Implementação de OpenVAS-5 em Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Neste artigo será apresentada a implementação do software OpenVAS-5 em ambiente Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS. Além de realizar também varreduras de vulnerabilidades diversas.
[ Hits: 28.755 ]
Por: Thiago em 30/05/2012 | Blog:
Step 1: Checking OpenVAS Scanner ...
OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version 3.3.1.
OK: OpenVAS Scanner CA Certificate is present as /var/lib/openvas/CA/cacert.pem.
OK: NVT collection in /var/lib/openvas/plugins contains 25563 NVTs.
WARNING: Signature checking of NVTs is not enabled in OpenVAS Scanner.
SUGGEST: Enable signature checking (see
Step 2: Checking OpenVAS Manager ...
OK: OpenVAS Manager is present in version 3.0.1.
OK: OpenVAS Manager client certificate is present as /var/lib/openvas/CA/clientcert.pem.
OK: OpenVAS Manager database found in /var/lib/openvas/mgr/tasks.db.
OK: Access rights for the OpenVAS Manager database are correct.
OK: sqlite3 found, extended checks of the OpenVAS Manager installation enabled.
OK: OpenVAS Manager database is at revision 56.
OK: OpenVAS Manager expects database at revision 56.
OK: Database schema is up to date.
OK: OpenVAS Manager database contains information about 25563 NVTs.
OK: xsltproc found.
Step 3: Checking OpenVAS Administrator ...
OK: OpenVAS Administrator is present in version 1.2.0.
OK: At least one user exists.
OK: At least one admin user exists.
Step 4: Checking Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) ...
OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is present in version 3.0.1.
Step 5: Checking OpenVAS CLI ...
OK: OpenVAS CLI version 1.1.4.SVN.
Step 6: Checking Greenbone Security Desktop (GSD) ...
OK: Greenbone Security Desktop is present in Version 1.2.2.
Step 7: Checking if OpenVAS services are up and running ...
OK: netstat found, extended checks of the OpenVAS services enabled.
OK: OpenVAS Scanner is running and listening only on the local interface.
OK: OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port 9391, which is the default port.
WARNING: OpenVAS Manager is running and listening only on the local interface. This means that you will not be able to access the OpenVAS Manager from the outside
SUGGEST: Ensure that OpenVAS Manager listens on all interfaces.
OK: OpenVAS Manager is listening on port 9390, which is the default port.
OK: OpenVAS Administrator is running and listening only on the local interface.
OK: OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port 9393, which is the default port.
WARNING: Greenbone Security Assistant is running and listening only on the local interface. This means that you will not be able to access the Greenbone Security
from the outside using a web browser.
SUGGEST: Ensure that Greenbone Security Assistant listens on all interfaces.
OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on port 9392, which is the default port.
Step 8: Checking nmap installation ...
WARNING: Your version of nmap is not fully supported: 6.01
SUGGEST: You should install nmap 5.51.
Step 9: Checking presence of optional tools ...
WARNING: Could not find pdflatex binary, the PDF report format will not work.
SUGGEST: Install pdflatex.
OK: ssh-keygen found, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets is likely to work.
WARNING: Could not find rpm binary, LSC credential package generation for RPM and DEB based targets will not work.
SUGGEST: Install rpm.
WARNING: Could not find makensis binary, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets will not work.
SUGGEST: Install nsis.
It seems like your OpenVAS-5 installation is OK.
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