Programando em Python no VIM com recurso de auto-completar (python-jedi)
Publicado por Fábio Berbert de Paula em 20/10/2017
[ Hits: 8.547 ]
# Name User Status System Status editexisting removed removed justify removed removed matchit removed removed python-jedi installed removedcat ~/.vim/plugins/jedi.vim
"jedi-vim - Omni Completion for python in vim " Maintainer: David Halter <> " " This part of the software is just the vim interface. The really big deal is " the Jedi Python library. if !exists("g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration") || g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration " jedi-vim doesn't work in compatible mode (vim script syntax problems) if &compatible set nocompatible endif " jedi-vim really needs, otherwise jedi-vim cannot start. filetype plugin on " Change completeopt, but only if it has Vim's default value. let s:save_completeopt=&completeopt set completeopt& let s:default_completeopt=&completeopt let &completeopt=s:save_completeopt if s:default_completeopt == &completeopt set completeopt=menuone,longest,preview endif if len(mapcheck('<C-c>', 'i')) == 0 inoremap <C-c> <ESC> endif endif " Pyimport command command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,jedi#py_import_completions Pyimport :call jedi#py_import(<q-args>) command! -nargs=0 JediDebugInfo call jedi#debug_info() command! -nargs=0 -bang JediClearCache call jedi#clear_cache(<bang>0) " vim: set et ts=4:
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