o problema coloque RESOLVIDO no tópico :D


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