Habilitando/desabilitando o touchpad através da tecla de função Fn (Fn + F9) em notebooks Asus
Publicado por David Lorente em 10/03/2016
[ Hits: 6.426 ]
#!/bin/bash declare -i IDp ID=`xinput list | grep -Eio 'touchpad\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}'` declare -i STATE STATE=`xinput list-props $ID|grep 'Device Enabled'|awk '{print $4}'` if [ $STATE -eq 1 ] then xinput disable $ID # echo "Touchpad disabled." # notify-send 'Touchpad' 'Disabled' -i /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/devices/input-touchpad.png else xinput enable $ID # echo "Touchpad enabled." # notify-send 'Touchpad' 'Enabled' -i /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/devices/input-touchpad.png fi
#!/bin/bash # Script touchpad_toogle.sh: habilita/desabilita o touchpad por meio das teclas de atalho (fn+f9) # Local onde a trava será criadap CMD="/home/username/.local/share/scripts/touchpad" ID=$(xinput list | grep -Eio 'touchpad\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}') STATE=$(xinput list-props $ID | grep 'Device Enabled' | awk '{print $4}') if [ $STATE -eq 1 ] then xinput disable $ID # make the lock to remember the touchpad's last status touch $CMD/touchpad.lock # echo "Touchpad enabled." notify-send -t 3000 'Touchpad' 'Disabled' -i /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/48x48/apps/input-touchpad.svg else xinput enable $ID # remove the lock to remember the touchpad's last status if [ -f $CMD/touchpad.lock ] then rm $CMD/touchpad.lock fi # echo "Touchpad enabled." notify-send -t 3000 'Touchpad' 'Enabled' -i /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/48x48/apps/input-touchpad.svg fi
#!/bin/sh # Script touchpad_last_status.sh: verifica o último status do touchpad. # # Esse script deve ser executado ao fazer o login. Novamente no Xfce, fazemos a inclusão desse arquivo em: # "Settings > Settings Manager > Session and Startup", aba "Application Autostart". # Local onde a trava está localizada CMD="/home/username/.local/share/scripts/touchpad" ID=$(xinput list | grep -Eio 'touchpad\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}') if [ -f $CMD/touchpad.lock ] then # Desabilita o touchpad xinput disable $ID fi
ID=$(xinput list | grep -Eio 'touchpad\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}') xinput disable $ID
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